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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Helping a friend move, can't make it. Sorry.
  2. I'm hoping I can make it, but I'm gonna refrain from signing up for now, as I can't make any promises.
  3. So, if I understand you right Raz, a properly heavy downpour to the point that spotting targets at 200 meters becomes impossible, will still leave the AI able to detect players with impunity? I'm all for more dynamic weather, but not if the AI will see through it like they do with grass. That's just BS.
  4. I want to shoot from the pilot and copilot seat of the Pawnee. Nothing else matters!
  5. I'm interested, does anyone know with at least some certainty what the effect of weather is on the AI? Is it like the grass, they will see you and shoot you regardless?
  6. Custom missions is always good, and I'd love to see Zeus used more often. Some sort of whitelist for pilots I could get behind. If pilots want training sessions, go right ahead, thought if I wanted to practice, I feel I could just as well use Editor and Zeus to do so. There are also a multitude of Steam Workshop scenarios designed to let people practise emergency routines such as tail rotor loss and engine failure. Training for Infantry roles... again, if you want to practise marksmanship or CQC, there's plenty of Workshop maps out to do that SP. There might be some merit to training communications in a miltiplayer session, but that's about it I think. The idea that you'd specialize as an AT or Autorifleman seems completely unneccesary to me. I don't know of any major MilSim unit that does this either. As for Camo gear, I already feel like certain individuals are spending too much time playing dress-up as it is, so I'm all for Command designating one Camo type for an individual gamenight. That said, It's my understanding that we might soon have pre-made kits to choose from, which may curb that problem. ACRE, all for it. Squad Lead, Pilots and Command slots are already being reserved for known players on gamenights. Regulating them outside of Gamenights seems impractical, especially since people can and will break off and make their own group anyway. Without an Admin to enforce, it'd be moot.
  7. Clarification, if there's a Spartan around and admins can't be contacted, to what extent could said Spartan then use his Zeus powers to handle rampaging teamkillers and/or people being a nuisance in base, say by blocking pathways with vehicles and/or nicking cars people are trying to load up with gear?
  8. So, I was browsing the Workshop, and I came across "bbbxxxbbb entrainement" http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=378028422 Despite the name, it's actually decent. Dude made a labyrinthine gauntlet using concrete barriers, plopped a bunch of enemies into it along with a few civvies that you can try to avoid killing if you wish. Made me think of another oldie as well, namely "Survivor" http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176318250 You and a pistol against a team of "bullies", with some smooth electro swing for backdrop. Both maps are good for learning CQC. Enjoy Edit: Should add, I tried both with the current modset, and it doesn't bug out with either Official or Modded setups.
  9. You mean we're all gonna be on the same .xml, finally? Good work!
  10. It's kinda meant as more of a clan tag than a personal emblem
  11. I'd suggest you start here: http://ttp3.dslyecxi.com/6_leadership.php
  12. Yeaaah, that's my sisters birthday. No can do. Best of luck to you all
  13. Will be there Sunday, whatever role you need filled.
  14. 2.81 UAV procedure: 1) Ensure the landing gear isn't clipping the ground: Take Stomper Drive up behind the Greyhawk you wanna fly Bump it a little bit 2) Start-up: Open UAV Terminal Select the bumped Greyhawk Place Waypoint 1km+ away from Greyhawk Take GUNNER position Observe engine startup 3a) Engine start-up: Await UAV movement Take control of Driver immediately once it moves on its own If it parks itself into a wall, use your Stomper to push it 3b) Engine fails to start after a minute of waiting: Take control of Driver Best of luck! 4) Take-off Flaps down full Taxi to runway Apply speed until it lifts off on its own
  15. THIS! So much this. Although all the time spent training to hit things unguided will now be wasted.
  16. Good info As for the AI jets and their missiles, the main problem isn't that they have unlimited missiles, but rather that even if you do manage to dodge the first attack, they'll keep coming back at you until you run out of flares. If it's possible to impose a limit on the number of missiles fired within a certain timeframe, surely that'd be a good solution? Regarding the UAVs, while its true that they'll sometimes explode, several players including Alganthe and myself were reliably circumventing that problem and getting the UAVs in the air. I believe Alganthe wrote up a quick guide on how to get them airborne. If the bombs were removed on spawn, it seems it's had the side effect of also removing them after the rearm script does its thing. As they were, given the right method, completely serviceable prior to this, please put it back the way it was. Personally, I'd love to have a third GBU-12 Greyhawk. Keeping the AO-reward plane in I leave to you, but I might suggest, given Luetin's want of a more permanent air superiority presence, that if removed, you replace it with either an AA Buzzard as he'd prefer, or a Neophron (without AGMs) as I'd prefer.
  17. Yeah, definetly something I'd like to see us get. On a related note, I always put the AO-reward planes to good use whenever possible, but I know that they're often blocked off. When I noticed the spawn initially, I quickly found that they always have any ATG missiles disabled, and that sorta made me assume that it was a replacement for the non.functioning UAVs, but it seems that wasn't the intent? In my experience, people appreciate me helping them out when needed, and the lack of ATGs certainly make them less OP, so as long as the UAVs aren't functioning, I'd love to see that spawn get a UAV-style respawn timer as long as the Greyhawks don't work. And if you're adamant about it not being used, remember to block it off properly, as I recently proved that it is indeed possible to Huron-lift a Buzzard over a bunch of Hesco barriers without too much fuss
  18. I was Gamma too, certainly gonna play it, but unsure of when. I'd expect a complete asset reset on full release, so I'm not too keen on starting earlier than that. I've got other things to do and games to play until then
  19. Seems TS is still fuzzy, as of right now.
  20. I'm assuming you're referring to the buddy pod here Sheep? If so, i'd be happy to try it out at some point.
  21. Should be possible as far as I know, but you'd never have those shells used properly, as some random would certainly hop straight on in there and send them off at nothing in particular. And then you'd get a bunch of hassle with people whining about the reload time, etc. etc. Seems like more trouble than it's worth, unfortunately.
  22. Amentes


    I don't really have any pull in this matter, lowly and powerless as I am, but I'd almost say give the kid a chance. This has been so entertaining, I think he's earned it
  23. Confirmed down since yesterday evening.
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