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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. My perspective https://youtu.be/8nNnJ_DgIyo
  2. To point out: airfields havent had their supplies added yet. And there where nonadded standard loadouts
  3. kennychr

    Valiant PTC-2

    well youtube wouldt coperate so here is a new stream link :
  4. kennychr

    Valiant PTC-2

    So long overdue its here, the PTC-2(Public Test Candidate) What's this? Its a test to iron out and find any bugs in the current codebase of Valiant. Its testing of how it flows from mission start untill we have boots on ground and have captured the first airfield that starts the missions. Caching of enemies, pre-init preloaded role specific VA to cut down on loading times ingame etc. What this isn't A finished product, as the name implies its a test candidate and it should be expected that stuff might break or no be as complete as you want it to be but I hope you see past that and play withing the constraints that are in the current form of the mission(Whining and general idiocy will be met with a shutdown of the server for the rest of the night.) When is it ? I am aiming for 2000 GMT @ 9th April What do I need? Standard EU3 modset and optional beer(Im bringing alot) What does this acomplish? Helps me get feedback on the current mission flow and evaluate if it is working as intended and in the long run help me give YOU a smooth (criminal?) mission to play on. As if this test is non-eventful I hope to shift my attention to the feature side of things in the mission But I cant make it but want to watch? Fear not, for as I need to run monitoring of stuff(s) in the background and generally whizz around in freecam and\or zeus ill be live streaming it. I will update here with the stream link(YT gaming) so that you can watch on anyone of the devices you own(or steal you friends tablet). Afterwords There will be no signup however treat this as a fully fledged gamenight with added strictness on fucking about as that steals a lot of time and will slow down the testing considerably. So I hope for a good turnup and hopefully everything will go smooth =)
  5. kennychr

    Changes to EU3

    This was a april fools
  6. kennychr

    Changes to EU3

    This will be made possible with the help of the one of the devs of LifeYO which wrote a DLL for us to integrate with the server and website. /* * Author: Pfc.Christiansen * Getter for AW Coint integration * * Arguments: * 0: STRING (PLAYER) * * Return Value: * STRING (AW COINs) * * Example: * In Desc.ext [player] call AW_fnc_coingrabber * * Public: [Yes/No] */ //::::::: DLL FNC fnc_getExt = { __#DEFINE paramUID (HINTARG + STR PLAYERID); __#DEFINE GVAR_GETAWCOINS (HASHCREATE+ [HASH_GET(aw_coins,_UID)]); }; params ["_player"]; //:::::: First check if player has AW_COIN ADDON _coins = #DEBUG checkFile (expansion\Dta\AW_COINS.pbo); if (_coins) then { //Conect to extDB _playerCon call fnc_getExt; //Check if connection was succsessfull if (_playerCon) then { //Use getvar to check DB for cointamount based on var set by HASH sent to variable set on player[Wil default to 1 if first time playing] _playerCointAmount GETVAR(_player,"AW_COINS",1); //Call AW VA Modified to get\update\and use AW coins [_player,_playerCointAmount] call AW_VA_Mod; } else exitWith {hint "no connection to external database,please rejoin!"}; } else exitWith { hint "You are missing AW_COINS Addon, you will need to download it to get weapons and vehicles"; #kick _player; };
  7. Going to keep this quick and easy: PTC-1 has been completed as of yesterday, testing the flow of the start of the mission mainly: Getting of the LHD and bringing in supplies after the ground troops had landed. This aspect will be further augmented by the MK10 when I finish up the PTC-2. What does PTC-2 entail you ask ? : Getting in all the specialized units on the mission, doing all the ACE modules correctly as PTC-1 had just the bare essentials to make it playable in comparison to Gauntlet. Tweaking of the amount of enemies spawned in and how they are going about the AO's. Finish of the cleaner for when a mission ends, and sort our the final form of the AF logic and doing repair pads etc. So as you can see PTC-2 will be getting the the mission out of "barebones testingmode" into a more wholesome mission. I would now like to present the following: EU3\Valiant Wiki and info site This page is currently under construction on the Valiant part, but I have put in most of the stuff laying about the forums about how-to's and other misc stuff pertaining to EU3 in a much more eye-friendly package than I could make on IPB (REF EU3 tab). The plan is to make a complete WIKI and Information page about EU3 and Valiant when that releases so I hope you enjoy my efforts so far. -Chris
  8. So its test time, expect stuff to be broken, stuff not implemented\functional yet. Stuff to be diffrent from the old ways and generally this is still far from finished content wise! 20 slots. first come first serve. no fucking about, play it as a gamenight, as adjustments will be made according to feedback. Be advised that after the test I would like you to signup on the gitlab page for valiant to submit you feedback there, link will be shared when the final peeps are signed up. !REQUIREMENTS! EU3 Modset LCAC Mod (download here ) SIGNUP FORM.
  9. When life is cray cray, mass deletions and modifications to a mod is the way way. Im working on making parts of CUP that we have use for. Ref: UK stuff and Ger stuff. I did some preliminary work on Monday and I am finishing it off today or tomorrow depending on how much The Division consumes me. But rest assured RHS isnt going anywhere
  10. If you have any RL questions about combat engineering pancake feel free to pm me. Did my conscript period as a combat engineer.
  11. So been kinda slow on the development front lately as I have had alot of overtime at work. But quick update : InternalTestingCanditate-1 is around 65%done in testing, 6 issues where uncovered and squashed, one needs another test on dedicated. Then ICT-1 gets merged into mainbranch of the mission. Pending that the PTC-1 will be branched for the public test. 1st stage is testing of initial mission init where you have to capture one of the airfields in order to establish a base, where from ill add a teaser pic in the bottom of this post. When the initial capturing has been done Ill need people to write down feedback on how it felt etc. where to do that ill show when we get there 2nd stage is the logistical aspect of it. i.e im emphesizing more on actually staying more in the field in this mission than previous so ive put inplace some stuff thatl be explained fleshed out later. 3rd stage is doing actual missions. the ICT-1 and PCT-1 will have limited mission numbers as ive done alot of changes backend with writing a custom AI-spawner and addin caching and hc support to the mission for them sweet sweet frames that you love and hopefully i succeeded in doing so with the changes. When this is done, issues that gets logged and or noted under test will be opened and changes will be done and the issues will be closed. Then PCT-1 will be merged with main branch. Then i branch out a new branch for mission development which subsequently gets tested and tested... then merged back in and voila we have a RC which can be played!
  12. I am working on something that hopefully will get the best from both worlds but nothing is given the greenlight yet =)
  13. try to switch to not automatic and not direct
  14. What is your capture mod set on ts ? ref: https://gyazo.com/f8f33b878d2a6bbb3c81c3d56a95e26a
  15. Excuse me ? I spent hours making functions etc to try to get it sorted with channel naming so that eu3 players could have a easy usage of it instead of having to use the map to put down channel markers. And this was after I said I was moving to Valiant. Also there was a lot of players using Arsenal radios which broke it too so that was a variable we could not control. Bacon spent hours too trying to fix it too by tweaking and altering what I wrote. Hell I even wrote code when I was on a business trip... Me, Ryko and Origins was on to something that eventually didn't pan out as; well it worked on one dedicated but then stopped working so now we are not using channel names any more. So now it works straight out of the box as long as you don't use Arsenal to get your radio. So before you go and say stuff you clearly don't know about get your fucking facts straight cause you just shit all over my work trying to fix it.
  16. So I am guessing from stuff I have glanced on at the forums that there is a small(large?) need for info about Valiant. Ill give a quick update about where its at now, what has happened since it was first started and where im currently at. Since the first init of the codebase of valiant I have done : 60 commits during 106 days Added: 20k lines of code( DAC and the way FSM is regarded in git subtracted roughly). Removed: around 5k lines of code( DAC and the way FSM is regarded in git subtracted roughly). Made some alterations in the way the FSMs act, fixed countless stray variables. Added logging to all relevant states in the states off all mission currently in the framework to ease debugging. There is currently 4 main missions and 2 side missions, more will be added but mission generating is on hold until my current feature is completed and tested in a AW TC (coming soon). Honestly a lot more work that I cant remember cause I probably suppressed cause headaches. What im currently doing work in is a rewrite of the missions(completed) and other aspects of the mission to accompany diffrent modsets(ref units etc) so that when it goes public outside of AW. Users\communities have a mission param to select what modset they use. In the start this will be limited to RHS,CUP and Vanilla as those are the most mainstream IMO. A Test Candidate will probably be tested on EU#3 in either this weekend or the next one. Ill see how much time I have to work on it tomorrow. For now here are two pictures of the threats other than ambient you will face. Positioning will be fixed.
  17. System specs: Watercooling parts used: Fans: I was getting tired of my (in my own opinion) 1337leet tower and decided to go for something more cleaner to the eyes than the CM HAF XM case I was running my system in before. The case i decided to watercool was the Corsair Carbide Air 520: I started by stripping down the case to the chassis: Painted the black parts red for some better contrast(the red is redder IRL then the picture,cam on phone doesnt like interior lighting): Test fitting the front 360mm Rad, expecting tight fitment towards the top rad!: Fast forward a bit, front end business complete, note the QD fitting for a easy GPU upgrade: Mid runing hoses to the pump\resorvoir combo: Some beauty shots with my SLR when I had it up after leak testing for 24h(I have redone the cables on the I\O for a cleaner look after this):
  18. ACRE init fails should be fixed for next playsession. BUUT the alivesaving didnt work, so next time we will start on the airfield with all assets that we where to capture.
  19. Slots updated with signups from today at this time. Do note that im prioritizing filling up Alpha and the specialization squads. There is no point in having 2 squads that are half full.
  20. If you want to see how we have to do the VA limiting atm cause of BIS logic :
  21. Updated with current slots that have been distributed out from signup
  22. Dependent of signups, deployment may be pushed back to 9.Jan. Ill update thread @ midnight
  23. Pancake you'r assumption is correct. Login=CES
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