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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. I've had the pleasure of experiencing Lion King, Wicked, Phantom. Chicago, Les Mis and Book of Mormon on Broadway, as well as Dirty Dancing, Phantom, Evita and We Will Rock You in London's West End. High School Musical is a fucking travesty
  2. Super-modern suppressors are actually pretty damn durable. It's true, in the olden days, you would empty a mag and then have your firearm jam up due to soot buildup. On something like an M249, yeah, the volume of fire spewed through the suppressor might be an issue, though I'm not sure how dangerous that'd be to the suppressor itself. Might make it a pain to get off again, I guess.
  3. And yet you can fire a suppressed 7.62x51 in the direction of an enemy and be undetected much closer than those 750 meters, meaning the muffling effect is much greater than it should be. Looks to me like the game treats the values like we're firing subsonic, but not the muzzle velocity. Other than that, my distaste for suppressors is largely that they make combat boring as hell. Special-purpose tool, pretty much only for special ops or snipers.
  4. The 3-4% audible detection, while I won't argue with the data, is ever so bullshit. The testing I've done, which essentially amounts to shooting dudes in the chest 100 times in a row, with and without a suppressor on, at point-blank, 100, 300 and 500 meters with 5.56 out of an RHS HK416D14.5, lead me to believe that the hit values were lowered with a Suppressor screwed on, which would make sense as compared to the sound you hear when firing. From the info you've posted though, it seems clear to me that Suppressors are broke as hell, currently, given that you get all of the good with none of the bad, and I don't mean the bad that wouldn't apply to a game, such as the maintenance issues. Personally, I find it incredibly boring to use Suppressors. It's a special-purpose gadget, not something soldiers use on any sort of a regular basis. It's also pretty ineffective when the guy sitting four meters off your right shoulder is SAWing away without one.
  5. Posted in General with a clickbait title? I skipped over that post without blinking
  6. Ehh, shit, disregard my signup please, read the date wrong.
  7. It's pretty common for me to need the rounds from the AAR as well, but I'd also have no real issue carrying that ammo myself.
  8. No doubt it would require some composure on the part of the players. That said, I wouldn't wanna see the heavy assets introduced into the primary infantry groups. The way I see it, MAT/HAT/MMG and a possible future Fire Support Group should be hanging back, moving up behind the regular infantry, ready to move up with AT or set up a base of fire if required. Lobbing HE at clusters of infantry is just a little icing on top, but is more a gimmick than a primary feature. One problem we currently have with RHS is how powerful the AT4 is, which means the AT teams are exclusively range-extenders, as the killing power of the dedicated AT assets isn't required to combat even the heaviest armor the enemy is able to throw our way. I'd still love to see people get into a situation that an AT4 simply can't get them out of.
  9. I'd like the idea of rolling the supports into FSG, but I'd say make it 5-man teams. Seems to me that would fit well, as it simply takes the same roles and trims off the extra Lead.
  10. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=10&iso=20161023T1430
  11. From what I was told, the objective of the Spartans is to create custom tasks and to spice up AOs if deemed appropriate. I'm of the opinion that the use of Zeus remote control can extend to killing players under the right circumstances, such as when a player exposes himself in a royally stupid way, and there's a medic around to get him back up. Used sparingly, it's just another tool in the box in trying to impart some human brains into the opposition. In the same vein, if players take advantage of the AI's "view distance", shooting them with Titan AT and AP from 3500 meters, safe from any retaliation, I'd personally have no qualms about shooting back. Zeus is there to enhance the experience for the players, but also to make the AI a bit smarter, more human.
  12. It has an official TeamSpeak, you'll see it on the right as you browse the forum.
  13. The fix for this problem would be putting somebody in the PlatCo slot
  14. If both Air teams have an aggressive-sounding name, wouldn't that mitigate that issue? And that aside, the rules are as clear as they've ever been, I made damn well sure of that. If people bitch and moan about it, doesn't that just mean we know who to ban?
  15. Those change logs aren't really... reliable
  16. I generally listen to a lot of Prog Rock/Metal, but I think you'd agree that I could call myself diverse in that I also love musicals, enough that I've taken day-trips by plane to see a musical, and then go home again. You all knew I was fruity.
  17. Is it really that hard to create a new kit?
  18. Ensure you are running TeamSpeak as Admin. Without that, Windows won't allow TS to "pick up" key presses in the background.
  19. That's when the phrase "Shut the fuck up" comes into play Eagle
  20. As a pilot, you are solely responsible for the safety of your passengers and your aircraft. You acted to keep your passengers and aircraft safe. If people moan about that, let them moan, or ask them politely to keep a civil tone.
  21. I experienced the artifacting, but it seems to have magically fixed itself last update. I am currently running the Profiling branch.
  22. I'm gonna suggest that the crates be embellished a little bit, actually. Way I see it, we were all supposed to put our gear in there, which means there should have been a weapon for each person. Turns out there wasn't. I think it'd be reasonable to add a few M4s in there so that we don't get that situation again.
  23. Or, you know, the TL would just go, "Hey, we shot a helluva lot yesterday, can some of you boys who didn't shoot as much spare some ammo over here?" Point being, this is what's gonna happen anyway. Ammo can be shared between people, but again, then we're back into having to actually do that prior to moving out. Which is exactly what people want to avoid.
  24. Considering Lone has volunteered to do the dirty work of actually doling out the available gear, I'd say that's a better option than saving the inventory if each soldier. Reasoning being, some squads will expend more consumables than others, so in the end some sort of sharing would have to be happening anyway. Moreover, depending on the tasks given to different teams, gear such as explosives, suppressors, special purpose weaponry etc. is gonna have to be moved around as needed. And I'm still willing to help Lone in any way I can.
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