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    Guard81 reacted to chicken_no6 in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    i think theres something wrong with ur unit defines GMPACT.sqf  as said before have a look if u have the correct classnames.
    send latest mission file and i gonna have a look
  2. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to Andrews in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    god speed. you've taken on a big project. 
  3. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to Whigital in getting this error in both editor and dedi server. ideas as to why?   
    Mission is packed with MakePBO and some files are compressed. Tools like PBO Manager just splits the PBO open, not decompressing files.
    Get Mikero Tools from here -> https://mikero.bytex.digital/Downloads
  4. Like
    Guard81 got a reaction from Damo3D in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    Okay, that little hiatus didn't last. Darn brain weasels.
    Have added AOs to the West German side of the boarder. Have moved main base to West Germany so we don't start off on the wrong side of the barriers, etc. Have added "splash", but this will require some additional work later on. It'll do for now. Main AO completion count reset. On my "to do" list.
    GMPACT.sqf needs a review. I can't see why it would be spawning less than a full squad per unit listed. Arsenal appears to be unable to see the AT and AA launchers. All of which should be accessible to LAT and HAT troops. HAT troops should also have access to the ATGM deployable static/backpack. Main base needs expanding slightly, and proper decoration. Assets at the moment are fairly minimal. Secondary FOBs need to be added and queued up. InA_GM.gm_weferlingen_summer.pbo
  5. Like
    Guard81 reacted to chicken_no6 in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    garrison building fortifications is only for altis and is disabled on current InA version way to much work to add that to Weferlingen
    also dont forget to change params.hpp
    class AOCompletionCount { title = "Main AO completion count"; values[] = {-1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}; texts[] = {"All", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60", "70", "80", "90", "100"}; default = 50; };  
  6. Like
    Guard81 got a reaction from possiblyEOD in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    Added the following AO's.
    That now covers everything to the East of the border.
  7. Like
    Guard81 got a reaction from Damo3D in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    Added the following AO's.
    That now covers everything to the East of the border.
  8. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to chicken_no6 in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    I had a deeper look into this and changed some stuff
    gm player faction will now be loaded only arsenal and rewards unit defines
    todo: give the new player faction their default loadouts
    enemy faction for some reason its missing a lot of units
    maybe redo GMPACT.sqf

    add more aos i only dit 4 just to get things going make a good main base not like me
    add more fobs
    only put down the needed things no vehicles only one arsenal steve
    add garrison buildings to
    into this array
    otherwise garrison spawner cant find building to put in enemy units
    again theres still more stuff todo
    add more side missions sub objectives
    as i only added those
    class Missions { SubObjs[] = { "RadioTower", "TankSection" }; Sides[] = { //"Destroyer", "DestroyUrban", "MilitiaCamp", "PilotRescue", "SecureAsset", "LostConvoy" }; Prios[] = { "Anti-Air", "Artillery" }; }; good luck
    iam still missing alot of stuff wich i cant think of atm
    nearly forgot the updated file
  9. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to chicken_no6 in Converting I&A to add factions.   
    some more files to add if u want to
    those be found in scripts defines
    found in scripts vehicle
    add your new playerfaction to functions/Misc/fn_factionsGetPlayerByIdx.sqf
    params ["_idx"]; if ((typeName _idx) != (typeName 0)) exitWith { [format ["NaN was passed to function '%1', defaulting to faction 'BLU_F'!", _fnc_scriptName], "FACTION"] call AW_fnc_log; "BLU_F" }; private _faction = ""; switch (_idx) do { // Vanilla NATO case 0: { _faction = "BLU_F"; }; // SOG PF MACV case 1: { _faction = "B_MACV"; }; // Western Sahara case 2: { _faction = "BLU_WS"; }; // new player faction case 3: { _faction = "BLU_GM"; }; // Vanilla NATO default { _faction = "BLU_F"; }; }; _faction and params.hpp
    // General mission settings class PlayerFaction { title = "Player faction, determines rewards, loadouts, arsenal content etc."; values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; texts[] = {"Vanilla NATO (BLU_F)", "SOG PF MACV (B_MACV)", "BLU_WS" "BLU GM"}; default = 3; }; enemy faction goes to Defines
    #define FACTION_VALUES {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} #define FACTION_TEXTS {\ "Random Faction based on Map/World config",\ "Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT)",\ "Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty - Tropical (CSAT_T)",\ "Altis Armed Forces (AAF)",\ "People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN)",\ "Sefrawi Freedom and Independence Army (SFIA)",\ "enemy faction for gm"\ } add ur new enemy faction to Defines/factions
    make a new file
    u can have at the layout from the other files in there
    newenemyfaction has to be also added to Functions/Misc
    /* * Author: Whigital * Description: * Gets faction(s) from index * */ params ["_idx"]; private _faction = "CSAT"; switch (_idx) do { // Random case 0: { private _randomization = (["FactionRandomization", -1] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue); private _randomFactions = (getArray (missionConfigFile >> worldName >> "randomFactions")); [_randomization, _randomFactions] call { params ["_randomization", "_randomFactions"]; if (_randomFactions isEqualTo []) exitWith { [(format ["Unable to get random faction list for world config (InA_Config.hpp/%1/randomFactions), defaulting to CSAT ....", worldName]), _fnc_scriptName] call AW_fnc_log; }; private _factions = []; { private _fac = _x; _fac = (_fac call AW_fnc_factionsValidate); _factions pushBackUnique _fac; } forEach _randomFactions; InA_EnemyFactionRandomizationData = createHashMapFromArray [ ["#randomization", _randomization], ["#factions", _factions] ]; }; }; // CSAT case 1: {}; // CSAT_T case 2: { _faction = "CSAT_T"; }; // AAF case 3: { _faction = "AAF"; }; // PAVN case 4: { _faction = ("PAVN" call AW_fnc_factionsValidate); }; // SFIA case 5: { _faction = ("SFIA" call AW_fnc_factionsValidate); }; // New Enemy Faction case 6: { _faction = "NEWENEMYFACTION"; }; default { [(format ["Unknown EnemyFaction parameter (%1), defaulting to CSAT ....", _idx]), _fnc_scriptName] call AW_fnc_log; }; }; _faction totaly forgot about adding ur new enemy faction to
    // Vanilla factions #include "factions\CSAT.sqf" #include "factions\AAF.sqf" #include "factions\FIA.sqf" #include "factions\SYND.sqf" #include "factions\CSAT_T.sqf" // Prairie Fire factions #include "factions\PAVN.sqf" #include "factions\VC_M.sqf" #include "factions\VC_L.sqf" // Western Sahara factions #include "factions\SFIA.sqf" #include "factions\TURA.sqf" // New Enemy Faction #include "factions\NEWENEMYFACTION.sqf" change default enemy faction to ur new one params.hpp
    class EnemyFaction { title = "Enemy faction, defines enemy units, groups and vehicles"; values[] = FACTION_VALUES; texts[] = FACTION_TEXTS; default = 6; }; iam  pretty sure i forgot something any more questions lemme know
  10. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to MidnightRunner in AW end of the year awards 2021   
    AW MVP 2021: @Whigital@DomT@Stanhope for creating and maintaining the missions we love  AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2021: @possiblyEOD AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2021: @Bomer AW Most Active Staff Member 2021: @chicken_no6 AW Strictest Staff Member 2021: @Whigital, his strictness hides behind his calm demeaner AW Best Team Player 2021: @Mikael  AW Most Helpful Member *Non Staff* 2021: @JJ Cakes AW Most Friendly Member 2021: @Damo3D our very own welcome bot AW Tacti-cool member 2021 : Either @LH5 or @SiegeSix AW Underrated Member 2021: @chicken_no6 quiet backbone of EU1 AW Most Incoherent Member 2021: Not me this year, but will I ever escape that video. Can I DMCA it?  AW Best/Worst Pilot 2021: @Gambit @Murph I will let you decide which is which AW Worst Driver 2021: @Jenkins AW Best Voice 2021: @Guard81 should be a voice actor AW Funniest Person on Team Speak 2021: @FrOzT AW Worst Joke 2021 : Need I even answer this, @LH5 AW Best Moment 2021 (can be in-game, on Teamspeak or Forum):  AW Best Forum Post 2021 (please put URL in): https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/18337-awe-frontlines-friday-grand-opening-friday-16-april-2021-1730-utc/ the start of something great. AW Best Fail 2021: "You need to be a pilot to use this vehicle" not what you want to hear as a rifleman under a parachute.  AW Best Ban of 2021: Bans are a blur of nonsense. I couldn't pick one AW TeamSpeak Channel 2021: Ahoyworld Enhanced [TFAR] AW Best Screenshot 2021: any of the screenshots @LH5 makes for his Frontlines Wednesday posts AW Best/Worst Call-out 2021: Blanking right now will update if I think of anything AW Candidate for the Hague 2021: @Sho_Iwaizumi just because 🔨 AW Role Model 2021: Too many people to mention just one, from mission makers to moderators to our members. You are a great bunch and what make Ahoyworld great.
  11. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to Stanhope in How would I set up for Sefrou-Ramal?   
    Assuming you're only making a map and not a player and an enemy faction as well:
    Copy the mission folder and paste it with the correct file name behind the . (so I&A.newMapNameHere instead of I&A.altis), go to the Main_AOs.hpp file in the defines folder, in both the bases and Main_AOs classes create sub classes following the example of the other ones with the map name used above.  In the editor delete all the AO & FOB markers and create new ones, following the naming convention of that file (so AO_SomeNameHere).  The name of the class should be the same as the marker name.  Give them the correct display name and type.  For FOBs you'll need to put more markers down and put them in the correct define, again see the examples in that file.  Put the static bases first, then the FOBs and then the other AOs.  Once you've done that update basemanager, baseTeleport and baseTeleportSetup in the function/base folder.  
    And once all of that is done test every single AO you created to ensure that you didn't make a typo anywhere in any of the marker names as that will completely break the mission.  
    Now for part 2: ensure that there are enough side mission to play, the default ones available on all maps are located in \Missions\Side, the ones that are map specific are located in "\Altis\Missions\Side" (assuming you copied from altis).  Either new missions need to be created for this map or the existing altis (or vietnam) missions updated to work on all maps (including vietnam).  The shared mission (located in \Missions) also need to be tested that they work correctly on this map (e.g. no out of place buildings)
    This part needs to be repeated for prio missions and subobjectives as well.  
    Don't forget to check that the fortifications spawned by main_AO_spawn_specific in \functions\AI is also not spawning anything that's out of place. Oh and don't forget to update fortifyBuildingDefs in \Functions\Defines.
    I probably forgot to mention a few things but arma will send you an error with what I forgot.  Once you've done all that send anyone in the dev team the edited files and we'll get them put into our version control system.  
    If you want to make a player and/or enemy faction as well there "a few" other things you need to change as well.  
  12. Like
    Guard81 got a reaction from possiblyEOD in How would I set up for Sefrou-Ramal?   
    New DLC, I know.
    I've been told it would take a while to set up a mission file, etc for I&A on the new map.
    Could you tell me how to go about it, so I can save you folks some time with an early version?
  13. Like
    Guard81 got a reaction from possiblyEOD in Cold War Ahoyworld Gamenight Monday 15/November/2021   
    Good event. Many thanks.
  14. Like
    Guard81 reacted to Nibbs in CAS change   
    After playing Mike Force, where players are able to create tasks for other teams, It made me wonder if it's possible to put something in for ground troops to be able to order up CAS, which would unlock the various CAS assets heavy and/or guided weapons for 5 minutes. (GBUs, Macers, Skalpels, Blackfish's 105mm, Wipeout's BRRRTTTTTT, Sharur, DAGR, etc) and let people just fail at will with the light CAS assets. (DARs, Miniguns, etc)  I'm wondering if this would help alleviate the amount of time admins spend telling people CAS must be called in. Optionally restrict it to players at 0 altitude within 2km of a main/side/prio.

    Probably this is too much work, or too impactful for play, but thought it worth at least voicing the idea for discussion.
  15. Haha
    Guard81 reacted to Stanhope in I+A 3.5x >> class restriction is off   
    And what makes you think you can demand anything from me? 
  16. Like
    Guard81 reacted to Minipily in Mike Force - SOG Prairie Fire.   
    I believe really it's Kenny's decision on whether or not to host one on the MSO. However, given having spoke with Johnson, I believe he wants to use AlivE instead.
    But I for one would certainly like to see a server up for it. I also imagine the vast majority of the community would love to jump on it. If Kenny doesn't want to host one then I don't see why we can't get it up on another server. I may be mistaken but I believe EU2 should be free to host?
  17. Like
    Guard81 reacted to WinterMute in Mike Force - SOG Prairie Fire.   
    The possibility of running Prairie Fire goodness is being looked into. In the mean time, we are seeing astonishing levels of player-hosted Prairie Fire, you can usually find a session by popping onto TS and looking at the custom channels people have made
  18. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to Stanhope in AWE media distribution   
    @Guard81 This topic is for pictures of AWE, one of our servers, this is the topic you're looking for:
  19. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to Stanhope in Marking sensible LZs   
    This guide will try to explain to you how to mark a sensible LZ.  This both for skilled and new pilot for missions ranging from pretty much safe to extremely heavy AA threads.  
    This guide will not talk about how to land and only a bit about how to approach them.  The best way to do this is not explained here.  For this i'll refer to you Dslyecxis art of flight videos.  I recommend to watch all of them but you will only need the ones about transport pilot and landing for this guide.
    1. What is an LZ
    Before i start explaining how to mark sensible LZs let's first talk about what an LZ actually is.  LZ is short for Landing Zone.  If one goes to wikipedia and types in LZ you get this:
    "In military terminology a landing zone (LZ) is an area where aircraft can land.
    In the United States military, a landing zone is the actual point where aircraft, especially helicopters, land (equivalent to the commonwealth landing point.)
    In commonwealth militaries, a landing zone is the cartographic (numeric) zone in which the landing is going to take place (e.g., a valley). ..."
    For this guide an LZ is the place where a helicopter put it's wheels/skids on the ground.
    2. Who marks an LZ
    Before we get into where one should mark an LZ let's talk about who should mark it.  
    Anyone can mark an LZ however the pilot of the aircraft will ALWAYS have the final word.  If a pilot at any point in time decides to wave of and/or divert to a different secondary, tertiary, ... LZ that is completely within his rights.
    Ideally LZs are marked after a dialog between the pilot and the troops being flown to somewhere.  
    3. Proper naming/colour of an LZ marker
    Something else we need to talk about before we get into where an LZ should be marked is the naming and colour of an LZ.  
    There is no best way to do this but there are some things that should never be done and i'll give some guidelines on how to name them.
    Appearance of the marker:
    Use a clear color.  Don't use white as it's not visible when using the topographic version of the map.  Avoid red as this is used for marking enemy positions.  Most used colors are blue and black.  Green, yellow, orange, purple, ...  also work but aren't commonly used Use a clear symbol.  Although a dot isn't bad i'd recommend using one of the following markers:
    (todo: screenshot of symbols) Be consistent, don't use 3 different styles at the same mission. Naming:
    Never ever even think about giving your LZ the name "LZ".  I often see 5 LZs simply named LZ.  Be original, give it a proper name. If you aren't original stick to names along the lines: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, ... or North, South, East, ... Make sure that the name you choose does not exist anywhere else on the map. Try to include some information in the LZ name: LZ fly low, LZ kiss the sea, LZ NOE, LZ risky, LZ dangeroes, LZ impossible, ...  All of these give some information about the LZ, either to fly in with a low approach (first 3) or how hot the LZ is (last 3).    
    4. Reading the map
    To mark a sensible LZ there are 2 really important things you need to be able to do.
    First thing is to read the map (2nd thing will be explained further down).  If you cannot read the map you cannot mark a proper LZ.  
    For those who don't really know how to read the map here is a small guide:
    5. How hot is the area
    This is the second thing you'll need to be able to tell.  You need to have some general idea of what threads you're facing when thinking about an LZ location.  If you have no clue whatsoever, pick the safe option, come in low and land far out.  In general it's better that infantry has to walk 1.5 km than that they never get there.
    I won't discuss which threads are where, i'll refer to other guides and your own knowledge for this.
    6. Environmental factors
    Environmental factors will affect where you mark your LZ.  If it's a bright sunny day the pilot will not have a lot of trouble judging depth and distance.  At night with heavy rain he'll have a bloody hard time judging this quickly.  
    Factors that influence depth and distance perception are: medium to heavy rain, fog (especially if it's a thick layer of fog just above the ground), time of day (using NVGs complicates depth perception but the most annoying thing is daybreak or nightfall as it is already too bright to use NVGs but too dim to properly judge depth), ...
    All of these also influence the pilots abilities to spot objects like smaller trees, bigger rocks, wire fence, telephone/electricity wires, ...
    These factors should all be thought of when marking an LZ.
    7. Pilot skill
    This is the key determining factor that will determine whether or not an LZ is sensible, doable.  Be a realist when judging skill, either for yourself or for the pilot who's flying you.  Being too optimistic will get you killed.  But also don't be overly pessimistic, after all nobody likes to walk.  (Don't mistake this that you can't let people walk.  You can't always get what you want.)
    8. Placing down a sensible LZ - guidelines 
    Right i'll start of by giving some guidelines on where you should mark an LZ.  In 9. i'll give examples of LZs.  
    If the mission contains AAA (Anti-Air Artillery) and/or autocannons mark the LZ behind solid cover or proper concealment.  These weapon systems should never be allowed to get line of sight on the aircraft from the point it drops speed below 100 km/h onwards.    If the mission contains AA missiles threads mark an LZ that can be approached without exposing yourself to the AO (meaning that the AA can track and lock onto you because they have line of sight) for more than 2 seconds.  Especially not if you're flying at low speed. Make sure the immediate area around the LZ is clear of enemies.  If an enemy is up close to the LZ he'll be able to mow down any dismounting troops and possibly the pilot. 
    Don't mistake this that you have to wave off if you take small arms fire at an LZ.  If it's inaccurate or sporadic you can land there just don't stay there for hours.  Get in, drop the troops, get out.  30 seconds and the job is done. If you can chose between a flat ground and a slope, chose the flat ground.  Doing drops on slopes is not impossible but they do always have more risks than landings on flat areas.  Minimize the risk as long as you don't compromise safety.   If you get faced with the choice of flying extremely low over land or over sea, choose flying over the sea (presuming this doesn't compromise safety).  On sea you'll hardly come across any obstacles.  On land there are houses, wires, poles, fences, rocks, terrain, ... that can all get in your way forcing you to slow down. Speed is your friend.  A faster target is harder to hit than a slow moving target, even for AI.  Just be sure to lose this speed before you put the heli on the ground.  So if you can chose between an LZ that you can approach with speed or one that you have to be flying slow for, pick the first one. If you get shot by AAA start flying erratically and keep the speed up.  Bullets don't track you, they are aimed at a point in front of your heli.  They also take time to fly to where you are going to be.  If you however change direction you won't be where the bullets are aimed at.  So don't fly in a predictable path.  Mark LZs in areas where it's possible to do these maneuvers.  If you get stuck in a narrow valley or between obstacles and AAA opens up on you, rest in peace. If you're getting shot at by AA missiles you have to do 2 things.  1: pop flares and 2: bank.  Be sure to keep your speed up while doing this.  If you do not bank there is a 90% chance the missile will still hit you even though you flared.  If you lose speed you'll let the enemy see you longer and thus shoot at you more increasing the chance that you will be hit.  Again mark LZs where this is possible whenever possible. Keep calm and carry on.  Nothing good has ever come from panicking.  If you're getting shot at do what has to be done, don't panic.  Panicking will get you killed.  Either commit to the marked LZ and land or wave of and get your bird out of there.  Again whenever possible mark LZs where this is possible Plan ahead.  When marking an LZ you don't only have to plan for getting there.  Also plan on how to get out.  Sometimes this is as easy as pulling a 180 and flying back the way you came.  Sometimes this will not be possible, keep this in mind when marking an LZ.  
    9. Placing down a sensible LZ - examples
    These examples will be in order of difficulty of the LZ.  I'll start of with the easy ones and end with the harder ones.
    10. Some hint tips, tricks, ...
    To close this off i'll give some additional hints tips and tricks in no particular order.
    First of all:  people can walk.  It's better to make them walk than to try landing closer and killing everyone in the process.  Yes people will bitch about having to walk and they will bitch if you kill everyone.  Someone will always bitch about something.  Don't ignore what those people say but don't let it get to you either.
    Another really important thing is to know your own (if you're the pilot) limitations.  Even a fairly new pilot can make several runs without dying ones. As long as he doesn't get into a situation (LZ) that he can't handle.  

    Mark your LZ both in group and side-channel.  This way if people delete your LZ in side channel you still have the locations and can fairly easy remark them.
    The priority anti air task is a serial killer.  It has a range of 5 km in which it is pinpoint accurate and will not run out of ammo.  It is possible to fly underneath it's coverage but it is highly recommended to keep your chopper on the ground as long as it's up.  Only attempt to fly under it if you have decent knowledge of the terrain and enough experience at nap of the earth flying.  
    add screenshots
    make the text look pretty
    add more examples in 9.
    expend on the map guide
  20. Thanks
    Guard81 reacted to Ryko in Building IDAP humanitarian missions in ARMA3   
    Hi!  I'd say the first thing you're going to want to do is go to youtube and learn about how the Eden editor works in Arma.  Make a very simple first mission involving tasks, like a typical "steal the car" mission (bring a car to a certain end point, mission success).  This will set you up for more complicated task management.
    For non-combatants, just make your players part of the civilian faction; civilians won't be shot at by any faction, unless you become a threat.
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