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Posts posted by BloodInTheSand

  1. On 22/03/2017 at 3:35 PM, GhostDragon said:

    At the moment the AI will only respond to gunshots and "footsteps" (in theory) however within a coming update to TFAR the AI will respond to communications and the voices of players. 

    Oh man, I'd love that. A single enemy in a group that has a stolen radio and can monitor your comms. Of course they wouldn't be able to actually decipher what you say, but knowing an enemy is within 5km, 2km etc would be incredibly useful information for AI in particular. 

  2. 11 hours ago, ShadowAce11 said:

    Severe framerate drops when spawning in new/deleting old missions. This was bad for the 32-bit (it would get a little laggy, rarely freezing), but now it has resulted in around 10-20 second freezes of my game in which TFAR boots me out and back into the AWE channel twice, if not more. Additionally, even the popup notification describing the new mission itself is enough to cause such a freeze, as when it disappears, I go through the same process again. 


    This is something I saw on Enhanced last night. Seemed to happen to everyone - we had a solid lock up of the game for a few seconds, everyone got thrown back to the setup room then pulled back in. Unsure if it's the same issue but outside of that it hasn't happened to be at all, running an i5-4460, GTX960 and 8gb RAM. If your specs are better than that then I'd have to think it was an issue outside of the game itself.

  3. I personally find the F/A-18 to be incredibly fun to use. Very versatile, and especially pretty to fly at night. I honestly think the modset as it is is fine with the exception of maybe Tac beards. But to be totally honest, they're just facewear. Facewear oftentimes makes no difference at all unless you're standing under a landing/taking-off helicopter. For the size of the mod, if they give people a giggle or make them recognisable (See Leo) then I don't see how they can hurt. Though if POOK gets working properly then I'd be very excited to see what it can bring - perhaps not as a constant threat, but as a mission for ground forces to go in and destroy SAM sites before we can progress in the missions.

  4. Christ I remember Falcon. A friend of mine's dad was very much into it.
    I'd love an excuse to pick it up and play it, this looks pretty damn fun. was very much into this game when we were younger

  5. Unsure if it's related, but at least once a day I'm hitting a brick wall with the "Session Lost" error every time I connect. 5-10 minutes after joining EU3 I wind up dropping for seemingly no reason. Only thing that resolves it is a cache verification every single time. Seems to just be a problem related to Arma 3, as this isn't the first time I've had this issue but it's happening consistently on EU3.

  6. 'ello folks. 
    Name's Ryan but you'll see me kicking about as BloodInTheSand.
    I'm an early twenties Scottish bloke, normally found sitting at my desk getting annoyed at people for opening the BLOODY RAMPS ON THE HYURON WHILE I'M TRYING TO FLY.

    Sorry. Got a tad over excited.

    Anyway, had my first play on one of the AW servers today and had a grand old time. Expect to see me again!

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