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    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Solex in Sunday Gauntlet Night (27/09/2015)   
    Cheers for a good gamenight people!
  2. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Sunday Gauntlet Night (27/09/2015)   
    Good idea, wouldn't mind helping with setting this in motion; as long as we keep it JIP.
    You're probably gonna have to discuss this with Christiansen though, seeing he is the EU3 manager and he'll most probably have a final say in what happens to the server.
    Start a little bit earlier, maybe? 
  3. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Despite in Sunday Gauntlet Night (27/09/2015)   
    For the last few weeks there has been quite a few players on Gauntlet during Sunday evening (BST). What I suggest is, possibly starting on the 27th September 2015, is a Sunday Gauntlet Night, where we have a set commander, Squad Leads and maybe pilots in place and then the rest of the slots open up to anyone, including join in progress. I also suggest having a chosen map and also people requesting roles. So basically a more organised Gauntlet experience for a few hours on Sunday evening, with join in progress and minimal set up effort.
    For this Sunday if it goes ahead, I suggest a starting time of 6:00 PM GMT.
    Sign Up Here:
    Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this may mean you are not guaranteed a slot.
    Please only sign up if you intend to play, if you can't make it please let me know!
    Normal EU#3 rules apply
    Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield
    For info on how to get the mods click here.

  4. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from DoubleClutch HD in Hello from me DoubleClutch HD (rhymes)   
  5. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Despite in Congratz!!   
    Hey smiley and sozio just saw you both got mod congratz on it. I'm really happy for you both, I enjoy hanging out/playing with both of you!!

    Again congratz guys
  6. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to razgriz33 in Ciro   
    You swore twice at me, telling me to "fuck off" warranted your ban.
    Over and over again your rage gets you into trouble.
  7. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Mogadishu   
    Mogadishu is a 10kmx10km Terrain based on movie Black Hawk Down.
    Custom Fog paramaeters used. I suggest when you build missions or try map in the editor set FOG to 10-30% best visual effect! 
    Map Based on movie Black Hawk Down. Inlcudes multiple locations from the film like Super 61 and 64 crash sites, Bakara Market, US Base Airport, UN Stadium, Beach Shooting Range, etc. 
    Over 20.000 Buildings.
    Size: 3400 MB 

    Opinions? I'd fucking love to do some pro-team building to building CQB fighting on this.
  8. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Danny_S in Banned - "hate speech"   
    Ban will remain for the time being due to it being a 2nd offence and the use of unacceptable derogatory language.
    Should you however want to return to our servers a couple of months down the line after all this is in the past I will be willing to reconsider the decision. 
    End of discussion.
  9. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to razgriz33 in GameNight: Sat. 12th September Raz's Playground   
    A little shake up to the current system throwing my own spin on it!
    while I'm hosting this one I would encourage others to do the same, contact the EU3 manager (Christiansen) if you are interested in hosting an event for EU3 in the future.
    Here's The Sign Up Form
    Map's going to be Panthera
    Time's going to be 1400UTC
    (1500 British Summer Time)
    The changes include:
    -Respawning will be available.
    -There will be no password HOWEVER THERE WILL BE A LOCKDOWN until I decide to lift the lock and let players join in progress
    (anticipating I lift the lock after the first mission we complete)
    - I will be your event host, interacting with the mission with our administrative tools to enhance the experience
    Bring a friend!... or a meat sheild
  10. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Despite in World of Warship Banners   
    More Banners

  11. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from FrOzT in World of Warship Banners   
    More Banners

  12. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Plant1ing in Letter status 26082015   
    Status Letter EU3 26082015
    Hello all EU3 forum readers. I'm playing on Ahoy servers for about two months; time which I've spent in Arma3 world. I have never played Arma franchise before. That brought me to my first and favourite Arma3 community. I know a lot of people don't know me yet so I'll do my best to have great relations, tolerance and respect to Ahoy users like administrators and veterans had with me till now.
    Okay, enough sweet talk. Let me start typing what this letter is all about. In this letter I'll address my observations regarding EU3 server. I'll also name a few players since their opinion is of a greater respect than mine from other players in this community. That would be the only purpose of naming. It is not in any way meant for any type of offence.
    Let's talk about me so you have better understanding of my type of gameplay. I'm male, looking for good… heh not that kind of talk. - Supportive, helpful, compliant but questionable.
    Yes I will always listen to my SL, and yes I will always help newcomers. I will always remember first time when I've joined, Nicolai and Leo helped me with recruiting. This is helpful community, ask nicely with good timing and you'll have answer in no time.
    But hey, I still hear whining on EU3? Well yeah it's not all that shining and beautiful. There will be problems all the time but we can resolve them. We are civilized people behind the triggers
    I took wings away from my team.
    First problem is Luetin09's favourite: time spent *near Arsenal and around the base. He has also addressed this problem in his last video on his channel. Thirty five minutes *near Arsenal. Remember, I've typed and repeated *near Arsenal three times with a star in front. That is because I want you to think about that not all players are in Arsenal choosing their favourite dress to wear. People were just bored and have started to drive vehicles, popping flares or just hanging and having fun around arsenal box. Even Luetin09 was admiring that red bright light later when he saw that *something hit the fan.
    I think we can find another solution for this. For example when you are finished with your loadout step away and meet with your team at briefing hangar. It would be also awesome if teams are clearly separated like small groups so when SL or CMD come they can give instructions easily. This will eliminate the problem of assumption of Arsenal fever or even guys staying inside Arsenal. SL's work is really demanding (hail to all SLs) but needs to be strict and decisive. That is the only way so the others won't question commands.
    And there will be always a black sheep that is actually in arsenal picking its wool. But player Glitch has found a solution for that: “You have five minutes for arsenal.” End of story. To all us black sheep imagine this situation: You are late with your loadout; SL said to stay in base like a punishment for not obeying; you are crucial member in your team; your team lacks of crucial member; your team got wiped; you all need to work again that mission. You are part of a team, don't take your team's wings away. Play your role doesn't mean only take that item in your backpack. It means play in team as ONE. I remember when I first get on this server and I've already mentioned Nicolai and Leo helping me with way around. I've asked permission to stay in base to know what is for what, what to press, what to take etc. They have insisted I go with them and stick with one of them. They let me stayed at base. I haven't looked at that situation like I'm looking it right now. That day I took wings away from my team.
    Instruments of our plays
    Jenkins I feel like going that way. This will be hard to explain for me but bare with me. English is not my main language unfortunately. Because in human brain if person says one way, it will be done like that no matter what and we'll all see only that path. Let's invert situation. SLs decide approach and everything. SLs can argue, cause chick-fight, and whatnot. Put some dynamics also in mission planning. Not only on terrain. I don't have to believe, I know we have some brilliant SLs on this server but they don't express their way of doing things because they tag alongside CMDs command and don't bother. CMD is like bond between SLs, a structural thing that observes and connects.
    Imagine situation, CMD says from his throne to go capture building. SL acknowledges that and proceeds with saying his fellow troops to go there. SL is on the field, he is seeing that there is enemy armada waiting there and his experience tells him no to go there. He needs then again tell CMD that building can't be captured right now. It can be done like this:
    CMD:”go for objective Alpha on abc SL1!”
    SL1: copy that CMD.
    SL1: CMD this is SL1, Alpha hot on abc, How is bca looking for you CMD?
    asking CMD's opinion on current deviation from plan in same time staying in touch with CMD, that is important!
    CMD: CMD copies SL1, Sending your way SL2 for covering fire from cba.
    SL1 now sees his prize with tunnel-vision but CMD is eagle eye that sees threat on path abc from greater perspective and sends support along the way.
    Because SL needs to deal with battlefield and commanding chain he gets brain-freeze and dug in, sometimes forget to report to CMD so CMD gets useless on the battlefield. And time passes.
    I don't know how this would work in Arma3 world but in Planetside2 (PS2) which I've played for two years before Arma3; platoon leader commands four squads with twelve troops in each. CMD/Platoon for SL is what is Maestro for musicians that create music (plays).
    Instruments of our plays.
    Talking is winning
    We are humans and we like to gather around, socialize and talk about everything. This is conversation. *near Arsenal there is conversational noise all the time. It's like we are on market selling food for life, or for younger generations to understand staying in line for buying a new smartphone. You can't tell people to shut up. You can polite ask to Clear Comms. I know old veterans get nervous sometimes but they can gather inside our temple – our briefing hangar. Who wants to hear the mission will go inside hangar and be part of that. Who wants to socialize, stay around Arsenal. The only thing I would ask is to pick role that is not connected to other players. In PS2 Clear Comms would be called three times repeatedly. Imagine beautiful silence of 48 players listening to one man giving general orders. Then imagine a silence once again and listening to one man giving second orders to twelve players.
    Radios are one of the most important tools on battlefield for soldier. I won't go now in how to use radios. When I go in transport or in the beginning when first “radio check” fill the air, I always make sure of my radio settings: one ear, headphones and frequency check. You can set additional channels or other squad channels. If you are SL carrying LRR and on safe spot, you could consider switching to stereo so your squad can hear CMD general message also. Only thing I'd ask is don't change frequencies. We all start with same frequency. Imagine a mess that we would made if we play against other players and not AI or we need to switch between 10 frequencies knowing the sequence. If you have to change a frequency for some reason, before doing that inform all others about doing that. At least once in two days I hear someone saying that he was in wrong frequency. That is not excuse. Check your radios all the time. Frequencies should be listed on the map. Just yesterday we had whole squad on another frequency and we had to send a guy to inform them on their frequency or why they won't respond to CMD. LRR equipment as we all concurred should be wear by SL but maybe we should have radioman slot also that way even if we have new player he could understand better how to respond, call, or send on radios their message. Maybe we should introduce also a Loadout slot so that we black sheep, fashion queens can dress up properly and not make and disturbance on ongoing mission. This will lead us to our next chapter.
    Arsenal:”I have it, you need it”
    I believe we are waiting to talk about equipment or as Marcus Kincaid from Borderlands 2 would say: “Guns, guns, guns! “Simple, elegant and brings a plenty of joy. But are we all happy with arsenal, restrictions and other stuff. I'll first step forward and say that I'm not. I don't want that Arsenal become a slot from Red Orchestra 2. I mean I really like RO2 but it's whole another level of gameplay. Disabling lockpick, sunglasses, uniforms and other stuff won't make any change in times of ppl picking stuff. That 35min length problem and proposition are described in the second paragraph. It's not the Arsenal. It's other smaller things that accumulate time. This should be main concern, not crippling arsenal. What I like in this game is freedom of doing things. I urge every admin member or core staff to reconsider and bring us back all Arma world can offer. I want my banana back! (I remember times when Nicolai actually counted how many bananas carryall backpack can take, fun times).
    Next thing is particularly for Autoriflemen and their assistants. I was really enjoying playing carrier for player Wolf when he's Autorifleman. Only problem we had was we couldn't get along how to transfer ammo. One tip now is that Autorifleman place his ammo inside Arsenal crate (I like my base ground clean). Then informs his assistant that there is ammo in box to carry. Assistant then informs him how many packs he has taken. End of story. First time I was playing assistant for someone else I was greeted with this: “I'm using xyz weapon, I need you to carry me some ammo”. The procedure for newbie is like this then: Drop weapon, find Autorifleman's weapon, equip it, ask Autorifleman if he wants tracers, what color and whatnot, make room in backpack for ammo packs, drop backpack on floor, load your loadout, swap backpack, and it leaves one backpack inside arsenal or on the floor. Admin needs to clean the inventory mess on the ground. If you don't ask it would have been like that. Instead you can ask and he will drop that ammo for you. Again lots of unnecessary conversation.
    I really like that administrators are giving us freedom of picking uniform with regulations of our choice. I hope it won't cross their mind to wear all same uniforms. Differences are what keeps this game dynamic. Maybe same uniforms would be a nice touch for Game Nights, but not on regular basis.
    Officers can't and shouldn't think for us. This is particularly for explosives. Always check map to see what kind of equipment you need. You can't destroy a tower with rocket launcher we all know that. What we don't know is to bring explosives with us or ask who will bring them. It's nothing new when I say that we on EU3 go in armour clean-up or tower destruction without explosives or not enough rocket launchers for all the vehicles. Now the excuse could be there's no explosive specialist slot to select. If you ask me, whole point of selecting your role in the beginning is useless if you can't agree with others or play like a team. I would be more happy if someone asks me to bring more explosives than telling me that a certain gun is forbidden, I can't use that straw hat, I'm not on vacation etc. Nobody ever asks if somebody brought explosives or how many rockets we got in squad.
    I know I'm risking ban with this but I like sniper rifles. Especially M2010. I was actually thinking convincing Baconmop to introduce m24 or any variant of Accuracy International. When there isn't a lot of players, no commanding officers or administrators in EU3 I roll with my favourite gun. That bolt-action experience. The sound of that gun gives me shivers and with all these mods I feel like I don't know what. Hell, it even comes with different colours. From all joyfulness I'm virtually slapping myself on cheeks. And yes my dream is slammed. When I asked why, the answer is something like this: there are lone wanderers, over powerful, behaviour. I have yet to see the manifest on forums why it's forbidden.
    First lone wanderers; I don't believe there are any on this server and if there are any, they would be marked on map with new addition. On other server I won't name it but you will know which one when go alone you are kicked from server. End of story. That should be the policy.
    Over powerful. Yes it's powerful, but m2010 is crippled with ROF. Noreen is greater threat and that is over powered, and if you want to kill something above 1 kilometre there is Intervention laying around. On other servers and on EU1 I had great time marking things on map for mortar team. It was my (don't get me wrong, this is a game after all—well I already feel bad for saying this) privilege and great experience working with mortar team. And I'm not even a part of their team on paper. Every shell was designated to marker on the map. I've spend more time typing and just looking than touching mouse. I'm saying this because snipers don't need to be killing machines, they can and should be just recon or observers in theatre of war. Sometimes I've returned to base without firing a single bullet. And I'll always call that a good day in Arma. If I want to kill stuff I'll go and play other games with all the kids that f*cked my mother.
    Behaviour is something all by itself. Yes snipers are over powered in this way. They can be cocky and kill everything and not give any fun to other players.
    Playing marksman or sniper on this server is no easy task in any way. But using all the equipment to calculate trajectory of a bullet is what is all about for me. If you ask me the hardest of all quests that is in front of sniper is finding the best spot. That is the spot where you can be in duration of whole mission without compromising yourself or your spotter if you have it and covering at least 70% of territory. If you can achieve of having all three then you are in perfect spot.
    Ammo is free for all
    One thing I haven't realized but I have to point out is type of ammunition. I always opted for 7.62mm over 5.56mm not realizing why all the fuss. I like “classic” look of weapons and HK417 caught my eye. Yeah, I'm also fashion queen deep inside. I have run with HK417 12inch barrel primarily – because my first gun was HK417 16inch before I was told to read forums about allowed loadouts. I've changed it to 5.56mm and this is the reason why. When you use 5.56mm you can ask fellow teammate to lend you some ammo or you can give it to them. That is the only point and I'll stick with it without concerning sound, velocity or penetration. Ammo free for all.
    Rules of engagement
    Chain of command—I want to talk about that separately. Rule 3 is your Bible, trigger is your messenger. End of conversation.
    On this server there is always rule of Yellow weapon: Don't shoot unless fire upon. Weapons are green or red when commanding officers says that way. Even if I see there's a potential threat I always ask an officer a permission to shoot first. Maybe I just want to hear voice of Eggmuffin or Nicolai. They have very intriguing voices which are more distinctive than others. Especially Nicolai, who as a leader, I'll follow without hesitation. I need to question myself what I've written right this moment but I'll leave it open for laughs. I like to play this game on highest immersion out there. I'm taking someone's life to save mine or teams. ROE and other rules are all on forums and some more important are also written in Teamspeak.
    These is still happening so I'll keep addressing it:
    -don't use 20 or 30 mm guns – my game is moving like cards that have been dealt by 60-old dealer. If you have to use it please ask for permission first. I know it's a film but in Lone Survivor pilot asks for permission to engage even he sees there's a war zone below him. Yesterday was happy trigger also.
    -If you are in heli don't hover over the combat zone we can't hear anything down there. Rule 8.
    -officers should be more strict with timing. This will bring a lot in time reduction near *certain points.
    No immersion:
    - players showing on map
    - shift+tilde showing direction of movement
    I was very happy that administrators have introduced speedboats to Panthera map. This is a proof they are listening players opinion. Maybe I was selfish and should look wide angle on every aspect of server and not only what concerned me particularly. But hey, you can express your opinions. So if you have suggestion, critic or any other type of personal opinion, keep EU3 sub-forum active and full of constructive conversations.
    I'm kindly asking administrators and moderators of this server to reconsider bringing all the goodies back to Arsenal and take into consideration my appeal for allowing sniper rifles on Ahoy EU3 servers.
    P.S. Tomorrow is my birthday so I'll upload pictures some other time.
  13. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to BACONMOP in Gamenight Sat. 29 August   
    Hello and welcome to this weeks game-night  
    We will be playing Silent Extract
    On ArmA3 EU#3 MODDED. 
    The map is Zargabad
    The meet up time will be as follows:
    Saturday - 15:30 GMT Mission start
    Brief: You and your team must insert into Zargabad and capture an enemy Officer located inside of the mosque.
    You will not be allowed to JIP once the mission briefing is over..
    Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot.
    I'm stressing that any mucking about while we are doing this event will be met with according punishment for degrading other players enjoyment of the event. Normal EU#3 rules apply
    Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield
    For info on how to get the mods click here.

    Please know that this mission only has room for 12 players
  14. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Despite in Reincorporating the Marksman Role   
    In my opinion the marksman role should be re added but with a slight revamp there will be a few changes that I think would balance it out. I'll start with the first change removing the word sniper if we removed the word sniper referring to marksman it would be a lot better it could be called Designated Marksman, that being said it would not revolve around .50 cals and heavy duty snipers but more or less a battle rifle class in a way. The class would be used as a "support role" or a scouting role, such as posting up on a building having over watch while a squad pushes up they would clear any infantry that could be a threat to the ground infantry.

    That said it would not be a so called sniper more as a aide to the ground forces, the marksman role would have a battle rifle as I said previously and a interchangeable scope so one that is a scope but can quickly change into a short range red dot in a way to kill contacts that approach fast and are close, this being said they are not allowed to stick with the ground forces and spray their M14 etc. 
    A common question will often probably be why am I not allowed to be a marksman, I have heard that Ahoyworld EU#3 sometimes has training, even thought I have been on the server for roughly a week I was thinking lets utilize training for something, as a marksman in the army is considered an "Elite" force they will have to undergo training to obtain this "elite" class, as these marksman will obtain the 1 shot 1 kill saying, This being said they will endure training to learn how to become a good marksman weather its zeroing in or being able to adjust to the situation, taking out targets quick any fast, whatever they will be judged by the staff or anyone staff approves of to judge. And maximize their skill to taking out enemy's 
    Now who commands this Elite role? Command does the Plat. Co. will order the Elite class to go anyone he decides, the plat co can not demand the marksman class to go with infantry or any ground force they are strictly to provide over watch and scout for enemy's. That being said I would like to go to my previous paragraph and continue on that I recently watch this show on Netflix called Top Shot and it was a competition to see who was the best at shooting all sort sof different guns people could say why don't we just have a competition I feel like "Luck" could get the best out of it so I would advise doing "tryouts" to maximize the skill setting, Yes people might have an advantage but I feel like those people with an advantage would be more useful then having someone who has no skill in sniping and making the ground forces more unsafe. 
    Now this marksman role would be more then a lone wolf class some people say it would also require a spotter, I recently saw the spotting scope in the arsenal and I thought that we could utilize that and some other things, The marksman role would require a spotter at all times as in the real army marksman do have spotters telling them the range and if they were high or low or they hit their target, this would create a more realistic setting then a solo lets say YOLO role where they spray something and hit it after 10 bullets they will utilize every shot to make sure its a hit. 
    I feel like this would be a good idea because from personal experience on EU#3 I have seen many enemies pop their head up from a building and kill/wound 2 or 3 soldiers this would Maximize safety. Now as I said previously again I said Command positions them, the marksman role would not be a go happy killing class it would be a subtle class that takes out enemies that might endanger other soldiers and vehicles, they could kill RPG soldiers and so forth.  
    What weapons will the Marksman class Use in my opinion they should mainly use more of a standered battle rifle round so 7.62x51 nato round which is a fairly strong round it will usually kill anything 1 shot in the chest. So that being said they will use the 
    FAL, M14, Any M14 variant and the G3 or whatever. 

    That being said they will mostly be used for a situation such as There a guy with a RPG aiming at the MRAP marksman can quickly set up and take a shot to prevent the MRAP from going down.
    This being said I would love to see the marksman role reincorporated and no, its not because I want to be a sniper I actually have no interest in doing that I just feel like it would be cool to see that added to get a more realistic feel and safe feeling from it 
    Don't feel obligated to add it, it's just a suggestion. Thanks for reading
  15. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to BACONMOP in Upcoming V0.30   
    In the upcoming version of gauntlet we are removing some things from the aresenal. The things in question are thermal scopes and OPFOR clothing items. So if you have a class with these items you may wish to change the contents of your loadout so that you can still load them from arsenal.
  16. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Karate Pyjamas in [HOW TO] Mortars   
    A small topic about Mortars

    This video of mine explains the following methods of zeroing in a mortar:
    Calculation Range table  
    It also features:
    Using map-grid for target acquisition Terrain Elevation Map tools (Mills, bearing, distance)  
    Why you want this:
    More precise control Low angle and High angle attack ETA to impact Precise Bearing and Elevation numbers Allows for blind firing So you're no longer an artillery computer scrub  
    Download the Artillery Sheet here:

    The video explains it all:
    Map techniques are interwoven with the methods.
    0:47 - 6:52 Artillery Sheet method (Map Grid + GPS + Contour Levels) 6:52 - 9:12 82mm Range table Method (Maptools)

    UPDATE 1-1-2016 Fire Mission Routine:

    When operating in the some of the cramped environments like we tend to do at times, it's important to follow proper Fire Discipline to avoid friendly casualties when firing artillery shells. It takes time for shells to impact at the designated location so make sure you give friendlies enough time to retreat or prevent them from moving up when shells are danger close.


    Here's an example fire mission that includes all the options (adjust, repeat):

    Update 23-12-2017 Mortar Trajectory Explained:
    With this update I've included 4 plots that explain how the mortar trajectory works and how one should compensate the trajectory for uphill and downhill shooting.

    First we look at the angle the mortar fires at. Increasing the elevation we can fire at things closer to us. If we lower the elevation we can get a bit more distance out of the mortar.

    We now look at how the charge of the mortar affects its trajectory. A bigger charge allows us to reach out further when we keep the elevation constant. We can also use this to our advantage. For example, if there is a really big mountain in the way perhaps it's wise to select a bigger charge so you know you will clear the mountain.

    Now lets look at the theory behind shooting a target above or below you. First we tackle a target above the mortar:

    When we use the maptools we can get a range to the target of dx. However, since the target is above us we can see that if we were to dial in the mortar for that distance dx we would shoot the red trajectory and hit in front of the target. Therefore we need to adjust our elevation downwards so we can hit the target. The range table gives an adjustment in 100m height difference intervals. If there is only a 50-meter difference feel free to just divide the adjustment given by the range table in half or interpolate for other differences. However, a height difference of 10 to 20 meters relative to your own height shouldn't really cause any issues, and adjustment is considered optional.

    Downhill shooting is very similar to uphill shooting. However, instead of lowering our elevation we increase our elevation as shown in the following diagram. The indicated numbers on the range table for adjusting the mortar work similarly, but instead we now adjust in the other direction.

    Understanding the trajectory of your mortar shells is very important to minimize civilian/blufor casualties and to get pinpoint accuracy. That said, the further your target is away the larger the deviations will be, so don't expect pin-point accuracy on targets beyond 1.5km
  17. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from razgriz33 in Banners for Arma, Project Cars, KSP, DCS   
    Credit to Josh  Credit to MadShepard Credit to Dingo
  18. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to laforte in Banners for Arma, Project Cars, KSP, DCS   
    Nice, I like
  19. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Banners for Arma, Project Cars, KSP, DCS   
    I have to say Toxic, I was not expecting anything else but poisonous and toxic pixels, these images look very nice.
    2nd kerbal space program one feels a bit empty though.
  20. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Dingo in Banners for Arma, Project Cars, KSP, DCS   
    Credit to Josh  Credit to MadShepard Credit to Dingo
  21. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Josh in Banners for Arma, Project Cars, KSP, DCS   
    Credit to Josh  Credit to MadShepard Credit to Dingo
  22. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Discussion about Thermals, pilots and other stuff.   
    - All pilots gets three weekly strikes, fuck up three times in a week and you're on the edge, fuck up four times and an admin/moderator gets to enforce reasonable punishment. Whitelist would be too much, but blacklist for a specific/permanent amount on time would be cool with me. It's even said on EU1; if you can't fly, please learn in single player. 
    Never use them, remove them or not; fine with me either way. 
    This is something I've thought about too. I see tanks / CAS "running" in on their own and completing the objective or not requesting to be designated a fire mission / target. Not even asking for permission to engage targets.- I'd say the three strike rule I suggested above would be fitting for the pilot side of this too.
    - Depending on what Torch/Hammer does wrong (ex. Solo'ing Objective or killing a GAZ is a big diffrence) I'd say rule enforcers get some freedom from warning, spawning an enemy tank platoon on their head or arty'ing / smite'ing them.
    In my opinion if you aren't part of the plan CMD has made and you basically join the objecte in progress as Torch/Hammer/Talon you should not participate, unless you manage to discuss adjustments/the plan in person (direct speech) or command tells you to.
  23. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Josh in Discussion about Thermals, pilots and other stuff.   
    I think the pilot thing could be handled with a strike system maybe? Any mistake which could have been avoided/general idiot action, or ignoring command could end up in a strike. 3 Strikes and ban from the vortex/talon slots for a week. Then have the number of strikes reset weekly. Or with a day logged on the ahoy world severs. Which ever is easiest. 
    Thermal scopes gone completely. 
    Armor should be used as fire support much like talon, so command is fully in charge, however convoys, with armored units should be utilized more, not just vortex, vortex, vortex. It feels like armor is frowned upon, yet is necessary in combine arms. 
    Last note, it feels a lot of the mission units start, they are unprepared for and don't have the proper fire support, whether launches or CAS. A jet would be nice, when there is a single Talon pilot on. 
    Otherwise things are great! EU3 has been great since coming back.
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