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    Kirk76 reacted to Minipily in Scope Mounting   
    Pretty good mod, I believe we used to use it back in the days as well.
    I believe the idea of bringing multiple scopes to an AO was frowned upon, which really it shouldn't be, nothing wrong with it and being EU3 I understand that people enjoy that sense of freedom.
    +1 would ruh-lism again.
  2. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Ryko in Scope Mounting   
    I'd vote for it, it'd need to be tested to see if it works with EU3 and multiplayer, but I like it in principal.
  3. Downvote
    Kirk76 reacted to PERO in Scope Mounting   
    Not required.
  4. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Blue-958- in EU3: Best Moments and Features   
    Flying out in a littlebird to pick up my co-pilot, find him unconscious and under heavy fire, land, run out and carry him back the the chopper while still under fire and returning him to the medical bay to make a full recovery. Felt epic
  5. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Harrod200 in EU3: Best Moments and Features   
    Rocking around a big map, with big toys and people who more or less know how to use them, raising hell and slaughtering many times our own number.
    That and bringing someone who's unconscious and bleeding out of every pore back from the brink.
    Also, This:
  6. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Ryko in Consolidating infantry squads?   
    So since the dawn of time, for infantry squads, Gauntlet has always had two fire teams under a single Squad Leader/Medic unit.  I'm wondering if it still worth this segregation.
    I propose that the ASL/A1/A2 teams be consolidated into a single group.  We've played like this in certain game nights, in what seems to be no harsh effect.  The advantage would be that all players in a group's squad would show up in their ShakTac hud, and in their map markers.  In turn I believe this would help squad cohesion.
    I'm not sure if I can see a disadvantage, but if someone can think of one, I'd be interested to hear it.
    Put your opinions in the poll and feel free to contribute!
  7. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Plant1ing in Streamlining Weapons   
    I don't find any of problems picking between weapons. It really doesn't matter as long it is 5.56. I just prefer RHS because of that incredible sound it delivers when fired. MK18 was the light for me from SMA. I don't use SMA anymore since MK18 is part of RHS.
    After some hours spent on the server no one should have problem picking his favorite weapon.
  8. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Johnson in RHS 0.4.1 Release   
    (The main point of this fairly large post is highlighted in GREEN near the bottom
    if you dont happen to be in the mood for reading, might find it interesting though )
    So with the new 0.4.1 release being brought to us by the messiah of a mod that is RHS, it honestly seems to me like the necessity for CUP and other related mods grows ever smaller.

    The new RHS update ads some pretty damn cool new weapons like their own Hk416, M107 and L72A7 as well as a kiloton of new features that have been long awaited and wanted but also some unexpected and awesome in their own way (like the grips on AR-15 platforms being moved to the bipod section of a arsenal).
    Nice new RHS uniforms have also been added to the cluster and many new vehicles and vehicle improvements have been made for both the US and RU factions (such as the awesome new boat the Mk. V SOC which can hold 32 passengers and 7 crew which consist of a mini-gun, a GMG, 2 HMGs, a technician seat, a commander seat and a driver seat).

    Overall RHS US and RU factions have had a massive update (especially US) which have only made the mod more lovable, for myself anyway.
    Not only this, we have been lucky enough to receive another RHS mod 'RHS:GREF' on the repo which seems to be a rebel/insurgent based pack focusing outside of the US and RU packs adding in many vehicles seen in CUP (furthur decreasing CUP's need in my opinion).

    Vehicles such as the BRDM-2 and the UAZ-31 can be found in GREF as well as other vehicles also seen in CUP. Texture and modelling wise, GREF also use Arma 2 ported textures I believe and when it comes to actual looks, the CUP and GREF vehicle models are near identical (with GREF being slightly better with texturing and sharpening of the A2 models for A3).
    RHS:GREF also adds in some new weapons, clothing and units seeming based around Slavic 1960's eras.
    With the introduction of GREF AND the massive new improvements, additions and updates to RHS US and RU factions it only seems to me that CUP is not needed anymore as I have never been a fan and with these 3 mods being implemented I feel that it only solidifies this point. When it comes to British units however (if that is an interest on EU#3 which its not for myself) I feel that the possibility of actually using a BAF unit mod or pack would be better than sticking with CUP. Introducing a BAF mod instead of CUP would most likely decrease repo space as well as add better quality and better made equipment for any of Ryko's BAF missions.

    I honestly think that its time for CUP to go but im fairly biased towards this idea. How do you guys feel about it? Would love to hear other peoples angles and opinions! 
    P.S the image of the M24 rifle is a sneak peek from RHS and is not in the 0.4.1 version, something extra to look forward to though right?  (Also full RHS changelog can be found HERE for anybody who wants to know specifics or wishes to simply see for themselves).
    - Johnson

  9. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Harrod200 in Training Survey - PLEASE READ   
    Morphine fixes everything. When your victimpatient says they hear a heartbeat, that's good; it means their heart is beating.
  10. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Amentes in Training Survey - PLEASE READ   
    The people cry out for training, and I shall deliver.
    Back to serious, I'm working up plans to start regular training sessions, and for that purpose I need information from everyone interested in attending any level of training in anything ArmA-related.
    While this survey isn't anonymous, you will not be held up to the info you post here. That said, I do ask that should your situation change dramatically, you submit a new entry.
    Should you find that a relevant course isn't listed in the survey, please post below.
  11. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to duffyman in Quick Duffy Training   
    Voice Radio Procedure

    Phonetic Alphabet
    When communicating over the radio you must always use the phonetic alphabet.

    For example, if I wanted Charlie squad to engage grid B1 marked on the map I would say
    "Charlie this is Delta 0, you are to push South and engage grid Bravo 1, how copy?".

    Key Phrases
    Phrases/terms to remember and use.

    Roger: Message received and understood.

    Over: Transmission finished, reply expected (short for "Over to you").

    Out: Transmission finished - no reply expected. For example "Copy that Delta, we will engage the target. Out." Note: only the sender should terminate traffic with “Out”.

    Wilco: Your message is understood and we Will Comply (usually combined with Roger: "Roger, Wilco").

    Confirm: Indicate whether a message has been understood or that a sent message has been understood correctly. For example:
    "Stalker 1, confirm coordinates are 045,091 ?"

    How Copy: Ask receiver if message was received and understood correctly. Correct responce would be Solid Copy (if heard and understood correctly) or Bad Copy (if not heard correctly or not understood).

    Repeat Last: Ask receiver to repeat last transmission.

    Standby for orders: Await further orders, usually shortened to Standby.

    Affirmative: Yes (sometimes abbreviated to Affirm).

    Negative: No

    Zero: The highest rank at a location within a squad/section. For example Delta squad's commander would be "Delta Zero". If I wanted to speak to Delta's commander I would say
    "Delta Zero this is Charlie Zero, confirm we are to push South and engage grid Bravo 1?"

    Locstat: Location at the current time. Usually when a callsign is moving. e.g. "Send locstat, over".

    Sitrep: Situation Report = how you are getting on with an assigned task or the state of your unit.

    Redeploy: (Vehicle) Move to a different location. When given with a grid or location, it is effectively a move order.

    CAS: Close Air Support. For example "This is Charlie to Stalker 1, requesting CAS on grid 041,048, how copy?"

    CasEvac: Casualty Evacuation.

    FAC: Forward Air Controller. A designated marine within a section/squad that will act as the middleman for sending traffic between air and ground.

    When using a radio, remember the mnemonic CLAP:

    AS an order with 

    That is how all of your messages should be spoken. Don't shout or swear. Don't talk when someone else is talking - wait for them to finish, including any response they are expecting. 

    All spellings should be spoken using the phonetic alphabet.

    All numbers should be spoken as digits (i.e. two one, not twenty one).

    All callsigns should be spoken as digits and phonetics.

    Do not use the radio for chatting. Use DIRECT for this purpose.

    Marines will be issued with a PRC 343 radio for squad-to-squad communication. Section Commanders, Fireteam Leaders and Forward Air Controllers will be issued with a PRC 117/119 long range radio.
  12. Like
    Kirk76 got a reaction from kman in Marksman are pretty useless at night   
    i suggest giving marksman the ability to use at least some kind of NV scopes. why? well, its pretty self explanatory. marksman are almost useless in night missions. 
    enough said.
  13. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to DakimDragco in helicopter stuff   
    thx for the insight. you definitily touch a few known points. However on EU1 the gameplay tends to be more casual and faster paced. EU3 (modded server) is slightly more slow paced and tactics relative as to how pilots fly and act. You might want to try EU3 out if you like playing that way, im sure you would have a blast, but i would also hope to see future pilots in EU1/2 adapt some of you pointers to there gameplay as it does promote a smoother more logistical game.
  14. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to DudeX in helicopter stuff   
    greetings all,
    i have spent quite a few hours flying choppers on your server recently. i want to share some observations regarding selection of LZ's:
    1. too close
    troopers hate to walk, i guess. i prefer to keep  1km away from the ao in order to avoid getting shot down by vehicles. as the battle progresses and own troops secure more and more terrain moving the lz forward becomes feasable.
    2. bad choice of terrain
    lz's are often chosen on a front slope facing the ao and all it's lurking apc's, vehicle cannons, infantry guns and whatnot. arma maps are awesome. it's easy to recognize terrain features meaning one can select a covered lz, i.e behind a ridge or similar.
    3. impatience
    troopers don't like to wait. some think i'm their personal cab driver. i'm not. personally, i ferry a minimum of 2 guys (so they can support each other on their enterprise). also, changing the destination midflight requires some adjustments the pilot needs to make which take time, too, such as referring to the map, planning an ingress/egress route and, of course talking/typing in chat.
    4. the hilltop
    a seemingly favourite lz is any given hilltop. i mean seriously! people love to bunch up on a peak and snipe down for an hour. hilltops are crap. they are obvious features in the countryside and any halfbaked enemy will have his own sights on them, too. being a little more creative and choosing different terrain from which to attack an ao is fun, too. fire and maneuvre, you know...
    5. extraction
    dont just type " i need extraction". that's not much information for a pilot. mark a preferred pickup point on the map and be ready with a smoke grenade (one is enough). throw it when the chopper arrives (when you hear it) and tell the pilot which color of smoke you just popped (in case there is other smoke in the area, which maybe you don't even see yourself).
    and then some observations on pilot etiquette:
    with 5 or so pilots all shuffling troopers back and forth i'd like to see a little more team spirit, meaning if a chopper arrives at base second  let the helo which already sits there take off first. if you're booked by a squad for an individual task that's different, but other than that hang back a little. it's a team game after all.
    that was it.
    i haven't seen any guidance or instruction how you prefer the piloting on your server to be conducted. so please add or correct anything i posted here. until then this here is at least something i prefer doing. i found that it also helps getting more troopers to the frontline alive :-)
  15. Like
    Kirk76 got a reaction from Dingo in Stepping stone server   
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    Kirk76 got a reaction from Giddy in Stepping stone server   
  17. Like
    Kirk76 got a reaction from ParabolicAJB in The rules page   
    can the rules in the rules n' regulations be numberd? i think it will make it much easier to search certain rules using CTRL+F, becuse in its current state if someone points me to "RULE 10" while in the game, i want to be able to quicky ALT TAB, open the forum and look up rule 10 without having to scroll all the way down.
  18. Like
    Kirk76 reacted to Amentes in Another Shacktac Mod Thingy!   
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