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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. I've been asking for it for months, it's here, I love it. Thank you.
  2. In my opinion, the function of Zeus should be to live-edit missions, adding or subtracting hostile forces as needed to provide a balanced experience for the conventional players; directing enemy forces in the Zeus tactical control view, including taking direct control of an AI soldier to provide "scare shots" on players who have exposed themselves. Scare shots could range from throwing non-lethal grenades into buildings occupied by players, to counter-sniper operations. If you're a Sniper and the Zeus player can spot you, you've earned a few warning shots, and if you don't react to those, you've earned a death I'd argue that this is the most important function, and that adding tailor-made Zeus missions should be of secondary importance. That said, some Zeus players may well take more enjoyment from designing a mission than they do from controlling one, and as such I wouldn't expect them to go against their own preferences.
  3. Meet up @ TS/MissionPlanning: 1645 UTC Training start: 1700 UTC (apprx.) Training end: 1900 UTC (apprx.) Type of gameplay: Basic training, roundtable. Mods: EU#3 Repository Mods Basic training looks like this: Introduction - what it means to play on EU3 - how it's different from EU1 / other servers - what we expect from players. Ie., the obligatory boring talky-talk part Radios - how to use ACRE - how to communicate well & efficiently - understanding how & why the radios work. Working as a team - formations, movement, cover, battle buddies, chain of command. ACE medical - how to treat your own injuries - how to help a medic (or other team members) treat another team members' injuries effectively. Signups not required After completed training, roundtable discussion on future training topics. There will be no specialized training for this session.
  4. It used to be possible to deal with situations like this by taking the UAV op slot and repeatedly using the UGV or Greyhawks to pummel the TKer into submission, without incurring any actual logged TKs. Not sure if it still is. Obviously you shouldn't do this btw.
  5. I don't know what goes into disabling Thermal on the scopes, but it seems like a good idea to me. Keeps it fun, rewards teamwork.
  6. Appreciate the offer Numbnuts, but it wouldn't be very friendly of me to sit with my head buried in a handheld
  7. Dang, can't be there, got a whole group dinner thing and watching Civil War after. Any chance you could post a few words about which topics you have in mind? Might give me a chance to make sure someone knows my thoughts if I feel I have any worthwhile opinions on the matters
  8. I actually think it's very shrewd of Bohemia to release it as a mod rather than an update. This weapon is one of those "Call of Duty" weapons that will make a lot of people look into how to DL and use it. In turn, they get their first experience using a mod for ArmA. Which I'd imagine is also the reason why the video features not just the weapon, but also how to install mods in general. I don't expect I'll use it much, but I'd agree wth Duffy in that it may as well be included on #3 at some point.
  9. Dear god, no, we already have enough issues with people not wearing helmets. It will save your ass, and if your ass don't get saved, you won't be there to cover mine. Wear your damn armor
  10. I can all but guarantee you that this won't happen. There's been a Sochor on I&A previously, as well as several other toys, and inadvertently they get abused to lay waste to AOs and/or mass teamkill. People would park the Sochor next to the rearm pad, blast the AO to bits, then rearm and continue firing. It is an awesome sight to behold if used properly, but the fact is it won't be.
  11. Obama has been under a fair bit of fire for extending the use of Drones, and as such there should be plenty of videos on YouTube in which he and his staff defends the use of Drones. Might be worth watching some.
  12. These are the 'droids you're looking for.
  13. I've suggested this to Ryko before, as we do sometimes get people on the server who aren't yet in TS as they haven't got the password. The only fix for that is telling them in Group chat or Command chat that they need to be in TS, or find a mod or admin to talk to and/or kick them. Passwording the server with a short and easy password would solve that problem, with to my eyes very little downside. That said, it's not like this is an epidemic that needs to be curbed. It's not really critical.
  14. The best of us have still accidentally thrown a live grenade when they wanted to throw a chemlight; which is why I usually tell people to just not throw anything in base. There's no need for it. Avoiding accidental discharge is easy, simply keep your weapon lowered, and keep your finger off the trigger, that is, keep your finger off the mouse button.
  15. While this kind of behavior is unacceptable, you could easily have muted them. Make it easy on yourself next time, if people are harassing you, record a bit if you can and report it to admins, but otherwise simply mute them and pay them no mind
  16. Keep in mind, the scope, realistically, shouldn't be the only factor in hitting at 6-800 meters; the weapon itself also makes a huge difference. This is part of why I consider the HK416 to be a pretty OP weapon, as to my knowledge it's the most accurate 5.56 weapon, on par with several of the 7.62 marksman rifles. As it stands, we do fire plenty of rounds at 600+ that simply don't hit, aiming true or not, so I don't really consider using ACOGs to be an issue in that regard.
  17. I usually pack 8 reloads for Alpha, 4-6 for any Support team. 3 Frag, 2 White, 1 Blue as Alpha, reduced to 1 Frag + smoke if Support. Grenadiers and Lead roles I add extra colored smoke.
  18. To clarify for everyone: ALTIS SEEMS FIXED WILL BE ON ALTIS (despite it saying Zargabad)
  19. Tbh, why don't we all just hold our horses for a minute and let people submit their mod suggestions? I know for a fact that Giddy originally wanted to AVOID using ACE, and wasn't too fond of ACRE either. Somehow this whole thing turned into "Hey, lets use all the stuff that Giddy didn't want!", and I have no idea how the bloody hell that happened. So just, suggest some mods, try to avoid shooting down any suggestions, and eventually make a poll so we can all find out what people actually want; what there might be a market for, as it were. Please?
  20. The main problem, as I see it, is using Voice on Side and Global channels got broken at some point in the past. Group, Vehicle and Direct, to my knowledge, still work fine. TeamSpeak is an easy substitute for Command and/or Side, and you can still use all the map markers you wish in those channels.
  21. First of all, I'd actually consider ACRE to be easier on the end-user than TFAR. ACRE involves selecting a numbered channel while TFAR uses user-input frequencies, which all have to be within the frequency range of the specific radio being used. ACRE's method as such is naturally much easier for the end user. To my knowledge, both ACRE and TFAR can use either a realistic one-person-at-a-time setup, or an easy-mode setup that doesn't block up when more than one person is speaking. Both systems have many optional features, such as signals being unable to transmit through mountains and large hills, but also AFAIK non-optional systems such as range limitations on each radio. Both systems use a similar subset of radios intended for specific roles, with a 500ish-meter range radio intended for inter-group communications, and several other radios of varying transmit range, weight and size. The radios required for talking clear across Altis are either built into backpacks in the case of TFAR, or require a backpack to carry, in the case of ACRE. TFAR also has radios built into vehicles, which is one of the few upsides to TFAR over ACRE. Both systems require the players to coordinate which groups are on which net so as not to hear each other, while also ensuring communications between these groups, meaning one or more individuals in each group needs either a second radio, or a secondary channel on their group radio. If you want to talk to someone further than a few kilometers, you'll need more than a small handheld radio. The bottom line is that this can be hard enough to make function on EU#3. Without the predetermined structure detailing exactly who is in charge of bringing which tools, I am very willing to guarantee you that this will end up as a massive hassle that will persist as a neverending spiral of despair, each time someone new joins the server. I know of no communities who have made this work in such a context. These systems simply weren't designed to function well in this context, and as such, likely won't.
  22. The thing is, from what Bacon is writing, you're being given a shot at establishing a new server, and the criteria for success is attaining a certain traffic. I doubt anyone wants you to fail, which is why I'm advising you against using a mod that I, and I'd think most of the AWers who have experience with it, believe will function poorly or not at all, in the environment you envision. I see it as given your project a chance to succeed.
  23. I'd still advise you to stay away from radio mods. I'd stick with the native systems and TeamSpeak. I do not believe that radio mod systems will work as intended without any predetermined structure, and I believe that your trial period will fail if you choose to go that route. Maybe it would be sensible to advertise this whole thing on EU#1 and #2, and have somewhere for people to vote on what sort of mods they'd like? Considering some want only ACE and ACRE, while others want everything but.
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