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Stepping stone server



Hello everyone me and a few of the community members were thinking of how we could bridge the gap between the vanilla servers ie EU 1/2 to the vastly modded EU 3. Because the servers are so different we feel that a semi modded EU 1/2 server would fill the gap, Possibly EU 5. This would give a bit more variety to the game play by using minimal mods on EU 1/2 maps and missions. This server would still give people the experience of team work but not be as hardcore. The mods we were thinking of using would be a Weapon's pack, Weapon Attachment pack, Uniform pack, Some form of a vehicle pack and less intrusive form of acre 2. Please tell me your thoughts if you think this is a good idea or not, Would love to get your feedback.



As of the recent issues in the comments below with some of the contradicting opinions of the community members i feel it would be in everyone's best interest to come up with a simple answer ie yes i would like this to happen or no it's not for me, I understand the reasons why some of the community don't want this to happen but this topic was never created for those individuals that had no intention of playing this server or game night. My original post wasn't meant to upset anyone it was a simple idea to see if people felt the same way but some individuals have taken it the wrong way. Thanks to the people who have expressed their opinion in a detailed way but lets keep it simple from now on. 

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I wouldnt mind something like that but there used to be a repositorie for official mods on eu 1/2 and i think they are removed for some reason.


What happened to that repo anyway? Or did i just forgot to update or something?

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I have to say I do not agree with this idea.  I played the original OpFlash and Arma many years ago, missed Arma 2 and got Arma 3 only 6months ago.  I played EU1/2 for a few weeks whilst reading up on the rules and many helpful forum posts of information for EU3 - I got along just fine and now play regularly on EU3 without breaking the rules.


In short, I feel that your idea is a 'get out' from actually learning the rules and play styles for EU#3.

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Personally I don't think a new server is required, just like Zissou's points of who is going to build and maintain it. However I think that a game night of this nature would be a great idea to provide a bridge between those regulars on EU#3 and EU#2/1. I also think this may help to combine the two communities rather than having this barricade between the two. As of right now it feels like the players of EU#3 fully separate themselves from the players of EU#1 and EU#2.

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Okay so a few questions for you guys.

  • Which mods?
  • Who's going to decide which mods get picked?
  • Who's going to build it?
  • Who's going to maintain it?

 Don't look at me, i only play on eu3 when i have the time :P but i remembered i used to play with the official mods whenever i was on eu1/2 and i tought it was a nice touch.


Also i have to agree with Parabolic on that 'get out' idea ;)

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Personally I don't think a new server is required, just like Zissou's points of who is going to build and maintain it. However I think that a game night of this nature would be a great idea to provide a bridge between those regulars on EU#3 and EU#2/1. I also think this may help to combine the two communities rather than having this barricade between the two. As of right now it feels like the players of EU#3 fully separate themselves from the players of EU#1 and EU#2.

Let's not forget the Training sessions.


Giddy - have you taken advantage of these sessions?

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I wouldnt mind something like that but there used to be a repositorie for official mods on eu 1/2 and i think they are removed for some reason.


What happened to that repo anyway? Or did i just forgot to update or something?

They are still there 


Tho only blastcore for smoke effects mag repack to repack your mag and sounds mods are alowed no server side mods or mods wich every one need's 

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It's a free choice for eveyone in the end on wich server to join. Fact is that those trainingnights are a very good idea in my opinion and if people are interested and really involved in the community they should make the and join 'the separates' on eu3 ;) 


In the end it takes training, lessons and balls to make it work on eu3... Allways willing to help with the limited experience i got on eu3 ;)


just ask ;)

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However I think that a game night of this nature would be a great idea to provide a bridge between those regulars on EU#3 and EU#2/1.


I also think that this is the best approach to the situation, and is not as demanding in maintenance. There might even be a regular gamenight in this fashion to periodically remind people of EU3's way of doing things. If they like it, there's more of a chance that they download 20+ gigs of mods.


Mod this gamenight extremely lightly. ACRE and ACE only, no show, just the manners.

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I also think that this is the best approach to the situation, and is not as demanding in maintenance. There might even be a regular gamenight in this fashion to periodically remind people of EU3's way of doing things. If they like it, there's more of a chance that they download 20+ gigs of mods.


Mod this gamenight extremely lightly. ACRE and ACE only, no show, just the manners.


I agree here. I've made the trip down to EU3  a couple of times, and although I like the mods and stuff like that, I can't get comfortable on there. I'd like a night or two where we can have a light mods sort of game night where we can have a bit of ACRE2 or something that won't be massive in terms of download.

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Have no idea what i did here^


Let's not forget the Training sessions.


Giddy - have you taken advantage of these sessions?



 I have played EU 3 and i don't enjoy milsim or the poor fps, That's why i made the post because of the encouragement of the admin at the time to try and bridge the gap. 

 Don't look at me, i only play on eu3 when i have the time :P but i remembered i used to play with the official mods whenever i was on eu1/2 and i tought it was a nice touch.


Also i have to agree with Parabolic on that 'get out' idea ;)

This topic was created to see how the admin and the community felt about it and for those question's you asked to be answered.

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When we had that discussion the other day I didn't realize you thought this. EU3 is anything but milsim.


That wasn't the discussion i was talking about Colsta in that post, But i have no way else of explaining EU 3 for the people and there reasons for why they don't play it. How would you explain EU 3 so i don't use that terminology again? 

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That wasn't the discussion i was talking about Colsta in that post, But i have no way else of explaining EU 3 for the people and there reasons for why they don't play it. How would you explain EU 3 so i don't use that terminology again? 


It feels like you're looking for a category for EU3, which I don't think it has. Milsim implies ranks and a fixed hierarchy of roles, often even requiring to address by rank and sir / ma'am. EU3 has none of that. Everyone can join whatever role they wish to take, with many customisation options and no requirement to use non-magnifying scopes or iron sights as a regular rifleman.

Perhaps you got us on the wrong foot or didn't listen closely enough when you played on EU3, but I am 100% sure that we love banter and to relax.


Everything you might associate with milsim, i.e., command structure and roles, comes with using a radio mod and the desire to be organised. The realism mods we use, like RHS for weapons and uniforms, are just what the playerbase likes to use from personal preference, not because we are dead-set on simulating reality.

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I would love to play with some of the EU 3 mods,



It's a lot of Mods to get just to TRY out a playstyle.

It will TANK my FPS, and therefore my enjoyment of the game.

A slightly LESS modded server or regular gamenight would really help me to 'test' how my system would run with Mods,

and also whether or not having those more STRUCTURED mods (Mainly Radios) would improve or ruin my experience of the game.

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It feels like you're looking for a category for EU3, which I don't think it has. Milsim implies ranks and a fixed hierarchy of roles, often even requiring to address by rank and sir / ma'am. EU3 has none of that. Everyone can join whatever role they wish to take, with many customisation options and no requirement to use non-magnifying scopes or iron sights as a regular rifleman.

Perhaps you got us on the wrong foot or didn't listen closely enough when you played on EU3, but I am 100% sure that we love banter and to relax.


Everything you might associate with milsim, i.e., command structure and roles, comes with using a radio mod and the desire to be organised. The realism mods we use, like RHS for weapons and uniforms, are just what the playerbase likes to use from personal preference, not because we are dead-set on simulating reality.


I miss used the word milsim i completely agree with that, But i don't know how to encompass all of the reasons why some of the community doesn't want to play EU 3, Maybe some of the community would like to play a Ahoy server with mods that doesn't take it's self too seriously, This is why this topic was created to get the feedback of the community that regularly play EU 1/EU 2 to see if they would like some form of variety, I think my original post was a bit misleading in terms of a fresh new server EU 5 but i only said that in my description because i thought i had the support of the people who encouraged me in the first place to make this post. But a modded game night on the vanilla servers is great option as well.     

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I have to say I do not agree with this idea.  I played the original OpFlash and Arma many years ago, missed Arma 2 and got Arma 3 only 6months ago.  I played EU1/2 for a few weeks whilst reading up on the rules and many helpful forum posts of information for EU3 - I got along just fine and now play regularly on EU3 without breaking the rules.


In short, I feel that your idea is a 'get out' from actually learning the rules and play styles for EU#3.

I think you're missing the point of this thread -

It's not about the rules, it's about the idea of a step between an (relatively) unmodded server, and something with as many Mods as EU 3.

Your post completely side steps the point here.

Which is that some people don't want to, or can't (due to hardware or other factors), play on a server as heavily loaded with Mods as EU 3.

But they do want a more immersive experience.

I wish people wouldn't jump at this the way they have and actually read it and take some time to understand it before posting.

Giddy makes a really good point.

He just wanted FEEDBACK on the idea of something inbetween the 2 types of servers.

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So from the information i have gotten/read here are my thoughts.


Player's in EU 3 need to chill out, This post was made for the players of EU #1 and #2 to see if they would like to try somthing new and fresh,  and will not effect EU 3 at all what so ever so i dont understand why you guys are here disagreeing with the idea? 



The reason people want a light modded server is so they can have a different I&A gaming experience without the lag or having to download so many mod's. There is a server that is available and is not being used so it would not hurt to try it out and see how the community reacts. EU 3 is nice but its a little too much for some people and the level of gameplay just is not really what some are looking for. 



The Answer to Zissou's Questions :) 


Which Mods: ACE/ACRE  

Who decides which mod's to use: Mission Developer/Community (Limit 2GB)

Who is going to Build it: (Needs to be Decided) 

Who is going to maintain it: I am willing to maintain the server. 



Until we figure out who can make the mission Kieran Collier has volunteered to make a basic mission file with the mods included and the mission's can be made via Zeus. 


I have a few more thoughts, but i cant keep my eye's open lol. 






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Until we figure out who can make the mission Kieran Collier has volunteered to make a basic mission file with the mods included and the mission's can be made via Zeus. 

Perhaps thats another one where the community can help. We've all got access to the 3D Editor, and a pretty solid imagination when it comes to these sorts of things, so, if a few people decided to set out to make a few more missions along a set of guidelines (this is where Kieran and the other mission creators can set what they want), then submit them centrally to someone so they can be tested on the 'End User' on the server, then get feedback on whether or not they work..

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The reason people want a light modded server is so they can have a different I&A gaming experience without the lag or having to download so many mod's. There is a server that is available and is not being used so it would not hurt to try it out and see how the community reacts. 


Didnt know there was an available server to use. Sure would be a great idea for the community to give it a try! i would certainly love to test this out and i also think it would expand the community cause there would be more gameplay choices to pick from. As for the 'logistics and organization' i have no clue wether its possible or not.

EU 3 is nice but its a little too much for some people and the level of gameplay just is not really what some are looking for. 


In my experience it was kinda hard to advance from the nonmodded eu1/2 servers to the modded eu3 server. It was alot to take on and i can see why people arent allways that motivated to jump in the deep. It takes alot of dedication. I guess some people are just looking for that little extra experience that they miss on the eu1/2 but are not as comitted to learning all mods and playstyle of eu3. Perhaps this would open a window for the players who want to up their experience and take the pressure of for trying eu3 in the end?

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I don't think that making another -lighter- modset will help. Other than some technical stuff (actual server, mission/s, more admins?) it probably will divide the community even more. Right now AW has 2 player bases: those who play on EU1/2 and those who play on EU3. Ocasionally players jump between the two, but generally speaking there are "core" players for each modset.


If you open another server with a middle-ground modset, it may create another sub-community, and from general experience, dividing a community like that is never a good idea. It potentially could create more problems than solve. 


On top of all of that, openining another server may bleed players from EU3, which already is suffering from low amount of players on average compared to 1/2. I would prefer if AW focused on promoting EU3 instead of opening new servers. 


I have a feeling that players are "intimidated" by EU3 and they can't just hop and play to try it because they have to download 20+GB of mods.


A gamenight with just ACE and ACRE is a really good idea that would show players the basics of EU3 without downloading much. 



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A gamenight with just ACE and ACRE is a really good idea that would show players the basics of EU3 without downloading much.

I would say that its ACE and ACRE that probably intimidate more users to come towards EU3 than anything,


I was fortunate that the first time I went on, a couple of the players on there showed me the basics of ACE without treating me like an idiot.


As you've said, we don't want to drive the community apart, and some of the guys I play with are a little bit unsure of what effect ACE and ACRE will have on their gaming, so this sort of thing is something I would take part in.

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