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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. I've found all ACRE / TFAR volume to be lower than normal TeamSpeak volume. Best I can do is to suggest that you try fiddling with your TeamSpeak volume settings, possibly adding a decibel boost.
  2. AFAIK, it wasn't possible to have the bot provide the queue via TS, but it may be possible to set up an external website feed. That's work though
  3. While there's nothing inherently wrong with using a personal Discord server for comms while playing on AW Arma servers, I can't help but wonder why you wouldn't use the already-in-place TS3 provided by AW? This is something I see somewhat regularly, groups of players forgoing the official VOIP and using their own, and I've never really been able to understand why these groups would exclude themselves from becoming regular faces on the AW TS3.
  4. Amentes


    Might be prudent to emphasize that this isn't normal for AWE / EU#3, thankfully.
  5. You said "discord server" at one point. You're aware AW runs a public-access TeamSpeak 3, right?
  6. I believe it defaults to Radio if nothing is in the request queue.
  7. It might be best to hold on signing up until a new signup form gets released for this event.
  8. Surely you'll need to queue up a couple hours worth of muzak then?
  9. Copey must be so salty not to be on Best Pilot
  10. Helicopters spawn and respawn in Main Base and in FOBs when those are secured. Additional non-respawning aircraft can be obtained by completing Side Missions. Seems pretty clear to me I'd agree that some helicopter variety in base would be nice, but I'd personally prefer sticking to birds smaller than the existing Ghost Hawks, which means Orcas, Hellcats and Hummingbirds.
  11. Marks point in mind, I do think it'd still be nice to replace two or three Ghosthawks with other birds at the initial spawn. MH-9, Hellcat or Orca would be good choices IMO, all unarmed naturally.
  12. I''d add, because SL is often the ranking role, sometimes it forces people into playing bad cop. Most of the community are friendly with eachother, and few people are comfortable with doing what it can sometimes take to get things moving. Some of that is down to how the playstyle is on #3, which isn't likely to change and maybe shouldn't change. What can be done though, is to emphasize the TLs role in helping the SL get things moving. All too often, the TL is simply "one of the boys" and has to be "herded in" by the SL just the same as any other. If TLs could take that responsibility, if the SL could tell his TLs what he needs them to bring, and trust that they will then handle that, I think SL would be much easier than it currently is.
  13. Signed up previously, can't do 23rd though, that's basically when Christmas starts for many of us Scandinavians
  14. BUMP BUMP Edit the date in the OP for clarity
  15. Surely you mean turning it into a PvP scenario? It really doesn't get more Multiplayer than it already is.
  16. Amentes


    Passive-aggressive political satire. I'm lovin' it.
  17. I'd say the fog constitutes 95% of the problem, yeah. It may be time to consider moving away from Tanoa until BI has a fix out; putting up another Altis or a Stratis version in its place.
  18. Logistics is handling resupply and going on veritable treasure hunts.
  19. I can't see how this guy is actually talking about EU#3. I'd say he's on about #1, talking about "M4 variants", meaning the HKs and MXs. To answer that, those are the weapons that Vanilla Arma comes with. The reason a Rifleman can't run with an EMR-1 is, guess what, he's a Rifleman and as such should be using a Rifleman weapon with a Rifleman optic. Don't be on top of a hill all the time
  20. Will be there, hoping for one of those Recon slots.
  21. Specific AOs unlock the FOBs near their location. AFAIK, the AOs you get are random, and so which FOBs you unlock are random as well.
  22. That would require everyone to run the mod, which is not something that'll happen on #1 and #2.
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