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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. The new "Gunner Camera", as used both on UAVs and on single-seat jets, is great. Very easy to use, with none of the old fighting for control; at least in single-player. I haven't yet found a way to edit dynamic loadout mid-mission. So far, it seems to be editor-only. In the future I'd hope this would be up to the scenario creator, on a per-vehicle basis, possibly as a simple toggle on each vehicle when creating the scenario. The laser guidance so far works with DAGRs, Skalpels and GBU-12s, and I've noticed with the GBUs, I can make them fly sideways a bit more than previously possible by moving the laser after dropping one.
  2. Fiddled with Dev a bit. I'm pretty underwhelmed by the Sentinel UAV, as its weapons package leaves much to be desired when compared to a modern MQ-9 Reaper. It's much faster than the Greyhawk though, and supposedly should be harder to lock a missile onto. The new single-seats are reasonably fun, but honestly seem mostly about air-to-air combat. I was especially disheartened by the Black Wasp's internal weapons bay, which only holds a combination of two AGM-65s or GBU-12s, but leaving enough room for multiple AMRAAMs. Would have been nice if more of the otherwise fairly spacious internal bay could have been used for ATG weaponry. So far, the dynamic loadout system seems to work well, and also extends to many of the older vehicles. Replacing the Wipeouts Shreiker missiles with HE DAGRs is nice, but especially with the Wipeout the possibilities are many, due to its lower speed letting it employ many of the weapons otherwise found on roter-wings. I also haven't seen any weapon-vehicle combinations that I found to be unreal. The speedier fixed-wings can't use DAGRs, for example, just like a real-world Hellfire wouldn't work. On the subject of new weapons, all I've seen so far is Mk82 bombs; that is the equivalent of a GBU-12 without any guidance. I'm hoping we'll at least get to see some variation in bomb size and yield.
  3. It's not uncommon to see a team including me leave base weighing 40+, total load of at least 14 rockets. The weight does reduce mobility, but when you're only maneuvering behind the mainline Infantry of Alpha or Bravo, the staying power offsets it to great effect. It also stops you needing a car or a crate
  4. Just gonna point out, while HAT isn't well suited to close-range engagements against Armor; MAT can do a very good job at this, and I've personally been in many a situation, both as SL and as MAT, wherein I felt MAT would be much more effective in proximity to Alpha, than sitting on a hill. MAT is very adaptable in this regard; always keep that in mind
  5. Well. Now you know that you can stop carrying those explosives.
  6. Stomper was never very useful, and IMO is not worth implementing. Greyhawks, when properly employed, are a far more useful asset for supporting the ground troops. Making the sling crates into mobile arsenals... on one hand, what do we even need a base for then? But on the other, they rarely get used otherwise. If a Bobcat is put in, I can guarantee you it will never be available when you need it. People will use it as a Panther-replacement; they will flock to it because it would be the only re-spawning armor in base.
  7. Amentes

    BSAE Mod

    AFAIK, smoke will still function against AI despite it being ineffective on your end.
  8. It would not surprise me if nobody's tested that, Kullmann. Feel free to be the first
  9. Is it worth spending an amount of the finite slots on server to implement? IMO, no. Them slots are better used where they are.
  10. Amentes

    I&A 2 stuff

    Loading up at Vehicle Lift seems to have done the trick as well Scar
  11. Amentes

    I&A 2 stuff

    IIRC, VAS was removed because Arsenal got to a point where it actually worked right. These days of course, there's scripting in place governing the Arsenal, which would need to be written and kept updated for VAS if it was to be reintroduced. As it stands, Arsenal makes VAS obsolete. Yes, you can use it from inside a vehicle, but is it really so unfair that it takes you a bit longer to load a vehicle full of whatever?
  12. I'd be all for making the AI stay in the vehicle for as long as its weapons are working. As for commandeering enemy vehicles, I'd be all for keeping UAZ- and GAZ-style vehicles open, but I'm all for the locking of BTRs and above.
  13. HK416 D10 (RHS) still not available for MAT Gunner. Presumably, same is true for HAT Gunner.
  14. It has been a feature in iterations of I&A 2 back in the day.
  15. I would abstain from any vote to enforce faction uniforms, and until one happens, I'll run my Vanilla MTP and won't care what camo anyone else runs.
  16. With over 3000 hours in ArmA 3 alone, it's only fair that I support the dev by buying the DLCs.
  17. I believe ACE has a "Shoo, go away" interact on them? At least it did in Kenny's MSO.
  18. Come to think of it, this kind of thing might be better as a modifier on existing missions. Like, a random chance to have a couple different things able to happen when you're approaching your objective that changes the mission parameters. I'd probably change the need to arrest to a need to keep them a specific distance away. Would mean it'd be accomplish-able without zip ties, but easier with.
  19. Might be tri-channel Ryko, from the earlier i-series
  20. So are we to assume that we're starting over from the top?
  21. I'd say POOK is interesting as a custom asset, but not really Gauntlet-appropriate.
  22. General problem with Jets, as well as high-powered attack helicopters, is they're practically impervious to attack. They can sit at high altitude, where they won't be fired at at all. Many of them also have an extremely easy time finding and destroying any kind of enemy asset. The recent change of the Apache to the non-Longbow version combats that problem. It's very enticing to overuse the heavy air assets to a point where it takes away from the Infantry experience. I've been advocating single-seat jets for a while, as such a jet armed mostly with laser or GPS-guided bombs requires much more concise communication and teamwork with ground forces to be effective. Personally, I feel that there are systems out there with better ordnance selection and systems than the current F/A-18, but even changing the 18 to single-seat could make it a more interesting asset for ground forces to work with, if the pilot can be spared from transport duties, which certainly isn't always the case.
  23. Amentes

    Fuel trucks

    A system has already been put in place. There are now fuel canisters liftable by even a Hummingbird. Edit: Lolwut, Stanhope's message didn't show up for me until after I posted this. Odd.
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