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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. Happy new years ! In regards to fighting teamkilling with teamkilling:
  2. Added: signup form in original post. Be aware if you signup I expect you to be there, if you cant come either poke\msg me on teamspeak as early as possible, and especially if you are in one of the leading elements. Added shorthand briefing sheet in second post. This mission is not lollygagging around shooting baddies while listening to derptunez vol 15. So no mucking about in any form
  3. Script was made cause: a) I wanted to play around with ropes and just try to make this =P Intended use is to put soldiers on stuff thats not landable i.e small houses with non-flat roofs, hill sides where you cant safely balance with skids on etc... tho landing th e littlebird will always be faster, this script is for adding more insertion options.
  4. Inspired by Rykos awesome gifts to us, i spent a couple of hours making this: The thing on the right is what you need to look at Vid of it, tho ropes and arma are janky as fuck and i managed to fuck up the codec to stuff is not as "smooth" as ingame. Code:
  5. Signupform added at end of original post. Shorthand briefing available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz7oKreaiJOoaDVSOGtfdGN6Qzg Any questions can be sent to me. Current Squad setup https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iK8Fi6YsMiTY_U-oK0g89eGuk3a5IIJWVWLGszf_wGY/edit
  6. GAMENIGHT POSTPONED TO 3/1/16 @ 15:30 GMT due to internet issues and some other things. Hope this hasn't caused y'all to much trouble. See y'all tomorrow! ***START MESSAGE*** ***BAT.DEPLOYMENT IMMINENT*** ***STANDBY FOR BRIEF AND SME ATTACHMENT*** 3112-0600 GMT PAC forces launched a large scale invasion of the territories of AHOY. ​Mobilization of 3.MEC and 3.CSE approved. First operation has been planned, SME follows. ***END MESSAGE***
  7. Tfar had magic full duplex radios that really just doesnt make radio disipline easy to enforce. Now you need to have proper disipline just asnin real life or youll jam comms on the net your keying up on
  8. So the holidays are aproaching and I thought I would give you guys a update on the status and direction of Valiant and other things. Valiant\Gauntlet First and foremost Gauntlet is now legacy "software" and will not be maintained by me at all, so kudos to the guys who hot-fixed it post 1.54. Moving on: Valiant has been put on hold until the holidays are over and the new year rings in because work has been pretty hectic and I havent had the energy to put in hours on development. So the 300+hours i spent on it in october still is as how far as I got. This means the mission currently is pre-alpha tested for stability in the main and side FSMs for mission selecting and it has 5 main missions and 3 side missions. This wil be expanded upon when I deem the selector FSMs rock stable(which pre-alpha tests showed it was). Expanding upon the initial 300+hours of deving a new "backend" plus learning FSM will be some form of AAR\Stattracking in the form of ALiVE mods stuff we tested on the Insurgency mission we played, I will not however add any object\player persistency as saving the current mission state(in-game mission) is not viable and I dont want to add any mod dependencies as I made valiant as effortlessly possible to just port over. By effortlessly I mean copy over the code onto a base-template and alter the DAC unit configs to whatever you have as your poison. Moving on yet again, I have a question for you the users: Gamenight(s) Upon player Valiant_Insurgency I felt that the general consensus was that this was great fun and I felt I could make some improvements\other styles of the same deal(Persistent,multi sessions to complete) and I was thinking that I would make a fictional Nation and Scenario where the small nation of Ahoy had to push a invader out of their territories(All viable maps in the repo). This generally would mean in rough outlines that each mission would take 2-3 game-nights to complete depending on how far\long we take to push and repell the occupying forces. We would need to use logistics properly as in I will give the platoon a set amount of ammo in the form of either crates\ammo-trucks\rhinos that need to be moved as we gain ground and general CSS(combat service support) would be maintained in a more expanded approach than we use atm i.e repairs,refueling etc. Re-spawn will be handled like in Val-Ins with a spawn timer of 10 minutes (or more). Fixed loadout would be in effect as we are a nations army and not pmc-esque style of Valiant\Gauntlet. Regards Christiansen AW_Valiant lead coder & EU3 Manager
  9. RHS\TRYK + what evermore mods we have that adds custom vests etc. havnent gotten around to update to the new armor config system(Body armor protection level) so if we use the config all RHS vest would work but the other dressup mods wont as there is no "hotfix" for them yet. If you die alot, take a vanilla vest or the RHS ones if we add the config patch.
  10. Updated system after I bought the new apartment( my own computer room yay) : So what happened is that I fully custom watercooled my system =P
  11. Here is how the AAR is going to look like:
  12. So I did some writing on the backstory etc. for this mission. Backstory Good to know for any user participating So as you can read this isnt your run of the mill guns blazing mission. You will need to scout and recon alot more than we use to do on our events as I have no clue where the IED factories,weapons depots and recruitment offices will pop up !
  13. Update: im going to divert a bit from the mantra of gauntlet with this project, looking into something from the arma2 days so expect it to be quiet while i make some research and drop some code lines... If my research comes to fruition you guys will be the first to know
  14. -Spawning fixed, was one of the first things i fixed -Fob cant spawn in glitchy are as ive set it to find a flatPos, further tweaking might be needed for the fnc. - no scaling, ill tweak the amount per feedback -every mission is failable i.e blowing up the fob. Also ive rewritten the selector FSM to select more randomly. -i used the shilka as a AAA emplacement as a competent pilot can out maneuver the incoming fire. Manpads would give pilots 0.5 seconds to react as AI tend to fire when you are really close. FOB truck is getting fixed in the next build, i forgot tve correct pathing in the addaction
  15. fraaaames, as having multiple AO's at once degrade the fps dramatically if anyone would be to activate them all at once, i.e a chopper scouting etc. as the server would start simulating for AI that are at the other AO's. As it stands now im limiting it to 1 main mission and 1 side mission plus the emplacements and ambient AI. If testing shows that server fps is still good i might increase it a bit. Also you can take the FOB out and run ops from there as the system is setup so that it wont spawn a mission near a player, so there shouldnt be any problem with getting hotdropped by a mission =)
  16. *Update* Game blockers from last mission (side\main not spawning) has been fixed, also fixed some stray vars that should mean that the radarsite mission should work now =)
  17. Introducing: AW_Valiant So what is this Valiant you speak of ? Valiant is the natural "Evolution" of Gauntlet as in a lot of stuff could be done better in gauntlet coding and performance wise in the back-end and instead of just rehashing and doing stuff to Gauntlet code i decided to just start fresh. This resulted in a back-end that is in 90% of the cases hassle free to port to a map as it doesn't rely on preplaced markers etc for missions spawns as it now uses ​functions to find different areas etc. Hopefully this "start from scratch" approach has worked out some of the quirks Gauntlet had. It also is alot more modular in terms of settings when you start the mission, arsenal, spectator etc. are all definable in mission params in the role select lobby. Okay... cool, so is there anything new ? Yes! Theres is now side missions running alongside the main missions, there is emplacements of various kinds(in this alpha it will only be running AAA emplacements). And im also looking into some other stuff that is still TBA. Sweet so what should I do ? I'm stress testing the mission for 2X players this coming date: 13-11-2015 @ 1900GMT and I need you to put you'r name in this FORM The first 2X players that sign up is going to get to play and will be briefed about different aspects before we step off I hope to see a good turnout for this small stress test of Valiant.
  18. Idea is a good one,only forseable problem is that we just dont have the playerbase to pull off combined arms divisions on both sides. So maybe scale it down to infantry only or mechanized squads?
  19. The new mission is modular like that but its off a way from getting released
  20. A10C pending my stick arrives, if not i can fly the A10A for some bombing\wild weasel's for you =)
  21. Bottle of virtual whatever(beer\liqueur) to Jochem Bottle of virtual whatever(beer\liqueur) to Jochem
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