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    lexota reacted to PiranhA in Hello to everyone   
    Hello Tarby and welcome,
    Arma is a very good game ineed. Eu1&2 are great, but if you want to get really addicted to arma 3 i advice you to give eu3 a try. Its the the ahoy modded server for arma 3. More serious play and more teamwork. 
    If you havent found out about the rules, you can do so here:
    Keep those in mind at all time, they are enforced. If you run into problems, jump on teamspeak and find urself a admin or send a pm by the forum.
    A list of admins and other staff can be found here but try to solve things urself first, theres alot info on these forums:
    Have fun here,
  2. Like
    lexota got a reaction from Silveo Richard in Greetings, All!   
    Hello Silveo and welcome!
  3. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in Saving loadouts   
    Altis 49C is on the server now, and it's looking like the Arsenal is finally in the right place.
    1) Now that we're using XLA FixedArsenal, you can load ANY loadout you have saved, rather than incompatible loadouts being greyed out.  The huge delay from when you clicked "load" is gone.  The downside is of course that any blacklisted or unavailable gear is simply not loaded (there is a report of what didn't load).
    2) Role-specific loadouts now work properly.
    3) There is a bit of juggling around TFAR radios.  Right now you spawn with a TFAR radio, but if you open the arsenal, the one you spawn with will be removed from your inventory.  There is a simple reason for this: when you spawn, you're given a unique radio ID (think of it like having PRC-152 #21) and if you save your loadout with this radio, it's possible that you can load it back in the future when someone else already has #21.  If the two of you have the same radio#, problems ensue.  Just make sure you take a new radio when you're in the arsenal. Saving the loadout should  work; it should give you the base class radio, which is whitelisted, and then you'll get a proper ID when you leave the arsenal.  "should"
    4) Quick load and quick save features should work.  "should".
  4. Like
    lexota reacted to PiranhA in Squad alowence system (eu #3)   
    Theres have been discussions on the forum about this subject before if i im right. Especially if its about the pilots. Pilots are the most discussed role in this community. Also, doing some research and some thinking over about the role you play will get you on the right track. But it will only work when there is a good atmosphere of teamplay. 
    Its good to try and find ways of improving the experience on eu3 and the idea is not bad at all, but to be honest i think these problems can be mostly avoided by the right player mentality.
    But thats just my humble opinion.
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    lexota reacted to Taxi in Squad alowence system (eu #3)   
    I have personally had quite some issues as to when players are allowed to use certain squads.
    I Always thought: "Why is there no scheme showing the minimum required players before a certain squad is allowed to be used or something alike."
    Now why would we need this extra bit added to the EU #3 rules?
    Because there's always a lot of discussing going on, during the briefing, between command (The leading role at that moment sometimes just A1TL) and other players who want to take a support role.
    If we just add a list to the rules telling players when they are allowed to join a certain support squad command can just point to the rules instead of having an endless discussion on wether they are allowed to use this squad.
    For instance:
    Platoon command: REQUIRED at 30 players (already a rule but not known by all players)
    ASL: Always open, you need to have proper understanding of the game as you are leading the main teams A1 and A2 and sometimes more than just those if command isn't present.
    A1: fill primarily, don't take other support squad unless this is full.
    A2: fill secondary.
    Vortex: 1 vortex team per 8 ground troops. (minimum of 8)
    Then just make a list for all of the squads with their own rules.
    We could even add descriptions to all squads and even roles explaining the grand scheme of what they will be doing in the field.
    This makes it easier for players to know what they are supposed to do.
    Otherwise some players sometimes will take roles not knowing what they are supposed to do and just run around like a headless chicken which has happened before.
    Or someone taking Vortex when there's just 4 players on and taking an A-10 to the AO and doing shit on their own, ignoring other players.
    -Taxi Thomas
  6. Like
    lexota reacted to Copey in Saving loadouts   
    With the next update we expect all issues to be resolved regarding the issues when trying to load from the arsenal. 
    This is something that will have a close eye kept on, so if any issues do arise you can expect us to be all over them!
  7. Like
    lexota reacted to Amentes in TFAR   
    Correct Ryko, did so myself.
    It's also a lot simpler than using that installer, if I'm perfectly honest, as that installer is a piece of crap from the Win95 era.
  8. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in TFAR   
    I don't believe you need this file.  If you're trying to run the arma3sync installer wizard for TFAR I don't believe it's been updated for the most recent version of TFAR, which (if I recall correctly) doesn't use radio_settings.hpp.
    Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all you need is the tfar installation files into TS3 (the radio sounds folders, and the .dll - 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on your flavour of OS) and the @task_force_radio plugin in your arma3 directory.
  9. Like
    lexota got a reaction from Yarys in AHOY to all   
    Hi and welcome to Ahoy Have fun and see you on the battlefield!
  10. Like
    lexota got a reaction from David in CQB Event EU5 Sunday 24/7/16 17:00 GMT   
    Seems like someone is used to playing supair/xball competitive paintball  I'll do my best to be part of this!
  11. Like
    lexota got a reaction from Mohamed in Ahoy People !   
    Hi and welcome to Ahoy
  12. Like
    lexota reacted to S0zi0p4th in REPO INFO (Maintenance Notice)   
    To all who are using our Official or Modded Repo 
    The Repo is down for Major Maintenance
    We will keep you informed by updates in this thread
    Greetings Ahoyworld Staff Team
  13. Like
    lexota reacted to zissou in Rugglan Ban Appeal   
    Okay a few things here firstly you've quoted me as saying "wasting broken heli" had a look at the chat logs, it doesn't appear.
    In your first ban appeal you stated you've never tked but that's not true you've been caught doing it twice in the past few days.
    You haven't been banned up until this point but you have been kicked.
    In both tking incidents you're argumentative and hostile towards the admin in question.
    As for wasting helis, apart from the video of you crashing a perfectly good heli into the hanger I've found six more incidents where you admit to ramming the helicopters in the past few days.
    As for the last point you half heartedly accuse me that I killed you and a few others while you were on the way to the AO for no reason.
    Do you have any evidence to back that up? No because it never happened.
  14. Like
    lexota reacted to zissou in Rugglan Ban Appeal   
    Okay so now we're getting somewhere.
    But unfortunately you're trying to undo the mess you've created by simply lying even more.
    The two "accidents" regarding team killing both took place at spawn not while covering the AO.
    Your helicopter was struck by lightning by me but it only had you on board. Furthermore the two times you were struck were five minutes after your brb 1 min message where you left the hummingbird in mid air. And the second time was when you were ignoring the game and letting your neice fly. Which you have done on more than one occasion.
    You will see from the rules that wasting team assets is not allowed nor is it in the spirit of the game. There is no need to destroy flyable helis. You also do not do the gameplay any favours when you ram your heli into the radio tower. Waste resources multiple times to speed up an already fast respawn time. Nor are you helping anyone by intentionally crashing into buildings at spawn.
    You were asked to be truthful in your ban appeal and told we would not entertain dishonest appeals.
    You haven't been at all truthful in your (three, so far) variations of your story.
    Be honest because every time you lie we have less and less trust in anything that you say.
  15. Like
    lexota reacted to zissou in Rugglan Ban Appeal   
    we don't discuss bans in private. 
    what do I mean by stick to the truth? I mean stop lying about what you've been up to.
    So far you've been nothing but untruthful and you know that we reject appeals that aren't truthful.
    Why were you banned? For destroying helicopters without any need, tking in spawn, not playing your role (or letting your niece fly) and general disruptive behaviour.
  16. Like
    lexota reacted to kennychr in Gamenight 13/5 Ghosts 2000GMT   
    So did a bit of a different style of mission this time, its centered around planning\situation awareness and is aimed at 32 players + zeus.
    Zeus isnt going to add anything other that delivering us to the objective as how the mission is currently setup and is more of a sneaky,plan then attack style mission any helicopter assets would either have a reaaaaaaly long boring wait or alert any AI of our presence if the take it upon them to do a low flyby of an Objective.
    With that out of the way lets talk mission specifics and a completely made up backstory.
    Mission Parameters 
    Team setup: 6x4-Man Force recon teams.
    Loadouts: SET + medical crates for additional supplies if you deem them necessary.
    Respawn: NONE + spectator.
    Mission planning is done ingame with the teams selecting one of the 6 objectives, one of the objectives is recon until the other teams arrive tho you could be brave and try it without support...
    Chopper insertion, it can only land 3 times due to wanting to spend as little as time as possible in the "hotzone"
    ASR AI will be field tested on this mission.
    Sharani Military has requested help from AWOPS to help take out and otherwise weaken a militia group that is recieving funding by a organization interested in destabilizing the nation of Sahrani. AWOPS has detached 6x4 Man force recon teams with USgear to help.
  17. Like
    lexota reacted to Minipily in i want to play   
    Is- Is this a *gulp* sexual thing? 
  18. Like
    lexota reacted to Harrod200 in Greetings   
    Since I've been on EU3 a bit lately, I suppose I should actually register for stuff.
    Can't use AT4 to save my life; will only be carrying an NLAW. Passable medic. Fairly good at dropping mortars on stuff without a range computer. Happy to run around with just a rifle and bag full of stuff. Love being sneaky. Not too keen on taking leadership, but can do if everyone dies, until they're un-deadeded. Never tried flying, feel like a target in vehicles; more comfortable on foot.
  19. Like
    lexota reacted to Max in New website logo   
    More to come soon
    I may have completely misunderstood, but have that anyway. 

    clean n simple, I'll keep revising this as I have the time
  20. Like
    lexota reacted to Amentes in How about a ranking system   
    If you want a different experience on I&A, I'd recommend you get yourself on TeamSpeak, talk to some people there. I don't frequent the I&A servers anymore, but I used to try and set up small teams with the players on TS to keep things a bit more organized.
    If you engage yourself with your fellow players, you will always have a new experience and a new challenge, imho.
    Sometimes it can be like herding cats, but one learns to create unit cohesion
  21. Like
    lexota reacted to Minipily in How about a ranking system   
    If this is about EU3, EU3 isn't really that kind of realism server, more of a semi-realism where people have a little more freedom while remaining at a steady teamwork, communication and tactic level.
    However, nobody is stopping you from getting yourself and friends to make a little ranking system of your own and maybe get a dedicated fire-team, I myself have a dedicated crew for going crewman, MMG or MAT and you'll find that making your own dedicated teams for when the opportunity arises is real fun, you get a lot more comradery and begin to work better in terms of tactics etc.
  22. Like
    lexota reacted to MessedUpSmiley in The Dutch Rememberance of the Dead   
    Hello people of AhoyWorld,
    Today is the Dutch day for Remembrance; a day on which (hopefully all of) the Netherlands commemorates the victims of past wars or peacekeeping missions.
    This is why I would like to politely ask you all to keep quiet for two minutes on our Teamspeak server at 20:00 using this time application.
    Thank you very much for your cooperation.
    With greetings,
  23. Like
    lexota reacted to zissou in New website logo   
  24. Like
    lexota reacted to Mouldy in EU#3 Intro Training - 14/05/16 1700 UTC   
    Excited to see some new faces, happy to help where I can.
  25. Like
    lexota reacted to Amentes in EU#3 Intro Training - 14/05/16 1700 UTC   
    Meet up @ TS/MissionPlanning: 1645 UTC
    Training start: 1700 UTC (apprx.)
    Training end: 1900 UTC (apprx.)
    Type of gameplay: Basic training, roundtable.
    Mods: EU#3 Repository Mods
    Basic training looks like this:
    Introduction - what it means to play on EU3 - how it's different from EU1 / other servers - what we expect from players.  Ie., the obligatory boring talky-talk part Radios - how to use ACRE - how to communicate well & efficiently - understanding how & why the radios work. Working as a team - formations, movement, cover, battle buddies, chain of command. ACE medical - how to treat your own injuries - how to help a medic (or other team members) treat another team members' injuries effectively. Signups not required
    After completed training, roundtable discussion on future training topics.
    There will be no specialized training for this session.
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