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Posts posted by BloodInTheSand

  1. Finally finding time to sit down and write this.

    So, I've been thinking for a while now and I'm going to be leaving the staff team this Saturday the 17th. I've already discussed this with the team and I reckon they'll do just fine without my brilliance, so I'll leave you all in their very capable hands.

    It's not a decision I've come to lightly, but in all honesty, I'm finding it rather frustrating. Ryko said it best himself - "Only do something in your free time until it isn't fun anymore" and frankly, it isn't fun anymore.

    I expect to still be around on the server from time to time, but I think part of this will come with a temporary break from Arma (expect to see me in Squad if I've got some time, though!) and from the community here.

    Now, for some shoutouts before I lose my staff impunity :D

    Bare in mind that these are totally my own personal opinion and don't reflect on the rest of the team at all.

    @Minipily & Crew (can't remember the others' forum names)

    You lot have been a big source of frustration for me at times, but then on the flipside, provided some of the most fun I've had on this server since I joined it - and for me, that totally outweighs it. You and Johnson in particular have been some of the most knowledgeable, down to earth and helpful people I've met in this community, despite all of the hate that gets thrown your way.


    You're a pain in the arse, but see above. 

    @Noah_Hero, @Amentes, @Ryko & @Stanhope

    Some of my mentors when I joined the server at first. I learned a lot from the three of you, so thank you for that. I know we've all gotten frustrated with each other at times for various reasons but I'd like to think in the end we're all better off for having learned from each other.


    The MSO on Lythium was some of the most fun I've had playing Arma in a long time. I didn't think I'd ever be able to be entertained by walking in the woods for hours on end and being frightened by every rabbit or snake I see moving, but here we are.


    I could go on for days here, but I think it's time to stop and just get it over with.

    Thanks folks, it's been fun. 

    See you out there


  2. 23 minutes ago, Noah_Hero said:


    • Pistol: Take the FNX-45 Tactical because you will need to go for headshots anyways if you are fighting enemys with plates and it doesn´t matters if your enemies don´t have plates.
      • scope: MRD because it makes it really easy to line up headshots.
      • Rail: Nothing because we´ve got NVGs and don´t need tacticool bs.
      • Muzzle: /


    I agree with you on everything but this point. During some testing I did on calibers vs armoured and unarmoured enemies, I found that the standard .45 acp round was beaten out by the 9mm JHP rounds offered by RHS weapons such as the G17 and M9. I strongly advise, if you must carry a pistol, to carry these. With lower recoil, more damage per shot, lighter ammo and a larger capacity per magazine there's no good reason to carry anything else.

  3. 3 hours ago, PiranhA said:

    If you want to lose your real-life-social-contacts completely, give AWE a chance.

    Alternatively, bring them along for the ride too!
    Enjoy yourself mate, as Piranha said give us a shout if you have any questions.

  4. Welcome back! Please do feel free to pop in on EU3. Much has changed, plenty of repo updates and the addition and removal of maps etc but the core of the experience hasn't changed one bit - have fun in a semi serious environment.

  5. 2 hours ago, tecHunt said:

    you can run around and learn as you go, but some things you can't just learn that way.

    also, a person joining doesn't know the people in the community yet, so they also don't know who to ask.


    that is why, I'd like to see a place, a list where new people can sign themselves up, and when there's enough someone who knows what's up can say when they have time.

    not a forum post tho, because this gets messy fast.

    One on one training has also been tried by myself and others on the training team. The trouble is that it's easy to get burned out fast doing it. 

    One night I wound up giving three separate people the basics back to back. 

    As Amentes has said, whenever we set up training nights the people who need help don't come and we wind up going over stuff the guys already know again and again.

    I'd love to see that change but we'll see how the next session goes I guess. 

  6. AW MVP 2017:Ryko

    AW most friendly admin/staff member 2017: Skullcollector

    AW most helpful admin/staff member 2017: Ryko

    AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2017: Amentes

    AW friendliest user 2017: Fir_Nev

    AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2017: Miniply (gotta get those realistic loadouts)

    AW best ARMA pilot 2017: Amentes

    AW best TeamSpeak singer 2017: Sony

    AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2017: Karate

    AW best moment 2017 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): Our first op on Lythium post CUP. Wow, that map was a sight to see the first time.

    AW best forum post 2017 (please put url in): I can't, it's hidden, but my argument with DEATH.

    AW best drunk member 2017: Karate

    AW best driver 2017:

    AW worst driver 2017:

    AW best baby 2017:

    AW most absent staff member 2016:

    AW best fail 2017:

    AW best banned member 2017: DEATH

    AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2017: 
    AW best game of 2017: ARMA 3

    AW best official server of 2017: AWE 


    More to add to this later when I'm not getting ready for work!

  7. 22 minutes ago, Guest Daniel OConner said:

    As you probably know, it sometimes accurs that a mission including Tigris-tanks spawns right next to one of the bases. I quite enqoy this because it brings a bit of action into the life as a pilot. But what I really dislike about it is described in the following text:


    Me being in final on the main military base with a Sentinel-UAV

    Tigris firing rockets

    Me pressing "C" to use my flairs

    Box showing up on my screen saying 'Please don't goof around at base!'

    Me losing all controll of the aircraft

    Me crashing

    Me ragequitting because this is the third time this happened in the last half hour


    I would really appreciate you fixing this problem (if possible) because such things are INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!


    Thank you in advance, yours sincerely

    Daniel OConnor

    As a UAV operator you're best to position yourself just outside of base. I'm unsure if this has been fixed or not but the server uses your location rather than the location of the drone to determine where "you" are. So flares from your ucav can set it off even if the drone is 20km away from base.

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