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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. I dont see as why it should take 30mins to get set as if you actually try to test if everything works before the event is set you should have no problems at all. Tho if people decide to postpone the download of mods etc. you will usually get trouble..
  2. That is not something we are aiming for with public gamenights as it should be easily available to the public, so you can just jump in with vanilla arma, not downloading tonnes of mods before joining the server =). Edit: I forgot to mention that events where you have to sign up, like taki patrols etc. will use mods like before. So fear not i have some stuff in the works that will come later on.
  3. I was thinking of making a hostage rescue type mission for the pub event on the 17th.. Tho you beat me to mentioning it, also im looking at making a bomb defusal type mission where you have to search locations for intel on what the code is etc.. Im alittle stumped at IRL work stuff atm, so I havent done anything scripting\mission location wise yet, but it shouldnt take too long etching out something and polishing it. Hope that sheds some light on what I am thinking of Public event wise. =) And thank you for giving some tips on what to make, I too like diversity.
  4. Ive made a couple of other missions for gamenights in the past,mostly sucsessfull objective based asymetrical pvp stuff, like this The device will be a bomb defusal type of scenario where opfor has to guard it, and blufor wil be given a time where they have to defuse\disable the device before it activates. Im still doing some bunkers\defence pos for opfor and some map clutter for cover for the blufor.
  5. So Im making a new PVP mission and here is a teaser promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8UDPGWOBU8
  6. Aha, havent checked out r3f, so what mods are mandatory on the event ? a3mp aand... ?
  7. shack tacks LB mod doesnt work in arma 3, as it uses attachTo and some cba-scripting, trust me i have tried modifying in to work in a3, but the problems is still the attachTo command that breaks the controls etc. when used. Altho i expect more when it comes to slinging than just som rope-like poles that is between the heli and slinged object. I would like to see inertia and stuff so that if you go 150km\h+ and do a full stopp suddenly the load could swing up into the chopper.
  8. Sooo stumbled upon this on BIS: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/460-arma-3-roadmap-201415 Basically they are going to add more choppers in a DLC with sling loading coming to all choppers and they are thinking of making it possible to shoot from choppers. Hope they dont fuck something up (yeah right!)
  9. have followed that on the bis forums since it was announced that he was porting it to arma3, love the details in that thing, gonna use it for the next mission i make, also thinking of using the a2 apache mod that i saw which is incredibly detailed, the apache mod also supports track-ir gun-control to mimic its real-life counterpart in terms of you look at what you shoot ^^
  10. Lorenzo I was using Massis Nato SF weapons on the taki patrols I made =)
  11. Also i have a oragnisation up called Omwga Group, tho if we are gonna run a aw organization that would ve cool too
  12. Im struggling with getting ptt to work with ShadowPlay -.-
  13. Constellation+thinking of buying something smaller, maybe a Anvil Hornet Ghost or something like it. Alpha\Beta accsess
  14. Put togheter a quick edit of the action from our play on the Taki Patrols mission. Hope you like it.
  15. That was a nice ehm "landing"
  16. Gamenights/afternoons etc, will be announced. Doing some finishing touches on the ground version
  17. Christiansen presents: What is the hunt?: TheHunt was made on a whim by me when i started learning scripting, I wanted a mission where the teams weren't balanced.The mission was created like a search and rescue mission for blufor while Indep needed to survive from the opfor hunting them. This was also my first time scripting something a bit more advanced than a simple marker, this spawned the creation of a marker that is not 100% accurate and a script for making a random extraction zone with a vehicle. The mission later developed into two diffrent types, the orginal is still airbased and a new type where its more ground focused. Mission types: The Hunt Air current version: 0.6: Indep has a downed squad with a VIP that needs rescuing and has called in a favor from NATO forces, NATO has scrambled one hellcat with crew and a squad size element of rescuers. The only problem is that the sos beacon the VIP is carrying is transmitting on a un-encrypted channel so anyone can find their approximate location. When thats said OPFOR has a Killsquad stationed somewhere on the island and has heard the SOS and is keen to kill the VIP. They are a squadsized+ element with an armed Orca as support. Blufor needs to get at least the VIP to the extract choppers location to succeed. The VIPs approximate location is displayed by a round diaggrid circle in blue that updates every 90seconds and is accurate within 200metres. The Hunt Ground current version 0.1: This was created after initial playtesting discovered that sometimes you would get intense firefights and gameplay if opfor succeeded in getting ground teams inbetween indep and the blufor rescue or disabling the blufor chopper so they had to wait untill a new one got respawned. This type is more ground centered and changed a bit from the original in that: There are now two teams instead of three ( Blufor and Indep) this is set post altis-conflict between NATO and Indep. The same game-mechanics i made are still there as in sos beacon\marker and random extract. The mission objective is: Blufor: The squad needs to escort a VIP officer to his extract, he needs to call it in via the addaction he gets after 180seconds, this is still un-encrypted so whoever hears it will find your aproximate location within 200meters. Indep: You are monitoring all channels looking for remenant nato forces and need to dispatch them, intel suggest there is a squad element moving a VIP to a extraction somewhere on Altis. Your current hardware are 2xOffroad Armed and 1x Hellcat unarmed. This mission has perma-death, so if you go down and they cant heal you in time you are dead! This is to promote more tactical play instead of just gunning it and chopper ramming etc..
  18. Velkommen til Ahoy =) ( others you can google it =) )
  19. Well... i have no words.. www.youtube.com/embed/ewamnvdk6Xc
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