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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. Walkaround of my constellation, also gonna post a video of me doing some dogfighting later.
  2. Me testing the ejection function on the F7 Hornet http://youtu.be/mHAmYGE-QGg
  3. Just found this compilation of CG-scenes from the company Blur Studios and I have to say that with the music this is one of my favourite youtube clips.
  4. And coddies ate probably gonna be occupied with COD: lazorw4rf4r3(adv.warfare). This has some potential, ot looks like it doesnt take too much to die, the only thing that i kinda reacted on was that one of the hostage takers went outside and killed the sniper, wouldnt the house be surrounded by other policemen than just this team...
  5. It looks quite cool actually, watch the video, but disregard the scripted tacticool voices of the players
  6. Baah, im having all kinds of problems even patching the game, ive reinstalled 3 times now and tries alot of diffrent "how to fix" on the forums but nothing is working -.-
  7. I for once hope that it gets restrocted, rmember on the "old" times the players had a fleet of 10 varsuks, which meant AOs was a breeze
  8. kennychr

    Hai all

    Welcome to the forums and community Dennis! Hope you enjoy your stay =)
  9. They do recognize you as an enemy even if you are wearing opfor clother( which you cant pick up ingame cause its against the geneva conventions in IRL). But you can probably script it with some variable like setCaptive. Tho that in mind if you shoot one enemy AI you are automatically hostile again if i remember correctly. Hope this helps Also moved to a more fitting sub-forum =)
  10. I dont know, as of now the thing that fits in the bay is the p-52 snub nose, i dont know the specs of that, but i think it wont fit. EDIT: In my head it should be possible to retrofit the p-51 as a recon\stealthy ship as its really small so going by "radar-cross section" it should be hard to detect as off its small size. And also the F7-s is about twice as big and double the weight.
  11. I think ill buy a hornet ghost, I remember I loved sneaking around with a cloak in EVE back in the day, so would be cool to do some exploration\surveilance stuff in it. And also AWS,Ahoy World Space(name pending) has opened its doors. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/AWS
  12. kennychr


    Welcome to the servers and the community =)
  13. http://www.vice.com/read/the-strange-tale-of-the-british-soldier-who-killed-nazis-with-a-sword-and-a-longbow Just read the norwegian version of this, and i have to say this dude was a BAMF to the letter.
  14. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178057-Littoral-Combat-Ship-(-LCS-1-) Im impressed what modders can make, this is a LCS ship with functioning guns and its drivable etc. the only limitation is that the ship has to be "parked" to be able to walk on the decks. Could be interesting to use as firesupport in a mission.. What do you guys think ?
  15. Is that 42R or L ? Welcome aboard!
  16. #sheepbattle Welcome to the community Miksi!
  17. Welcome to the community =)
  18. Cant wait to test it out, to bad my constellation isnt slated for the first release of arena commander, wondering what ship i wil get in the meantime..
  19. Quick update: Been working on a 10v10 pvp map on stratis, key notes are : sabotage and ambush,intel search.. Wil update when im finished with stuff in the backend of the mission, considering making it a permadeath or long respawn time, tho I dont know if this will make players more tactical or just whine and leave ?
  20. Hahah brilliant I totally lost it when i watched this one (one of the last scenes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOpdnWYZ_ichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOpdnWYZ_ic
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