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How about a ranking system



Hello again,


I have the suggestion if you maybe can bring a ranking system in the game which allows promotion similiar to KotH (from normal soldier to general) - so you begin as private and can rank up to whatever (like in Battlefield or I think also in Call of Duty and other shit  ^_^)


It's just an idea so I not want to bring to much details because I first want to know how this would sound for other people.


But I not mean with unlocking new wpns or stufff or what ever with promotion ... it's just the rank - that's at least my basic idea.

Maybe a sign or addition next the player name ... for example Sgt P4R4S (for Sergeant).


Thing is you play and play and play and nothing changes ... you make no progress ... you conquer one point than another than next until the death (and log out or rage quit  :lol: after that). So I think there should be something you can improve and make progress and when Its only a simply ranking system.



P4R4S :)

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You can build castles and boats in Arma :blink: holy **** ...
No serious ... yeah but that's not the point ... of course you can allways do something new in ArmA and maybe also in this mode but when you do over hundred times the same thing maybe with some more or less small changes you still do the same god damnd thing. Sure you can switch classes and such stuff but one time you tried everything or everything you wanted and than you say "So Im done ... time to delete the game" or what ?
You also can bring new stuff in the game if you able to and have the skills or can bring new ideas for people who have the knowledge and skills to bring more activities and what ever in the game. To say - ah no Im happy with how it is and have fun lasts till you get bored and than you quit or you go one with doing the same things again or what ever ...
That sounds for me like somebody who is against ideas and new, different or more content generaly and isn't a real argument for me.
Sure ... problem is allways it could bring negativ changes but to say no Im happy with all how it is isn't better but ok ... acctually it's not worse. and without people who go and went new ways there would not even something like this mode or the hole game or anything we would still sit in some shitty caves and scratch our back with clubs :lol:

It's not about making a complete different game or mod(e) (definitely not my intention) its just an idea for a new small content to bring some progress something you can improve and increase so you see you earn something or have a feeling for improvement - your own personaly.
Sometimes it's a little bit annoying that you conquer a AO and than the next and next and next etc. and repeat it after you tooked all points - sure ... you can also make a side mission but they are same thing only a lot smaller - and no that's not bad or blame ... but it's yeah how should I name it ... senseless (?) ...
If you play ArmA like me for over 500hours and tried nearly all different modes you came one a point where you think yeah ... this was it and even when you come to a new mode it's just repeating what you did before in other modes only with other main emphatises.

How ever the keyword what I really miss in this mode is Progress - something by which you see hey, it's going forward.

Finished ?

Yeah ... guess so :P

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If this is about EU3, EU3 isn't really that kind of realism server, more of a semi-realism where people have a little more freedom while remaining at a steady teamwork, communication and tactic level.


However, nobody is stopping you from getting yourself and friends to make a little ranking system of your own and maybe get a dedicated fire-team, I myself have a dedicated crew for going crewman, MMG or MAT and you'll find that making your own dedicated teams for when the opportunity arises is real fun, you get a lot more comradery and begin to work better in terms of tactics etc.

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I do have to agree that the idea of a ranking system works in KotH butand this is a big but I&A is not KotH. First off its not PvP. Secondly I&A is about playing like you want to. Yea maybe we restrict some Thermal scopes but thats it.


Then again i think there is some kind of point system in I&A3 ? Can someone confirm oder deny that?

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If you want a different experience on I&A, I'd recommend you get yourself on TeamSpeak, talk to some people there. I don't frequent the I&A servers anymore, but I used to try and set up small teams with the players on TS to keep things a bit more organized.


If you engage yourself with your fellow players, you will always have a new experience and a new challenge, imho.


Sometimes it can be like herding cats, but one learns to create unit cohesion :)

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King of the Hill isn't realistic but I not talked about increasing the realism ... but it wouldn't make it less realistic by the way with a ranking system and hey hole Arma3 isn't realistic it is only a military simulation game what means more realistic than a normal shooter but far away of realism and I think Invade and Annex is more realistic than "king of the hill".


Just last week I seen a arma mod with a ranking system where people had a rank icon on their uniforms (http://www.outsidegamer.de/include/upload/images/userpics/BF3-ranks.jpg) and shortcut of their rank in chat before her names and above their head and map. It looked very interesting and nice


Question is how to make it possible to increase it and how should this look in game ... maybe with playtime and time in the AO and after finishing a mission you become a bonus as it is in king of the hill ... similiar I mean.

In King of the Hill you not rank up you lvl up and unlock wpns, vehicles, mods and uniforms or better call it skins so that's not exactly that whay I mean :)


@Minipily hmm yeah but I not mean a imagination ranking more a real ingame existing and yeah it could contain a subordination but not have to - so nobody have to do what a higher ranked guy says only when he likes to - Is at least a game and for fun so not be scared ^^

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@Paras: I was lucky to be present when stress test of I&A 3.0 started. It has a strong emphasis on progression. Players accumulated points which they could spend for supports and we actually pushed the enemy. No random AOs anymore.

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 it could contain a subordination but not have to - so nobody have to do what a higher ranked guy says only when he likes to

If no-one has to follow a person of higher rank - then why bother with rank at all??

I honestly don't see what the benefit here would be.

Unlocking weapons etc is pointless... we can pick our equipment when we join the server.

Unlocking vehicles etc is pointless... we get them through Mission rewards.

If you're just after a cool looking emblem/icon for your uniform/vehicles, that shows you're a dedicated player, then the Squad.xml covers that.

And as people above me have mentioned - I&A 3.0 - will offer support packages gained through scoring points ingame.


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... allready have a squad.xml so no ... and I think Im long time out of this age where I have to impress somebody especially with something like a stupid virtual rank <_<


I said it often enough I only want this to have something you can improve and make progress ingame without any restrictions and I think a ranking system would be perfect for that !

Nobody needs several wannabe commanders who give orders so I say it shouldn't be that way It could but nobody needs to follow the orders from higher ranked guys - also it would be confusing to have several high ranked guys who give several different orders or think they could be competend or more than others only because of that or have the right to rule lower ranked people. If than only on voluntary base. It could, it maybe also should but not have to (no must be) !


If you don't like the idea I can't help you and we can quit the discussion because I think this leads nowhere ! Im not wasting my energy for repeat everything and take stupid insinuations and arguments.  

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Hello again,


I have the suggestion if you maybe can bring a ranking system in the game which allows promotion similiar to KotH (from normal soldier to general) - so you begin as private and can rank up to whatever (like in Battlefield or I think also in Call of Duty and other shit  ^_^)


It's just an idea so I not want to bring to much details because I first want to know how this would sound for other people.


But I not mean with unlocking new wpns or stufff or what ever with promotion ... it's just the rank - that's at least my basic idea.

Maybe a sign or addition next the player name ... for example Sgt P4R4S (for Sergeant).


Thing is you play and play and play and nothing changes ... you make no progress ... you conquer one point than another than next until the death (and log out or rage quit  :lol: after that). So I think there should be something you can improve and make progress and when Its only a simply ranking system.



P4R4S :)



Early on it was intentional to not design a false sense of achievement for the player.

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