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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. While I personally consider The Division to be a steaming pile of excrement, there's routinely people on the TeamSpeak occupying the channel for the game. I'd suggest you star there?
  2. Stepping down was the last words of your post before you edited it
  3. The problem is that last point Colsta
  4. Tbh... yes, when I'm the officer in command, I always do my best to ensure that all players are engaged and doing something. However, I also consider CAS and Hammer to be the sorts of elements that are to be used sparingly, and really only when you actually, properly, direly need them, and when near total loss of forces would be the result of abstaining. I've been in plenty of CAS helicopters, just circling an AO, never getting to do anything other than recon and marking targets for the AT team. And, IMO; that's the cost of doing business when you're in the Pilot slots. If the Infantry can get by without you, they often will, and IMO should.
  5. Direct-only would be cool, but it's too inconvenient to work reliably in our playerbase. And that's before we get to Pilots and Tank crew being unable to relay markers to Command, and Command to them. For most rules on EU#3, I don't think a warning should be given prior to a Kick. The 14 major rules are obvious and easy to follow. Stuff like throwing items or shooting in base should be a no-brainer. Leniency might come in with newbies and their gear selections, and as always, it doesn't really matter what gear people wear around base, personally I'm only concerned with what they bring into the field. If CAS doesn't listen and is engaging targets without permission, get them kicked. Show them that there are consequences to breaking the rules. As ASL, I rarely even allow AT to run a vehicle. As AT, I never ask, only taking a vehicle if ordered to. If we're flying in, we're flying. AT has legs like the rest of the Infantry. IMO; being on the opposite side of an AO from the main force, is not acceptable. AT stops being a Support element at that point. I generally agree that newbies should be encouraged to take leadership roles, but please, for the love of god, we still get so many people coming in and going straight for whatever slot sounds like it has a big gun. Please, Please, Please try doing some Team Lead before you go Squad Lead. And the same goes for Pilots, if you have questions about how ACRE works, learn that first in a different and less important and/or intrusive role. Please. /rant
  6. To preemt anyone saying "They're already numbered", he is correctly referring to the rules section in the EU3 dropdown menu, not the Forum post. Lower yer pitchforks and have a friendly day
  7. We did, but honestly it was insanely clunky, as making markers required a Channel change for each marker, every single time. Trying to mark while flying, for example, was... fun. To be honest, I'd almost consider it to be a great giveaway for people having read and understood the rules. "Don't talk in Side chat except in dire emergencies." Personally, I'd welcome such a litmus test, as we currently have a large amount of players who seem somewhat oblivious as to said rules.
  8. You know that's not gonna happen though, Pancake. I wish we could get people to listen to a proper briefing, marking down things as needed, actually securing their TLs map in the event he goes down, etc., but it's not gonna be that way.
  9. Noticed, there's a mod for the A-164 that'll allow it to use the same weapons selection and GPS guidance systems. Might also be an option.
  10. [Orbit] After you've got your Orbit waypoint set up, you can manually adjust the ground level altitude your UAV should keep by taking manual control, flying it to said altitude, and then releasing. The UAV will return to the previously set orbit, but at the altitude you left it at. Setting a waypoint without a specified altitude will assume the current altitude. [Ctrl+T] Locks the Gunner camera to what it was pointed at. If done correctly, this can even lock onto a moving vehicle, and will stay locked even if you relinquish UAV controls entirely to the AI. It will still be locked when you return, provided the target hasn't despawned. It also doesn't give a shit about the mountain that's in the way. [Paint!] To paint; to shine a targeting gizmotron at; whatever you want to die. Turn the laser on. [Release the Paveway] Method 1: Use secondary Greyhawk or Plane to acquire the paint, lock and drop. Provides the best chance of destruction, and all but guarantees rendering your target combat ineffective. Method 2: Take manual fire control of primary Greyhawk, approach your target, lock and drop. IMMEDIATEDLY SWITCH INTO GUNNER POSITION, to ensure that the UAV returns to a stable orbit. Manual flying after bomb drop will likely result in the UAV camera being unable to follow the target due to limitations in camera translation, i.e. if you're upside down, it can't look at the ground and thus can't look at your target. [Profit]
  11. Found a new contender http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28646 - Weapons framework supporting multiple mods of Vanilla aircraft, as well as add-on vehicles. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27766 - F16 add-on vehicle This thing is... it's insane. The weapon selection is absolutely nuts. I've tested it with Copey, and while the 25mm main gun causes a ton of lag, that was the only issue we encountered. Single-seat only, and it handles like an ex-girlfriend who wants you back.
  12. Scalpel UAVs aren't necessary, and will be massively abused by a vast majority of players. That said, I can talk you through how to acquire and paint a target and then bomb it using the same bird, if you wish. Granted, I haven't been on the I&A servers in a long time, but I'll wager I still got the UAV magic fingers.
  13. It's not always that simple though. Lately we've seen a lot of infantry, upwards of 20, but if nobody takes MAT or HAT then there's still a problem when the T90's roll up. I've personally saved a lot of asses by ferrying in copious amounts of fresh AT or by laying down some A-164 funbuns. Short of forcing people into the "proper" AT positions, what else is there? EDIT: On an iPad, it seems to have raped my post structure >.< EDIT 2: And then magically fixed it after the fact. Also wanna point out, I've encountered another "issue" a few times, namely when the ranking officer tells the pilots to go John Wick on every piece of armor in the AO before the infantry has even left base. Don't do that shit. Especially not when there's an AT squad on.
  14. Problem with limiting the Apache to 28+ is that we rarely have those numbers on regular evenings. It's not uncommon for us to have one and a half squad, but not have any proper AT. Often Riflemen forgo or forget their single-shot AT, and we end up with no ability to deal with enemy BMPs, let alone MBTs. To me, it seems more like we need Leaders to be more attentive and ensure that the transporting happens when necessary. Alternatively, single-seat aircraft, as I've asked for in another post, is a good solution to this problem as it frees up the CoPilot to fly his own bird.
  15. I'm not seeing an answerable question? Reading your post, I have no idea what you're actually asking for help with. I imagine maybe you're looking for a recommendation for better video editing software?
  16. Flying helicopters in ArmA is something that takes practice. Hours and hours of it. We've had plenty of people asking to be taught, but personally I don't think it's something anyone can enable you to do simply by talking or by classroom instruction. It takes practical flight hours. Start by watching all of Dslyexci's Art of Flight videos on YouTube, and if you can find a pilot who will take you, fly CoPilot for a while. Look at the approach the pilot is taking, what he does when he slows down, etc. There's a list of maneuvers, and it's actually not that long, it's all just variations on the same themes. Once you're at that point, you'll know what to strive for, and it becomes a matter of practical experience. Keep in mind, some of the people you see have been playing the ArmA series since the Flashpoint days, before it was even called ArmA. People like me, who's got more than 2000 hours in ArmA 3 alone
  17. Fair enough Raz, I'll give you that it takes some practice, but us UAV Operators have had plenty of that
  18. Twin-seat is fine, but I think it's important that a single-seat is available as well. Sometimes, either by fluke of nobody taking CoPilot, or by the realities of low player numbers, you need overwhelming force to support the ground troops, and a single-seat jet is a very good option in that regard. Personally, I think using a CoPilot on a jet is a waste of player numbers, and it also takes away from the challenge. Think of the JDAMs, yes you can GPS guide them in, but you have to know where to GPS guide them to. Not the case with a CoPilot who can laze from the air with pinpoint thermal-cam accuracy.
  19. Might suggest adding something about Squad Leads assigning team colors to 1 and 2 Team Leads. As in, we have 5 options, but usually White means "No team assigned"; but since we all share a radio net, it helps if the teams don't use the same colors. Usually I'd let 1 use Red and Blue and give Green and Yellow to 2. Helps avoid confusion if using colors on radio comms.
  20. Considering CAS should only be employed on the orders of the ranking player, I can't consider any sort of CAS to be OP. It's how you use it, not what it can do. Which is why I love the Hornet and similar mods, 'cus they bring a lot of options to the table. If you need a 2000 pound bomb, it can do that, but it'll scale down to 500 pound, or even 250 with the Black Wasp version.
  21. I've been trying to pass out Ahoy Coins, but it seems I've hit some limit to how many can be given out in a given time or whatever. Many regular players know that I've been in Karate's boat for a long time, and I agree wholeheartedly.
  22. AFAIK; ShackTac doesn't work in pre-set teams. That's one of the key differences between MilSim units and TaskForce units like ShackTac.
  23. Option for UAV CAS: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185244-apex-drakon-jet-powered-uav/ Four wing pylons capable of carrying either a GBU-12, GBU-24 or a 4-pack Hellfire, plus an internal bay with capacity for 2 GBU-12s, 6 Small Diameter Glide Bombs or one 2000 pound JDAM.
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