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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. Im game, something with pewpewpewpew (autorifleman)
  2. Update 0.6 -tweaked zones and added cqb module for kavala and pyrgos. -INS tweaking and adding of people who can revive. -Updated igiLoad to 0.97 -added c130j by thebuu, this enables transport of large quantity of personell and hardware exept for armor.(transport and cargo version) -reworked recon teams into two 4man patrols. -added 4 chopper pilots and 2 pilots.
  3. Call a function when respawning it, make a sqf and do something like FNC_VEHICLENAME_INIT { _veh = _this select 0; "_veh" null = [this] execvm "blabla.sqf"; } Then you need to make a .sqf with the function and call the .sqf in the init so the function gets added. Then you use the function in thr init line when respawning: null = [blabla] call FNC_whatever_init; Im using another respawnscript for my missions and have edited it so that the functions work. Tho bare in mind this is merely a guide so that you get the general idea, this is a workaround for vehicleSetInit, as bis disabled it.
  4. Edit: as we are getting more people to join today acre is still on
  5. no, because then everyone has to have it =)
  6. saw the bugtracker, i meant thermal not NVG, and that you can disable by adding "this diableTIEquipment;" in the init line. =)
  7. Had a lot of fun playing it and "leading" on friday and here are my two cents: As stuffedsheep mentioned, the squad composition needs some breaking up\additions. also it would be nice to disable the thermals on all vehicles so that you actually can hide in some vegitation instead of getting turned into mush by the .50s on the hunters\ifrits, people will actually need to scan and spot instead of just taking a sweep over the area infront of the convoy and shoot anything that has a thermal signature. All in all i enjoyed playing it and look forward to future updates!
  8. Hello! We will be hosting another game night this weekend it'll be on Saturday at around 15:00GMT. The mission will be my ALiVE mission reworked to improve some of the EI spawning and making it a tad more harder,new revive script and cargo script. Further mission route\plans will be made when i have reworked it, that would be around this evening. We'll be using the following mods: - AliVE - ACRE (If you're unsure about this get it from Teamspeak) And allow the following mods: - Blastcore A3 R3 - sthud - JSRS2.0/2.1 To sign up this week please click HERE If you need any help or have any questions please feel free to ask below! Slots available (8-16 players): Actual slots TBA Edit: Signup forms up
  9. new post is up : http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/2628-gamenightpvp-sat-1st-feb/
  10. Signup and more information will be added tomorrow when I have time
  11. Are you up for a bit of change and instead of CO-OP i will run a pvp mission instead ? Edit: There will be no IEDs
  12. Next week im up with one of my missions, still deciding if its gonna be my alive one or the pvp one
  13. Jester yours didnt work as its a VBS2 script, but you got me on the right track. I got it to work now, it uses a cba function, because i couldt find any good documentation on the BIS_fnc_randompos, it kept spamming me with errors.
  14. Ill look into it this afternoon, took some time off from the script yesterday incase i felt the urge to break my keyboard =P
  15. i want it to follow the group "around". im calling the script via the squad leaders init-line with null = [this,marker1] execVM "marker.sqf"; also the 5 serconds was put there to check for randomness faster, the marker ingame will have 2-4minutes update time.
  16. Som im creating a pvp mission need a marker 500x500 size to mark the location of a squad( simulates a beacon of sorts) and the problem is that its to accurate, so i have had no luck adding some randomness to the script i wrote and was wondering if anyone has some input and or a soulution: _unit = _this select 0; _marker = _this select 1; while {alive _unit} do { _hm = createMarker ["_marker",position _unit]; "_marker" setmarkershape "RECTANGLE"; "_marker" setMarkerBrush "DIAGGRID"; "_marker" setMarkerSize [500, 500]; "_marker" setmarkercolor "ColorRed"; sleep 5; deleteMarker "_marker"; }; Kenny
  17. If you want to melt some servers: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18805
  18. Thwy get cached by the profiling system
  19. Updates\changes on the mission: -Tweaked the amount of units in large sectors (charkeia,pyrgos) -Changed the sector around the main airfield to include airfield and upped the ai spawned here to simulate a HQ/center of supply chain. -Tweaked the time for vehicles to respawn, changed some respawn settings and for the next update im adding a resawn for the recon unit(which are stationed on top of Agios Stemma. -Changed from sector display to military intelligence( this is more akin to MSO style reporting of EI,shows movements for 15minutes in some places,not whole map. Will add some immersion so you actually need to recon, not just go to that red square) -Fixed the possibility that an IED could spawn inside the starting base. -Considering upping the ai more so they engange from further away.FEEDBACK ? -Considering adding CIVS to some of the larger towns,simulating people fleeing to larger cities to get away from the war. FEEDBACK ?
  20. kennychr


    Could be nice.. Cain: I have mended the small explody problem in that mission ^^
  21. Cant wait to slap on some modules and make war on it ;D
  22. ahahah, LEG IT!!! I was surprisingly calm when it did that gun-run. Gotta love those crazy AI pilots =)
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