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  1. Like
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in EU1 Get Together Saturday 15th July 18:00 UTC   
    Hi All,
    Saturday is the 1 year anniversary of Mikael's passing. We thought it fitting to go beat up some CSAT in his memory.
    We will be hosting a series of Zeus mission on EU1 as a way to get together and have a little fun and remember Mikael.
    Hope to see you there
  2. Like
    applechaser reacted to chicken_no6 in Invade & Annex Modded PMC 21/04/2023 @ 18:00 UTC   
    Been working on this for a while now so i thougth ill give it a good test to get ideas opinions on it what i coud add what coud be leave  out.
    InA Modded.html

    lots 😜 aditional assets can be earned at side missions
    Mission time 1-2 hours depending how people like it
    thanks to whigital for helping me with alot of stuff cant thank u enough
    thanks to rickard for arsenal defines and testing
    thanks to riverwolf brad boy gustis damo3d for testing with me aswell
  3. Confused
    applechaser reacted to Gambit in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    i've been holding back, not wanting to reignite a useless and dead conversation, since Siege didnt make a point, i didnt think it would warrant a reply, but the audacity here...
    so you say you have many friends and come back to meet them, because you wouldnt meet them elsewhere. who got over to the other community? 99.9% of mso, mini even got the recruiter award for it, and yall still got the steam group dont you? and before you mention yall part of the community, you were never part of it. mso was dead meme, sound overdrive with the lead 2 singers, you lot forced your way into eu3 AFTER the community built it up.
    need i remind you, mso was adjacent, never mixed with the "eu1 plebs" (yes, that is a quote, not naming names, you know who you are)
    -or the mission which was streamed, and clearly captured when all of you shat on everyone, berated them for 2 hours ON STREAM, and collectively decided, to "fuck everybody, we do our own thing" then clearly disregarded everyone, fucked off with a plane and left the rest stranded (glorious teamplay moment right there, the pinnacle of arma milsim, or wasnt something along these lines the summary blurb of mso?),
    -or the other regular gamenight, where "fuck them, ive got who i care about right here"
    -or the massive advertisement campaign, when all of yous joined with the unit patch on, profile and all, then shittalked in the far corner, away from the "plebs". guess what, you werent that sneaky.
    so, the point is, yall just sit in nav deck, circlejerk eachother, which you could do in the other community TS, you could make your own discord serever, its free. you dont mingle, you dont even try to get to know the community you call yourself part of, every single time you lot joined previous gamenights, with the sole intent of memeing and disrupting it.
    interesting to see, the mso havent changed a bit, trying to carve a piece of the accomplishments out of somebody else's work...
    i had many many late night run-ins with newcomers, who jumped into nav deck first, and you lot bullied them out of there in minutes, with fuck offs and more, then they jumped channels and found me and JJ sitting there, and told us all about it, asked if the community is like that. i personally dont want any of you to be the first experience of anybody who joins AW. scratch that, i dont want you to be any part of their experience. you chose to be part of another community, be there, form that.
    dont try to tell everyone you are still AW members when you cant even recognize the regulars' voices, although you chill on the same TS, for years.
  4. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    Why are we reopening this discussion after 1,5+ years? I'm getting a bit tired that this is being brought again so long after the fact. Everyone else seemed to have moved. on...
    The issue has resolved the way it has. It could have been handled a lot better by everyone who was involved. What else is there still to talk about?

    This is by no means a comprehensive list of thoughts. Some sections are not as well formulated as others and while I am tired of the discussion flaring up again I am happy to further elaborate to to help understand my point of view.

    The people that left did so out of their own choice. They were dissatisfied with an aspect of the community and decided to look for what they want somewhere else and found it. Some of them were happy to still play with us but felt unwelcome after the above events and thus have not shown their faces as regularly as they would like. Is it not possible to be part of two communities or must we dedicate ourselves to one singularly?

    I think it's a disservice to (the choice of) the people that left to say they took each other with them. Especially saying they took people with them they barely spoke to. We are a community that engaged with each other much more than some of us might realise and we did very much transcend the little cliques some people perceived. Plenty of people shared the concerns. Some stayed, some chose to leave.
    This bit is vague and unfinished. what is your point? I'm not sure what you mean with people getting punished. All the people that left staff positions did so in protest to the decision made. What punishments are you talking about?

    In general I think you're looking at this too black and white in a world of greys. According to the interpretation of the community rules there was no ban-able offense. Just people going somewhere of their own choice because they heard of another place that offered something they were looking for that we weren't offering. 

    This whole thing could have been handled better by everyone. How and why are discussions we've all had on forums, discord, Teamspeak and any other channel the community has spoken with one another. Lessons learned if something like this ever happens again.

    Whatever is done in regards to the events of 2021 is done. Everyone else has moved on. I think it's a shame to linger on it so long after and to re-open a discussion I have not heard anything from by anyone else since.
  5. Like
    applechaser reacted to Adshield in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    I dont see a need to be rude here, especially not rudely telling people to disappear, just because they play games elsewhere too.
    I personally havent played on Arma at AW for a while, but I still check up on the website to see how things are going, and I still meet up with friends on the TS in the social channels. One thing I will say is that old members, and people who are here less often, are still members of the community, no matter if they play arma elsewhere.
    From my time here I know that the TS is open for more than just EU1 chat, and has been for many years. I've seen people use the TS for so many things, from just chatting, to playing games, even interacting with people to become more fluent a new language. And ive not seen people complain about empty channels in the TS being used for that.
    Many of the 'Splitters' dont mean anything bad by Ahoyworld, hence why we come back and chat in the TS or go on the forums. I dont want to see Ahoyworld fall in a trap like this, its an amazing community with massive potential. So much that it brought all of us together without any recruitment, almost all of us just joined the game from the arma server lists and kept coming back for more because it was so good.
    Ahoyworld for me has been a strong part of my life, its been there ever since I got my PC and got into playing this type of game. Over time my tastes have drifted from EU1 to EU3, MSO and now other adventures. Yet I still like AW and want it to flourish, so that others can find it and enjoy it like I did.
    I want to see us all move on from this, there's no need to point fingers or get judgmental over peoples decisions.
  6. Confused
    applechaser reacted to JJ Cakes in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    I was an FA before I got Zeus, so I am bound to not be a jerk to you, but yeah, you're not really a part of this community anymore.  And if you don't mind, why in the heck are all you splitters using our TS?  There are players I care about and do what I can to make their experiences on EU#1 as good as I can and you're just a non-entity to me.  I know Siege said I'm the nicest guy that says no bad words, but please, disappear so I can keep my rep.
  7. Haha
    applechaser reacted to Minipily in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    Hmm yes I do wonder where Chris is at this time of need...

  8. Haha
    applechaser reacted to SiegeSix in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    So after 7 or so months, I finally read the full message. Rather late than never, right?
    Let's analyse the tip of the iceberg.
    People left for another community. They somehow brought each other with them, including those they didn't really talk to. When player numbers are dwindling and players are offered a chance for higher playercount operations with ranks and designated roles, they jump ship and most never looked back. In that dire time, it would've been nice to know that Core Staff gave a care about it. But instead we got this:
    I think the underlying issue is the core staff itself, and not the reaction to the situation... well mostly. You see, as Lindi said, we were never told anything, besides what we could find in 
    Stating the transparent thoughts about the process and thoughts about the community who picked their side. 
    I do find it curious as to how Core Staff can conduct an investigation into a matter like this, the way they did. I find it funny, that everyone that saw the document took the same side. I also find it strange those that tried to set things right got punished for it. 
    I am by mostly a neutral man. I love a good drama and this is no exception. However seeing the very pillar of this community, Mr. Community Referee or whatever Lindi's role was as an Admin, choose his side as if he knew what was going on. Yet with the knowledge of the document being leaked, the core staff never opened the floor to invite some of the admins that werent in the report, like Lindi. Sure, policies are in place, but we've banned people for less.
    If actions were taken and people were banned, well... those people probably never would've returned for the next 2-3 years anyways. Sure, forcefully saying goodbye to long term members are sad, but at least it would've shown you had guts. Instead our current Core Staff team, consisting of Ryko, Ghostdragon, Midnight and Chris, is not what we define as pillars of the community. 
    You see pillars can be seen, they can be seen as supporting the structure they are placed within. Keyword here being, SEEN, because where is everyone? 
    Now is not the time for excuses, we know Ghost can deliver when Midnight is not there... mostly, but where is Chris and where is Ryko? It's okay if they're busy with real life, but why keep them up there if they don't have time for the community? If Xwatt can, why can't they.
    If the requirements are to process the qualities that each member require, then why isn't anyone with the same level of qualification, who is vastly more active core staff? 
    Why make a third open letter, when Xwatt's second is a good forum to revive, because unlike Midnight's comment...
    This was foundation of the entire post from Xwatt, and that I cannot beat.
  9. Haha
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in Escalating Terror Feedback Thread   
    I'll have to play more often I leave plenty of medivac missions behind me
  10. Like
    applechaser reacted to Minipily in Vindicta Game night April 1st at 18:00 UTC   
  11. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Situation Report & Mission Statement: Baltic Dawn   
    Situation Report & Mission Statement: Baltic Dawn
    15:28 UTC // 15th of January 2037 // Internal defence ministry distribution only
    On October 15th, 2036, an alliance compromising of NATO and countries from around the Pacific Ocean attacked and invaded the Horizon Islands on the premise that the Government was corrupt, developing illegal weapons and intending on using those weapons on other countries to strengthen their own position in the world. The Horizon Island were a protectorate of CSAT and occupied the island under cover of a training mission. UK special forces, deployed ahead of the invasion to investigate the accusations and facilitate landings, clashed with Horizon Island and CSAT forces resulting in an international incident. These skirmishes escalated into tensions between NATO and CSAT. By the time the invasion force had landed on the Island surrounding events had already led to a third world war, a global conflict between NATO and CSAT.  Countries across the world have chosen sides. Russia is one of the exceptions; they decided not to pick a side.
    Regardless of their choice to remain neutral Russa has been massing troops along its European border countries of Chernarus and Livonia. A build up that has been occurring well before the conflict broke out. With NATO now occupied on other fronts Livonia is concerned of a possible invasion from Russia. They have ramped up their military recruitment to facilitate its home defence as well as deployments across borders. Chernarus meanwhile, is attempting maintain it’s neutrality but is feeling the pressure from its neighbour. The Chernarus government is currently discussing its options. Either apply to NATO, declare total neutrality, or seek closer relations with Russia.
    The Kremlin supports their military build-up as a response to the global conflict and a preparedness to defend its territory. While troop movements would support such a claim it’s odd how the number of forces in the west outweigh the numbers to the south and east bordering on arguably more hostile neighbours. While NATO is a threat to Russia the western coalition has been clear that they will let Russia be so long as no meddling occurs with NATO members. CSAT on the other hand is a greater one. Having used their application to CSAT to access and leak sensitive documents the coalition has denied Russia partnership and CSAT member nations have broken several treaties and trade deals with the country.
    Livonia is a member of NATO. As such they are also participating in the conflict. Most of their current armed forces are being deployed to deal with Belarus, a CSAT member, on their south-eastern border. The remaining number of soldiers are not sufficient to for home defence, especially since Livonia is also expected to offer troops for a campaign in Turkey. For this reason, Livonia has ramped up recruitment greatly. Current projections indicate that active-duty personnel will number in the 60.000 within the next 3 months. Additionally, plenty of civilian defence militias exist and while most of these have joined the military plenty of militia groups exist on the border regions.

    Eagle company is one of the newly trained units. They will be deployed to Turkey when training is complete. There they will be fighting along Turkish, French, and German forces retaking occupied Turkish territory. First, they will need to complete mechanized training on home soil, then receive climate training for the Mediterranean on Altis & Stratis. This situation report will follow Eagle company’s 3rd platoon as they progress through these stages.
     on January 17th Russian forces have begun an invasion of western Livonia. Most regions are currently fighting an overwhelming force to varying degrees of success. It is not yet clear what Russia's goal exactly is but experts believe it's annexation. All forces currently stationed within Livonia are to remain there to aid in the defence.

    Civilian Militia
    Russian Federation



    Mission objective
    Defend the country.
    SITREP Mission Progress Notes
     -Russia has invaded.
    -NATO is sending a German Detachment our direction. It will take some time to get here so we must hold out until then.
    - The Nadbor region, where we are located, is holding out for now but gradually losing territory.
    - A hundred soldiers, mostly support elements, have been captured when the Airfield was captured.
    -Topolin infastructure has been blown up by Livonian guerrillas preventing Russians from setting up a supply base there.
    -A special forces team managed to gather intel on a massive assault planned by Russian forces. Now that we know it is coming we can prepare for the attack. A vehicle column that was supposed to spearhead the attack has already been destroyed by artillery thanks to this information.
    -The General in charge of the Nadbor front. Vladislav Brev, has been shot by a sniper team. We are unsure if he survived as his body was retrieved by the helicopter he was exfiltrating in.
    -Several SAM sites around the western front have been destroyed freeing up airspace for our fighter jets and helicopters.
    -An artillery position has been destroyed reducing the IDF our forces are receiving.

    Any Further questions regarding the current situation may be directed at the officer by responding in the thread below.
  12. Like
    applechaser reacted to Minipily in Vindicta Game night March 25th at 19:00 UTC    
    I actually really thoroughly enjoyed that.
    The roleplay was on point and it was really fun having the seperate groups split off into different cells and have the opportunity to do their own thing, really made the mission feel even larger than it already is.
    Would love to see this get to be played a little more often but I suppose we better not overly play it so it'll last. Can't wait for the next Friday to return as The Father of Eden's Gate.

  13. Like
    applechaser reacted to TacticalError in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    I've really enjoyed playing as a sniper on frontlines recently, but a bolt action sniper doesn't work well at close range. The glock we have is decent, but I would like to suggest the MP7 to be added to the arsenal.
    (For MP7 in the primary weapon slot)
    (For MP7 in the pistol slot)
  14. Haha
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in Escalating Terror Feedback Thread   
    @Stanhope does it feel good to be this side of the dev cycle? Haha 
  15. Like
    applechaser reacted to Mikael in [Mod] BoxLoader   
  16. Like
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops Remnants (One Shot) @ 19:00 UTC 11/03/2022   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Remnants (One shot)
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
     Arma 3 Preset CHADSRemnants.html (Plus usual optional mods)
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots: 35 
    Platoon // 3 man element
    Alpha - Charlie // 6 man elements
    Delta // 3 man mortar team
    Combat Hound elements are on the ground in Malden providing logistical and security support for the Malden government.  On a routine convoy they have been ambushed. After pushing back the first wave of attackers they must now dig in an await extraction which is to be performed by the Malden Defense Force QRF based in the North East.
    Surviving elements of the convoy
    Friendly Forces:
    Malden Defense Force QRF
    Enemy Forces:
    Insurgent Forces
    From the earlier fighting civilians have fled, none are anticipated in the area
    Survive until the QRF can arrive to evac your force
    Survive until evac arrives
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the map. Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.
  17. Like
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops Resurgence Week 1 @ 19:00 UTC 19/11/2021   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Resurgence Week 1
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
    Arma 3 Preset CHADS Resurgence.html (Plus usual optional mods)
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots: 35 
    Platoon // 4 man element
    Alpha - Delta // 7 man elements
    Vortex // 2 man pilot team 
    With the withdrawal of NATO forces from the region local government forces have been stretched thin. They maintain a tense peace with local tribal factions and are besieged by an insurgency. In an attempt not to overstretch themselves government forces have fallen back to secure key locations including towns and oil production in the area. The northern territory is split between Tribal fighters and insurgents, with the two regularly fighting over the area. To make up for the shortcomings the government has issued bounties on insurgent members claimable by international PMC organisations. The CHADS have taken this opportunity to claim these lucrative bounties.
    An advance force has made contact with tribal leaders and we have gained permission to setup camp in their territory and for their forces are to be treated as friendly. Our first set of targets is ready and waiting for the CHADS to hit the ground. 
    1 x AH6M
    1 x MH6M
    1 x CH47F
    Various ground support vehicles
    Friendly Forces:
    Local Government Forces
    Enemy Forces:
    Insurgent Forces
    Neutral Forces:
    Local Tribal Factions
    Civilian presence to be expected, concentrated in built up areas.
     Assault the targets indicated by intelligence and capture/kill available targets or intel on site.
    1. Assault the marked locations 
    2. Search for known targets or intelligence
    3. Avoid disrupting truce with Tribal factions
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the map. Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.

  18. Like
    applechaser reacted to LH5 in DCS World Server/Mission Discussion Thread   
    You have probably seen the teaser trailer by now & know AW will be getting a DCS server. I don't want to see the mission going up and being a complete surprise to the majority of players so I'm going to do my best to keep the development of the mission as open as possible. Hopefully this will result in a mission that we all like (already being built on responses to this topic)
    As the mission editor is a cluttered mess I have put together a award winning render of the mission state atm.
    A bit of detail on what's in/planned for these areas.
    - Spawn points (there will be a place for you to request more of certain modules in case you find that one you own is not there or just not enough to go around)
    - CTLD pickup point
    Heli CAS Range:
    This range has multiple objectives,
    - A target area that will not fire back or move (simple target practice) 
    - A target area that shoots back & moves around to try and avoid death (bit more deadly target practice)
    Static Jet CAS Range
    - A Varity of targets that will not react or fire on you so you can practice your weapon employments without risk of being shot down.
    Convoy Range
    - A moving convoy to practice your convoy strike skills
    Air to Air Range
    - A selecting of unarmed BLUE & RED jets mixed together to practice your Air to Air weapon skills & IFF ability's (these jets will not react or fire back)
    Anti Ship Range & Spawns
    -  Viggen & JF-17 spawns at Batumi to launch anti ship strikes from
    - Carrier strike group made up off the Forrestal, Tarawa & Kuznetsov (Harrier, F/A-18, F-14 & SU-33 spawns)
    - Out to the west you will find a few ships to practice your anti shipping skills on (at this time they will not fire back or intercept)
    Now for the big one, Dynamic Range.
    These are objectives that will shoot back & move around as you destroy them. One objective will show at a time, once it has been destroyed a new objective will spawn & have a chance of increasing the RED air presence. RED air assets will patrol the area after objective one is destroyed, this wont just a be limited to jets but also a few helicopters. 
    You will also notice a BLUE FARP, this is a second spawn point for both CAS & Logistic Helis. The idea behind this is to allow heli pilots to take part in the main arena. CTLD is enabled at the FARP so logistics can build SAM sites to take down enemy air, deploy troops to close by AO's or build Combined Arms enabled vics to take into battle yourself. 
    (RED Forces will not leave or shoot outside the dynamic range area leaving the other targets a safe place to practice the needed skills to enter the dynamic range) *the range is as dynamic as I can make at this time, as the mission versions progress so will the range randomness*
    Here is a list of current planned features, requested features & bugs from those who have tested the mission so far. Feel free to comment in the request area or on this forum thread, I will be doing what I can to accommodate requests but some may be out of my current skill range or don't fit the mission.
    Escalating Terror Google Doc
    (You will find me local hosting the mission for testing now & then. These are not private tests if im in the DCS TS channel, so if you happen to be on at the same time as when im running it come try it out )
  19. Like
    applechaser reacted to Minipily in Task Force Sol – Looking for a Signal 09/11/2021   
    Ooh, I'd love to get all Ghillied Up and start scouting for some intel. I know some great spots in that AO.
  20. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Sol – Looking for a Signal 09/11/2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Sol – Looking for a Signal.
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
     AW Sol.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 40
    ·         Central // 4-man command element
    ·         Alpha - Echo // 6-man SAS infantry squads
    ·         Soap – Gaz // 2-man Sniper Teams
    Full situation report
    With the main island bivouacs secured we can now start sending out teams to gather intel and recon points of interest around the main island. We will also need to retrieve the necessary equipment to repair Listening Post Leicester. We will likely find materials on Comms Alpha and Bravo. However, they are too hot of a target to raid at this point.  What we can do is ambush one of the convoys that’s headed towards the two bases once a week. Interrogating our Syndikat prisoners has revealed they have raided these convoys before and can guarantee that the equipment we need will be there. We can use this opportunity as well to perform recon on these locations and install necessary observation equipment.
    The Syndikat raids have made the convoy reconsider their security and we can expect the vehicles to be well defended. We know the route, all we must do is pick an ambush point, set traps and attack. Make sure to check each vehicle for valuable gear that we may be able to retrieve. For this reason it may be best to try and disable the convoy vehicles rather than blow them up completely.
    ·         Polaris DAGOR/Prowler
    ·         Whatever you manage to steal from other factions.
    Friendly Forces:
    5 IoN survivors somewhere on the island
    Neutral/unconfirmed forces:
    Enemy Forces:
    This operation will leave operatives spread out over the island. Tanoa has several urban centres where civilians can be expected.
    Ambush Convoy
    Set up ambush along convoy road.
    Ambush Convoy
    Retrieve equipment.
    Return to Bivouac of your choice.
    Movement Plan:
    At commander’s discretion
    Rules of engagement:
    The objective is to remain undetected. Do not fire unless operational secrecy is at risk.

  21. Haha
    applechaser reacted to LH5 in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Hi done with night ops.  SL can skip time with an ace interact on FOB's 
    That would probably be down to the NVG(gen1) in the arsenal being the lowest quality ones out there to fit with the 1960-70 ish era of this version of HIDF. No settings have been changed on the NVG side, same as the other runs just lower quality goggles.
    Switching the NVG's is something that I have no worries about potentially doing if the vast majority agrees that night ops are just unplayable atm as this is an item that is needed to be able to play at the bare minimum and you have described it as impossible to play.
    This version of HIDF is meant to be of the older style so don't expect every little thing to get added or boosted to modern day stuff just because its inconvenient. Stuff that will be boosted or added are things that are essentials to play or are as close to the intended time period thing as possible, for example humvee's in place of jeeps, current range & laser designators and the acog in place of a older type scope, etc.
    Also I wanted to see how bad night ops are since you have made it out to be unplayable so I jumped on EU 3 changed time to midnight leaving weather as it was during day (low overcast) Then I switched overcast to full blocking all ambient light where NVG's in general struggle because well no light to work off.
    I used Gen 1 (current) & a set of gen 4 to see the difference with a potential switch. I found it playable with either, at 100% overcast less enjoyable forest warfare, with little ambient light expected.
  22. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Sol - Exodus 05-10-2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Sol – Exodus
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AW Sol.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 36
    UK Royal Marines
    ·         Central // 4 man command element
    ·         Alpha - Delta // 6 man Royal Marine infantry squads
    ·         Wyrm - Lindwurm // 3 man Transport helicopter crew
    ·         Dragon // 2 man Light CAS helicopter crew
    Full situation report
    The global relations with the Horizon Islands government are deteriorating at a drastic rate. A combination of nuclear build up, Chinese influence & a tactless comment from the UK Prime Minister have led to the Horizon Islands government making the decision to kick out the UK embassy. Carrier Group Severn has reached the archipelago as a show of force to extract Embassy personnel and any EU citizen looking to get off the islands. Several teams of SAS operatives will be inserted across the island to ensure high value civilians are extracted.
    standing with the Horizon Island Military Force (HIMF) is low, but they are not directly hostile to us. They are expected to make an appearance in response to our show of force. Furthermore, CSAT is active on the islands as military consultants, training and supplying the HIMF. Despite being arrival, they are not hostile either.
    The only hostile activity we may expect is from Syndikat or any Looters that would want to use this opportunity for chaos to their own benefit. Fortunately, we are not alone though. Several US forces have performed their own extraction earlier today in conjunction with PMC IoN Just north of Georgetown. Several Jets are still in the area keeping the air secure and performing another show of force as we enter town.
    ·         CH-47I- Chinook
    ·         WY-55 Hellcat Armed
    Friendly Forces:
    Embassy Security
    ION Security
    US Airforce
    Neutral/unconfirmed forces:
    Enemy Forces:
    Georgetown is the capital city of Tanoa. The streets are mostly abandoned in anticipation of our action and a minor crackdown on dissidents. Be wary of Looters using this as an opportunity.
    Secure & Extract Embassy personnel
    Load into chinooks and land near the Embasy.
    Protect & help civilans & Embassy personnel while they are being escorted by chinooks
    Keep the peace
    Execute any follow up order given
    Movement Plan:
    At commander’s discretion
    Rules of engagement:
    At commander’s discretion

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    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in [AWE] Cataclysm Campaign   
    Hi All,
    For the next 4/5 Fridays we will be running a post apocalyptic style campaign. I'm attaching the modset here so you guys can download any mods you don't have.
    I'd say the only large mod you may not have is the map Esseker.
    Arma 3 Preset AW_Cataclysm.html
    Following an unknown cataclysm the world was plunged into chaos. Most electronics ceased to work and strange anomalies started to appear all over the world. As global governments scrambled to adapt to these events another problem came to light. 
    A virus emerged which was fatal to almost all those exposed. While a small amount were immune another group were transformed by the virus into violent inhuman creatures, who more resemble fictional zombies than real humans.
    In the decade since the event colloquially known as the Convergence the surviving remnants of humanity have banded together in small groups, surviving as best they can. Though not all of these groups are friendly. What little technology still survives is hoarded by the more powerful groups.
    After several tough years your group had created a good life for yourselves. Through farming and trading with other groups you have managed to ensure that your people are fed and are safe from this hostile world.
    That was until a group of raiders attacked during the night and overwhelmed your defenses while most of the fighters were out on a trading run.
    When they made it back, they found only a handful of survivors, some were killed and others were taken along with all of the food and supplies stored.
    That is where we begin, can you survive in this world? Will you be able to find those that attacked you and get your people back?
    Mission briefing will follow in the events section, keep an eye out for it. 
  24. Like
    applechaser reacted to Mikael in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    I've been thinking about the guerillas and how they often seem to attack places at bad times when they are not really wanted or needed. 
    Would it be possible to make an option so that for instance the SL or maybe platco could call them in as a favor from the guerillas? 
    Maybe it could come at the cost of some resources and intel, with an option to choose a stronger guerilla group for more resources? 
    Like three options, one with only infantry that cost some ammo, one with a tekkie or whatever in addition that costs more ammo, some fuel and supplies and one that is bigger that cost even more.
    It would also be cool if we could choose what direction they would come from.
    So for instance, you could get a list of enemy objectives sorted by distance that you can choose to attack.
    You would then choose from a list of the nearest friendly civilan objectives that decides the distance.
    You then have a third option for the different sizes along with their respective cost, kinda like the build menu.
    What do you think?
    I also don't know how feasible it would be to code this, but that's not my problem
    (I mean, in fairness most of the code is already there, its just a manual trigger and some different compositions to spawn in, while being able to pick the spawn location, right?)
  25. Like
    applechaser reacted to kennychr in [EU6]Zeus Operation Breakthrough Saturday 18.09 1700 UTC   
    Mission Name:
    Operation Breakthrough
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2402
    Mods Required:
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots:  30 
    Platoon // 2 man element
    Hitman 1-1 // 8 man elements
    Jackalope 8-1 // 8 man engineer element 
    Vortex // 2 man pilot team
    During a prolonged civil war on the island of Altis, NATO and Altis forces has finally managed to push back the insurrectionists to the Eastern part of Altis. NATO is mounting a attack to push through the Anthrakia line, a 3 KM wide minefield that was laid during the early beginnings of the civil war.
    Friendly Forces:
    NATO Allied forces
    UN Observation force
    Enemy Forces:
    Insurrectionist consisting of defected AAF forces and militants.
    Neutral Forces:
    Civilian presence to be expected, concentrated in built up areas.
    Breakthrough the Anthrakia line and clear out the towns of Rodopoli and Charkia. Expect a counterattack from enemy forces.
    1. Break through the Anthrakia line
    2. Clear the towns of Rodopoli and Charkia 
    3. Push back any counter attack from enemy forces.
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
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