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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Maybe we could have a rule saying you can't have two MMG or AT Teams until you've both Alpha and Bravo? It's sometimes neccesary to utilise an AT team without having a full Alpha, as you'll face the same shitstorm of MBTs on Chernarus regardless of player numbers, but IMO there's no need for any MMG teams or more than one AT team when we don't even have a full Alpha. We seem to have had an influx of "groups" lately, I've noticed that too. We may also need to start a seminar on when to joke around and when to gameface. There's a time and place for jokesters and a little banter is good, but lately it's been making it harder to lead than it should be. Like throwing practice grenades in base, it's contagious and a bad example for first-timers.
  2. No wonder the pilots ended up needing an exfil, with that amount of distraction
  3. This being ArmA, "should" you team up? I'm inclined to answer with a resounding YES! That doesn't mean people share my sentiment though. As Pero says, first step to teamwork is getting on TeamSpeak, which is where most of the regular players usually hang, and, incidentally, the regular players are also the ones most inclined to team up.
  4. Should be able to attend. Been SQL and PLTCMD a few times at this point, and yes, training is definitely welcome.
  5. Not untrue Sozio, but a lot of our current players aren't quite at that Hoax mastery level. if this guy is there, he's welcome in my book
  6. Yeah, sorry about the late intel there Mouldy
  7. Again, sorry, can't guarantee I'll show up, but if I do I'll take whatever slot needs filling as usual. Unless it's MMG, frak that
  8. Ahhhw Can't guarantee that I'll be there, unfortunately; but if I'm free I'll be around.
  9. Yeah, I'd expect that Logi will see more use on a map like Chernarus. Does anyone know if Logistics can resupply Hammer and Torch? Might be interesting to try issuing Logi with some Mortars? Seems like something that could keep them occupied in their downtime after setting up the FOB.
  10. Ok, so after the implementation of Logistics, I've been getting a lot of mixed messages about what they should be doing and how. Given these mixed messages, I'd like to ask for clarification on a few questions, as follow. -------------------------------------------------- Does the Logistics Pilot count toward the 8-pilots-per-player rule? Is the Logistics Pilot allowed to operate aircraft other than the MH-60 Medevac? Is the Logistics Pilot allowed to function like Vortex for the insertion of troops? Should the Logistics Squad stay behind in safety, or are they allowed to join the battle proper? Is it acceptable to set up an FOB inside the objective zone?
  11. I'd love to go mechanized through a town, but I doubt it would ever end well, mostly because I doubt any of us have any experience working with armor in such a fashion.
  12. So, many regular EU#1 players often wonder how the publics manage to flip tanks. I present to you, the answer: (Edit: Tmestamp didn't seem to work, it's at 1:53) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXeh1gNLxR0&feature=youtu.be&t=113s
  13. This goes back to why I sometimes ask people to drop those AT4s. I constantly see people carrying huge amounts of medical gear, and more often than not they will fix themselves up time and time again, instead of using the Medic. Obviously this does not make for entertaining gameplay for the people in the Medic roles. Same goes for fireteams carrying three or four AT4s when you have dedicated AT teams on the ground. I get that a well placed AT4 will take care of business right quick, but in this way I believe people are robbing themselves of a fun gameplay aspect; the neccesity to fall back when opposed by enemy armor, and call in MAT or HAT to assist, after which you can then start moving up again.
  14. It's a very sensible way to use CAS; just do keep in mind that the CAS pilots are players too and will not stick around for long if they never actually get to do anything. If you do not believe CAS will be needed; as a pilot, I'd rather fly reinforcement in a smaller aircraft than orbit an AO without ever being called in
  15. I don't know what specific experiences you've had with this, but to give my perspective as someone who often provides said CAS; something that is not a danger to the boots on the ground may well be harassing your CAS, and sometimes changing position is not an option. Obviously a strike on such a target should be cleared with Command, but it does happen that a low flying CAS asset gets surprised by something and needs to react quickly. On the subject of convoys, that's a whole other can of worms, as it can sometimes be hard to exactly predict what will pose a threat to a convoy that isn't neccesarily sticking to a preset route, this especially being the case on Fallujah.
  16. Honestly, if you need target practice, it's pretty easy to open up the Editor, create a single-player scenario with a Zeus module, and then proceed to go nuts. If anyone wants a tutorial on how to do that, then I'll be happy to oblige. In my experience, actual training sessions should focus on the stuff that you can't easily practice alone; such as the use of comms and formations. The question then becomes whether or not that makes sense to practice in the first place, as I doubt people actually want to practice brief and consice contact reporting and strict formations. Just doesn't seem to be what the community is; personally I'd rather it remain that way, as the former is a been-there, done-that sort of situation for me.
  17. Signed up, will take whatever job needs manning.
  18. Make sure to read the rules sticky posts in the EU#3 forum though. Certain restrictions have had to be put in place to avoid cluster*&¤%ing. If in doubt, ask on forums or in Teamspeak.
  19. For my own part, I simply wish to avoid getting scolded. Having only recently rejoined EU#3 after a six-month hiatus, I am most assuredly not in the loop, and as such I sought guidance in these forum posts
  20. Josh, could you be convinced to go over that thread and ensure it's actually accurate? I asked the guys yesterday if a Team Lead could carry an HK417 16inch, and was told no; however I can't find anywhere in the thread saying that. I will be doing my utmost to scold anyone carrying things that they shouldn't be, but to that end I feel it's important that the list is confirmed accurate; the current consensus seemingly being that such is not the case. A note on what radio individuals should be using would be neat as well, cast in point yesterday with me assuming a Team Lead could carry the -152 and the subsequent confusion that followed. Too many people carrying lLWs for my taste as well, tbh.
  21. Unfortunately, it's not easy to find ways to incentivise AW+ membership without it being game breaking or perceived as too unfair to the other players. I believe there's still a suggestions forum open, but so far not even the subs themselves have been able to come up with something appropriate; which is of course unfortunate as the AW community would undoubtedly love to see more + subs to help with the continual operating costs. (All hail the admins paying out of pocket.) At the end of the day, it's really about showing appreciation for the service being provided. As for myself, it's really no worse on the wallet than my HBO membership. I consider it money well spent.
  22. I'd be all for a training session, but this is mostly down to Squad Leads. It was quite refreshing yesterday evening to have Alpha SL tell his entire squad to never give the pilot commands, and then himself proceed to call last man both on embark and disembark. Smoother than Santana.
  23. That has been my experience as well Archon, that particular bug seems to be over and done with.
  24. I do think you're right Smiley, but I'm just gonna run it by Josh next time I see him, as I'd like to see the phrasing of the rule changed if that is the case, to avoid any future confusion
  25. Clarification on EU#3 rule 4.3.7. regarding CAS helicopters requiring two men to operate; does this count for the AH-6 variants as well?
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