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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Also, if you wanna use armor, wait for a fresh AO to spawn.
  2. If your UAVs are getting shot down, climb them to 2000 meters. There are a multitude of reasons why keeping your UAVs high in the sky is optimal, one of them being relative safety from engagement by enemy ground and airborne threats.
  3. Eye strain can be a very real issue, indeed. If you're gonna use a head tracker, you should start by getting used to a fairly eccentric movement translation. If you wanna look out to the left, obviously you can't be needing to turn your physical head 60 degrees to achieve that. I'd start by getting used to a 5:1 ratio, at least.
  4. I dislike the two-channel squad system. Team Leader is a very low-level leadership position, and more often than not they lead by example. When they die, their team loses radio contact. In my opinion, being a good Team Leader is about being a good individual player, and far less about being a good strategist. That's the Squad Lead's job, and it's why he's not on the front of the line. I've never understood this idea that information critical to Alpha 1 wouldn't be relevant to Alpha 2. If that was the case, they're spread out too far from eachother.
  5. Very true, just keep in mind "fun" can take on very different meanings depending on who you ask
  6. I'd say we're actually in the opposite ditch now. Everything seems to die to a single 5.56 to the chest, passing straight through the heaviest of armors.
  7. Seems to me this may be better served in a more general subforum, it being relevant outside of Arma?
  8. Yeah, very good work on the first two videos. Short and to the point, no fuss.
  9. Any injury that would require you to RTB is, in my opinion, beyond the scope of what Arma and Arma mods should aim for. What'd be next, paperwork after an op? If it can't be fixed in the field, you may as well be dead. Which is also why most games just kill you in those situations. I have no doubt most of you will be painfully aware that I consider most EU#3 players in need of a gear trim-down. This forces them to. I embrace it with open arms
  10. I've read every ban appeal posted since I joined. I've never seen one that was quite as disrespectful as yours. Now, I have on occasion seen behaviour from a moderator, admin or core staff member that I considered to be less courteous than I'd like, but in the end, there's a human being behind the words on the screen and the voice on Teamspeak, and no human is perfect. It's when people go out of their way to be disrespectful that issues arise, and you've already dug your six feet.
  11. Yeah. guilty as charged. Fallout is eating me.
  12. In my experience flying birds other than the MH-6, a Copilot is much less useful on landing than having someone looking out the side of the helicopter from the passenger section. The pilot seats aren't actually that great for looking at what's near your anti-torque, but the Gunner seats have 180 degrees of vision on each side of the aircraft. For this reason, I have on many occasions, whether I was in charge or not, ensured that people understood the need to STFU on approach and landing, giving the gunners and pilot room to communicate. Generally, I think people have understood and accepted the need for this. I have yet to be talked back to
  13. Looks like Minipily is echoing me about 100%, so I'll keep it short. Only thing I've seen that I felt could be better, is ensuring that speciality roles are filled with people who are up to task. I quite like it when there's competent pilots around, as that means a rare opportunity for me to do something other than flying, but sadly I have seen a few pilots sign up for a 1st Person only session who, in my ever so humble opinion, might need some more practice flying without the landing assistance of the 3rd person camera. Other than that, it looks to me like people are taking it seriously, so that's good. It's nice to get some quiet in the helicopter on landing once in a while
  14. Amentes

    New Mic

    I've been on the receiving end of voice captured by both the Yeti and the Snowball. Both are great mics, I know a few guys who use them to record podcasts. That said, if all you intend to use it for is gaming, it will be HUGE overkill. Definetely recommend you stick to a good pair of headphones with a built in mic if that's the case.
  15. I always load my presets, and I always run the same guns, so I don't really care if I can't change those. I'd prefer to keep uniforms selectable though, as on occasion I have been asked to change uniform to match others. Given that different maps might promt different uniform choices, if I were not able to change uniforms in-server, I'd need to make loadouts for each map, with the camo being the only difference, something which would surely serve to annoy in the long run.
  16. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=002_1446585375
  17. I've noticed an increase in Hotmic's related to Voice Activation and the people who use it. Personally, I find the sound of people chewing crisps through a microphone to be unpleasant, in the same sense, if not scale, as nails on a chalkboard. Moreover, many people on Voice Activation, perhaps unintentionally, contribute to disorder on EU#3. I'd think anyone who ever ran Platt. Com. will have had issues with contagious laughing and joking around. I believe this might be curbed by forcing PTT on all users in the EU#3 TS Channels; therefore this post. I expect this will be a controversial issue. Post your thoughts below.
  18. It's also not automatic, at least not for me.
  19. I don't believe it's against the rules if leadership determines it as a neccesary tool for the job
  20. On the subject of loadouts and what regular grunts should and should not be bringing, it may be worth mentioning that I've never seen people in leadership roles, myself included, ask for any special tools to be brought. I've had the thought on occasion. You know, looking over a mission, and deciding you wanna breach a compound wall using a collapsible ladder, and then figuring out who is gonna bring that. This is a major reason why I personally have all non-specialty loadouts not using a backpack, so that leadership can decide that someone in Bravo needs to bring a ladder, or whatever other macguffin, and that I can then voulenteer for the job. I've never actually been in a situation where it was needed or made any sort of sense though. I'm still hoping it will happen.
  21. I'd like to keep Arsenal in. I usually spend the wait checking out what everyone else is bringing, and I often "correct" people's loadouts when I see weapons, scopes or launchers that should not be present. I've never had anyone not accept my correction, actually. That said, I am sure everyone who's ever been on EU#3 have, at one point or another, heard me nag on about how far too many people are using backpacks for basic roles, carrying too much ammo and medical gear, etc. Sometimes I check dead bodies. Yes. Despite this, I'd much rather see some sort of target weights for different roles. Medical gear does not weigh much, granted, but I believe that's more of a mentality issue than anything else. Moreover, I'd love to see some of the ammo selections removed. Nothing sucks more than running over to what you think is a dead guy's M4, only to find he packed an ammo type that doesn't work in your HK416, or vice versa. This comes from a guy who once got last-man'ed on the Villa roof in Zargabad, with an M249 and 40+ enemies closing in. Please limit ammo to the types that work in all the weapons.
  22. Mhmmm... yeah, that last bit isn't entirely fair Glitch. It's a perfectly valid point that, usually, Alpha Squad Lead ends up juggling much more than he is intended to. Nobody is struggling to fulfil their duties as Squad Leader.
  23. Two men should never be left behind to cover. Individual personnel shouldn't be seperated from their fireteam on purpose. ------------------------------------ The bottom line is that members of a fireteam shouldn't be seperated by more than yelling distance. The fireteams can have further seperation from eachother, but only in order to engage in flanking maneuvers, bounding overwatches, etc; meaning they should never be attacking an area from vastly different approaches. Because of this, it's important that an individual fireteam member have the ability to call out threats to the entire squad, quickly, and without having to go through his Lead. Moreover, information from the Squad Leader is generally relevant to all units in the Squad, and is best served by direct delivery given the often more specific nature of it.
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