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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. From my point of view: Navistar gets you there in one piece(if you dont head into a kamysh\t100) but slower, the hmmws gets you there faster but you still take dmg from SAF. So its down to hmmws are faster and agil. Navistar is slower\better protection and a pain to turn.
  2. Cool, ill check it out later, i love the gameplay in this be it sneaking around trying to find out what route blufor is taking or fighting your way thru blockades as blufor
  3. kennychr

    DayZ Server

    Im at castle Rog with broken legs =/ No rags just sticks so i cant make a splint all thanks to a tiiiiny rock. Also its gonna be fun when persistency hits
  4. kennychr

    Modded Server

    I second dingos post, tho the hmd i have suggested to josh a week ago,as this brings more usefull intel to the pilot.
  5. Did some changeups, this will now be a discussion thread regarding ahosec and event\mission info and links to signup forms will be linked in other thread, please keep discussion here and not in the other thread. Currently working on a bigger scale mission for 2x6 man fireteams with support, also adding TFAR to help with immersion and in-squad communication.
  6. Looks like howitzers or autocannon and .50 to me. And thats one way to spend ammo
  7. Im thinking this weekend if it suits all that have signed up!
  8. Loadout thing is easy,just use "set/get loadout" on google and youll find the script that works flawlessly
  9. Grimes is good, uses the stick arma respawn system, tho you need to have a separate script that handles loadouts! This is if i remember correctly as i used this one in two of my pvp missions
  10. put your mod on when you launch the game and then start the editor, open the mission and then place the C17 where you want, then save it, then your good to go.
  11. its signup, just figuring out how many people is suited for the first couple of missions
  12. Rising Dawn This is the first contract for the newly started AHOSEC, we don't have all of our gear from the main-base yet, and it doesn't look like it will be arriving anytime soon because of the blockade offshore. NATO has contracted us with intel gathering in a low-hostile zone, we are to drive up and talk with the contact and get the whereabouts on a HVT. Nato warns us that we need to pass an OPFOR cache on the way there, and we are free to engage and take what we can. Also the town we are going to, has seen an increase in OPFOR flyovers, we dont know what they are planning yet but we should be in and out quickly enough to not see any significant action. Hardware and gear is limited as the OPFOR blockade is still in-effect. Personnel: -Teamleader - Christiansen -Rifleman - Stuffedsheep -Rifleman - Alganthe -Rifleman - Baconmop -Rifleman - Danny -Combat Medic - Cain
  13. kennychr

    Modded Server

    Isnt there a mag-repack in AGM? Or was that in CSE?
  14. I rarely use a pistol and I think the .45 Nato thing serves it purpose as a sidearm. PG service was broken as f... last time I checked it out, and its basically a black vest and some shirts and a re-textured littlebird so the guerrilla uniforms serves plentiful as a "pmc" uniform. Also im trying to keep the list down so that users dont have to dl XX amount of mods to play. And i find that using a small amount of mods keeps the compatibly in check.
  15. This thread is for discussion AHOSEC missions and other relevant topics regarding it
  16. Im running a zotac 760 2gb non TI and i get decent frames on arma, i have a old i7 2600k non-oc and 8gb of ram.. i think that card has dropped in price?
  17. http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3074-unscheduled-arma3-server-maintenance/
  18. Applied, GanryuuX, se you on the tarmac =)
  19. got the randomspawn and loot down, need to do some checking for how to do a shrinking zone,tho it should be fairly easy =)
  20. I could do some stuff so that it fits for vanilla arma, so you dont have to be dependent on all them weapon mods basically skip the plane bit and have the players start in the air and then just do some loot spawning and figuring out a zone-thing.
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