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is this comunity stil alive?

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Ahoyworld is yes, MSO and I&A are both up and running.  AWE is, and has been for a while as stated in multiple places around these forums, down.  It's expected to come back up, with a new modset, when I&A4 is released.  A release date for I&A4 is not known, Ryko is, very understandably, taking a "it'll be released when it's ready" approach. 

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It's been a bit quiet in certain areas, depends what you want to come back here for.


If you're interested in EU1 then that is obviously still around, some old faces may still be around too. Depends if you're playing for community or just playing there.


EU2 is now doing organised gamenights every weekend and I believe sometimes in the week, if you're interested in some lightly modded (pretty much just TFAR) gameplay with a similar mindset to EU3 (organised, communication teamwork) then you might wanna check that out.


EU3/AWE is down, no idea when it will be ready. Perhaps, next year if we're lucky but again, it's very grey on grey.


EU6/MSO is around, we do heavily communication orrientated, challenging gameplay. It's had a break currently just due to the fact I'm in a new job and a bit spent on more heavy strain gaming.


Discord exists, so if you'd like to use that then it's there.


Teamspeak still has its regulars come in, as always me and the lads are down in the Navigation Deck and you'll find some others groups in and around the ship.


I think all AW servers have moved to ArmA 3 Workshop now, Repo is pretty outdated and I rarely see it being used anymore on ArmA period.


I believe you were more of an AWE regular so it's easy to understand why you thought the server was on its last legs, but there's still a home for everyone here and AWE is just having a much needed renovation.


Pop in whenever you want obviously, but it does depend on what you're looking for.

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I'd say @Minipily gave a pretty solid answer to your question.


Unfortunately, a lot of different Arma 3 communities are experiencing similiar dry spell situations, it isn't purely reserved to Ahoyworld. The main contributing factor is that Arma 3 is becoming dated, and naturally, players will move on to other games.


Ahoyworld is recovering though, thanks to the re-introduction of EU2 and the MSO missions ran by the Enhanced team.

Hopefully once I&A4 is pushed out, full focus can be put into the release of AWE which I'm sure a lot of the oldies and newcomers will enjoy.



You can check out highlights from MSO missions on @Johnson's channel:
Multiple Sesson Operations
Along with the EU2 gamenights on the Ahoyworld channel (and @Xwatt's Twitch highlights):
EU2 Weekend Gamenights

AhoyWorld Twitch

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