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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. If you want me running Basic again, I'll be there. Otherwise, I'm afraid my Friday is entirely devoted to XCOM 2
  2. You're not wrong, an SSD is not something an average gamer "needs". I just can't stress enough how much you'll fall in love once you boot and load modern games from one. And I think most would back me up on that
  3. Get an SSD. If not getting one is a money issue, go for an i5 instead of an i7, and spend that wad of cash on one. And welcome back, I suppose?
  4. I've always been of the opinion that "should be" is too easy to misinterpret, as has been the case for many players on the public servers. "Are encouraged to be" would be a far better phrase, in my humble opinion
  5. Given how many players we've had at recent gamenights, the vast majority of whom are perfectly able to make do with a preassigned kit, I'd argue that the amount of weaponry and uniforms currently on EU#3 is unnecessarily high.
  6. It becomes far too involved. Copy Map doesn't always seem to work, and it ends up as a problem when PlatCo can't create markings for the SLs, and the SLs can't create markings for the TLs. Effectively reporting the findings of aerial recon is near impossible.
  7. They aren't, I think Ghostdragon meant that we can still load kits with them in it.
  8. I've never asked for preset kits. I've only asked that people make their kits in Arsenal, outside of the server, and then load them as needed. Limiting the selection in the on-sever Arsenal box will not prevent people from loading saved kits.
  9. No need to change those either. All my kits are set up for nighttime, and I simply remove the nighttime stuff after loading it.
  10. I'd prefer it if we were limited to loading a pre-made, and then only being able to do minor adjustments. Uniforms, Vests, Helmets, Primary Weapons, lock that down. There really shouldn't be any need to change any of that while on server. That said, I personally don't care what uniform people wear. I have no problem with people using Tron suits or a giant yellow bear costume, if that does it for them.
  11. I don't think we had any radio issues yesterday Icy. Radios seem to have been working as intended, even though the transmit range on the '77 meant I ended up as an air courier near the end of the Op
  12. Yesterday was the first time I've experienced an issue with the 343 radio. Specifically, if Icy was using Caps Lock to talk to me on 343, it would cut out and all I'd hear was his Direct Speech. We both have our radios on number buttons 1, 2 and 3, and when he used his 1 key, it always worked fine.
  13. Could someone explain to me what the expected outcome of loading a radio from Arsenal would be? Is it possible that such a radio could work as intended for 20-30 minutes, and then decide to break? And if we don't spawn with the radio we need, how do we acquire it without Arsenal?
  14. Is this gonna function as a regular EU#3 session, as in following chain of command and sticking to sensible loadouts?
  15. You don't need the performance boosts of Windows 10 when you're running 7 off an M.2 10 can FOAD, imo, I'll stick with my trusty 7 for as long as I can.
  16. If you're not planning to go above 2560x1440, you could make do with a 970. Keep the savings and use it to upgrade when the next gen GPUs arrive. Don't run multiple GPUs, it brings more trouble than it's worth. 6600k is plenty for gaming. Many games don't even >know< what Hyperthreading is. 8GB ram does the job, but if you're like me, running 20 Chrome tabs while gaming and multitasking other programs, you'll want 16. Get a bigger M.2 or an extra SATA SSD. Modern games take room, and many of them will benefit greatly from being run off an SSD. Don't go overboard on RAM. DDR4 is plenty speedy, and getting ultra-MHz RAM is a complete waste of money for gaming purposes. As for PSU, that's something you could consider a future-proofing investment. I've run a rather expensive 1200watt PSU for 8 years now, and while it is massively overpowered for the task, all PSUs get less powerful with use. It was expensive when I bought it, but since this PSU has moved between builds, it has been a worthwhile investment in the long run. Something to consider.
  17. I'm actually about to start a new build myself, working around a 6700k. Currently debating if I should get on board the M.2 train, or stick with a more traditional SSD.
  18. AFAIK, Pac is having the same issues that I and others are. Hop on, load your kit from Arsenal, check comms are working, go do whatever, then suddenly realise 117f and 152 are bugging out, not letting you hear some people, and having some entirely different people unable to hear you. It seems pretty clear that this is not down to an improper install, as it's not a matter of ACRE not working at all. It's only the 117f and 152, and it doesn't neccesarily mean you can't be heard by all players. only some.
  19. ACRE doesn't work right now. It's really that simple imo. If it was working properly, it would be my preferred choice, but the fact is that I have never had a mission after switching to ACRE in which 152 and 117f radios haven't bugged out for several people at once, resulting on complete loss of comms between units. Lately I've spent more time trying to troubleshoot and solve those issues while on server than I have actually going to an AO.
  20. Tbh, limiting it on the server doesn't seem like it would help. It's still possible to generate a loadout client side and loading that in on server, so it's somewhat meaningless in the end anyway. Only way that would work as far as I can tell is removing the ammo from the modpacks, which I'm sure isn't possible at all outside of a complete mod repack, which again is a no-go. So men can dream, but it's never really gonna happen
  21. Yeah, will be there too. If you need CAS, Icy and I would be happy to run it. If not, I'll take whatever you need, with the exception of Medic
  22. You answered your own wonder It's good for some roof insertions, and for dropping people into wooded areas. Next up, SPIE. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Special_Purpose_Insertion_Extraction_SPIE.jpg
  23. Personally, I don't really care what calibers we use. I care that we can share mags, and that the Marksman is using a higher effective range weapon/ammo combination than the rest of us. Function over form, as it were.
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