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Posts posted by Jenkins

  1. I'd say @Minipily gave a pretty solid answer to your question.


    Unfortunately, a lot of different Arma 3 communities are experiencing similiar dry spell situations, it isn't purely reserved to Ahoyworld. The main contributing factor is that Arma 3 is becoming dated, and naturally, players will move on to other games.


    Ahoyworld is recovering though, thanks to the re-introduction of EU2 and the MSO missions ran by the Enhanced team.

    Hopefully once I&A4 is pushed out, full focus can be put into the release of AWE which I'm sure a lot of the oldies and newcomers will enjoy.



    You can check out highlights from MSO missions on @Johnson's channel:
    Multiple Sesson Operations
    Along with the EU2 gamenights on the Ahoyworld channel (and @Xwatt's Twitch highlights):
    EU2 Weekend Gamenights

    AhoyWorld Twitch

  2. While I am a fan of more restricted faction-specific scenarios, I think that this should be purely reserved for dedicated operation nights as mentioned by @MidnightRunner


    #EU1 is evidence that having a more open arsenal will add more replay value to the mission allowing players to group up and play as the fighting force of their choice.

    As AWE would be readily open to public players, I think that this would be the better option.


    Regardless of which option is picked, it will take time to build up the player count.

  3. Ahoy Chaps!


    We've almost reached that time of the year again, the festive period is all about giving and sharing with others.

    As such, I have decided to give back to the community.


    From the until 23rd December 2018 until the 30th December 2018, I will be giving 10 free gifts to the members of this community.


    To qualify, all you need to do is post one screenshot or video that summarizes your Arma 3 experience in 2018.


    You must also meet the following requirements;

    1. Be a member of the AhoyWorld forum.

    2. Have at least 40 hours across all AW servers.



    Those of you selected for the giveaway will have the choice of the following rewards;

        - An Arma 3 DLC bundle of your choice (See Steam DLC Marketplace)


        - £10 Added to your Steam wallet.



    Thank you for your time gents and enjoy the rest of this festive season!

    - Jenkins

  4. AW MVP 2018: @Ryko

    AW most friendly admin/staff member 2018: @Norris

    AW most helpful admin/staff member 2018: @Lindi

    AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2018: @Stanhope

    AW strictest admin/staff member 2018: @Xwatt

    AW most active staff member 2018: @Xwatt

    AW friendliest user 2018: @MidnightRunner

    AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2018: @MidnightRunner

    AW best ARMA pilot 2018: Drew [AW+]

    AW worst ARMA pilot 2018: Anyone that lands using autohover.

    AW best drunk member 2018: That one guy who lead the entire Zeus op team to their deaths by charging into a minefield, then an EI platoon, then an AT squad. *200 IQ*

    AW best driver 2018: @Kacper

    AW worst driver 2018: @JailbaitJenkins

    AW best fail 2018: Anytime @TheScar gets obliterated by armor while playing as AT.
    AW best game of 2018: Arma 3

    AW best official server of 2018: #EU1 Public (numba wan)

  5. Noticed a few things while testing the I&A 4 beta and it is the following;



    - Grenadier squad role is missing gear/item options from the Arsenal

    - AI soldiers do not appear after being bought from the reward menu

    - On one occasion, a Hunter HMG I bought from the reward menu spawned in the ground and flew into the air (ex dee)


    *Personal Suggestions;

    - Add the regular MX for all squad roles.
    - Add the MAAWS launcher for the Light Anti-Tank role.
    - Add more scope variants to the reward menu or Arsenal.


    Obviously because its a beta version there are bound to be future changes, this is just my two cents.






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