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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. If my left hand allows, I'll be around.
  2. This is why I take off again after fifteen seconds or less. If someone went AFK on the flight, that's his problem
  3. Unfortunately there's a 99% chance i can't attend tomorrow, as i fucked up my left hand in a bicycle crash yesterday and so can't work the keyboard. Happy trails to all
  4. AFAIK, where you logged out is where you will spawn back in. I would assume you might then be moved to the main force.
  5. Yeah, I'm actually in the far opposite lane from you there ShadowAce. I think it looks like a lot of fun if you take it super seriously
  6. Points to fix for next time: Earplugs MicroDAGR/Android cTabs ACE Zeroing indicator didn't show for Sozio's M40, anyone else with the same problem? 12Gauge Frag shells, ban 'em
  7. I don't believe it's written anywhere, but it's sort of an unwritten thing that's been enforced on-and-off since forever. "Don't litter vehicles all over."
  8. Should be able to make it this friday then. Good
  9. If you autorotate into an AO, once that AO is over and the players move on, it will respawn in mint condition all on its own. Fixing it is preferable, but it's never necessary to blow it up.
  10. This is a subject that has annoyed and on occasion downright pissed me off many time since the inception of EU#3. Very few players are impervious to "banter". Personally, I downright despise it on-server, and don't believe it belongs there. That said, I've long since given up hope for my personal utopia. Yes, I've got a bleak outlook on the subject.
  11. Sure that isn't a Spartan spicing it up for you?
  12. Never seen an AI-Neophron shoot at airborne targets since 3,0. Generally, they'll spawn in, go rocket the living daylights out of some over-camped hill, and then bugger off to de-spawn again. IMHO, there's very little challenge to transport piloting currently. Only joker element is the rare out-of-place Tigris. As a Pilot, I'd welcome the reintroduction of properly dangerous enemy Air. Planes in 2 wasn't even dangerous, it was always the Kajman that got people
  13. Amentes

    Rewards Rework

    If a vehicle has a purchase cost, maybe it can have a refuel/rearm/repair cost? Interacting with any station or vehicle subtracts points if available, and error messages if not?
  14. EU#3 - 02.23.2017 - CIA Asset Extraction https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6V9Tv1mP-KpdlR3bFBHRHhOTHc/view?usp=sharing
  15. I'm thinking, keep the colors to the AhoyWorld defaults; red, white and black. Let that be the unifying theme. Generally, I think it's best to run a black background on all the tags. Yes, having no background looks cool and all, but it makes it much harder to get a good edge finish IMHO, and helps with clarity.
  16. I don't really care much about TS tags looking cool, but it's definitely good for them to be easily distinguishable. In this respect, I'd agree that the new tags fail miserably. Sorry
  17. Presumably this would also alleviate the issue of people being unable to board helicopters with TK-flagged players in them? If so, best fix, please pipeline
  18. I really dislike the idea of: "If we can't enforce the rule all the time, don't enforce it at all." There are plenty of times I'll be online and I'll KNOW something happened, but I didn't get video, or I only caught half of it. So I wait, and I watch, and eventually the person(s) I was suspicious of do(es) something shitty again. Anyway, point being, plenty of stuff happens that nobody sees and nobody reports. Including mass TK and DC-type shit. Could I realistically make a good call every single time something like this happens? No. But that's so with most of existing rules. As for spawning in the Side reward, couldn't it be as simple as announcing what it is, and then delaying the spawn by a few minutes? Though maybe people will camp it then.
  19. That would be annoying, and in the future you'd avoid that pilot. Which, overall, is much less disruptive as compared to the previous.
  20. In most cases, your approach isn't an issue. I'm gonna outline an extreme case in which it might be. 60/60 2/5 Pilots in Fixed-Wing or two-seat gunships. If I come on and I see two pilots in the air, and you're sitting on the pads with half a helicopter's worth of players standing around, I'd AFK-check you. Presumably, you'd answer that you weren't AFK. I'd then proceed to ask why you weren't ferrying that lump of log-necks. If your answer to that question is "They didn't provide me with an LZ", then I'd basically have to consider you as not doing your job. TL;DR, in most cases, people will go for another aircraft, and so there isn't a problem. But in rare cases, you will be expected to select an LZ on your own.
  21. Keep in mind, the safety of the passengers is your responsibility as the pilot, so always be critical when someone makes a request. I rarely see people asking for a specific LZ. In my experience, most people will ask to be dropped at Side or Main, but not anywhere specific. As a pilot, you should be able to judge from your map whether a marked LZ would be relatively safe or not, and given that, you're naturally also able to pick one for yourself. All that said; in the future, if people throw stones or bullets at you, feel free to inform a Spartan, as such behavior really isn't acceptable.
  22. Sure. If we don't use it, people won't learn how it works, that stands to reason. Question then is, can we expect people to learn both NATO equipment as well as Russian? What level of proficiency is acceptable? I don't believe that's a reasonable expectation in our environment, and it may well increase the learning curve for newcomers. Short version; it's not worth it, quality over quantity.
  23. A large portion of the playerbase know my stance. If it's Russian, I've got better things to do I don't have an issue with the Russian-style equipment. My grievance is about how well people employ equipment that they aren't familiar with.
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