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Everything posted by Lindi

  1. Lindi

    Time to move on

    I wish you luck with the your career in the Navy, also don't become a stranger!
  2. My experience is the server is what you make of it, yes it can be chaotic at times but it is mostly up to you making sense of it and create what little order you can on the battle field. I'm sure there is always at least one squad of players willing to co-operate and follow a competent squad leader for example.
  3. Lindi

    Working as intended

    The AI is comiting a fatal mistake here!
  4. AW MVP 2018: @Ryko for coding like a beast! AW most friendly admin/staff member 2018: @Geb and @Solex AW most helpful admin/staff member 2018: @GhostDragon AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2018: @Nibbs AW strictest admin/staff member 2018: Me? AW most absent staff member 2018: Haven't seen him around for a bit! AW most active staff member 2018: AW friendliest user 2018: @MidnightRunner AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2018: I play EU1! AW most incoherent ARMA player 2018: @Noah_Hero You sold me on this! AW best ARMA pilot 2018: @Stanhope AW worst ARMA pilot 2018: Where to begin? AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2018: Fun, what is this fun you talk of? AW best drunk member 2018: @itsmemario (altho hes taste in music deteriorates in correlation to hes intoxication) AW best moment 2018 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): It's been a good year, how could I pick a single moment? AW best forum post 2018 (please put url in): AW best driver 2018: @TheScar AW worst driver 2018: Me probably AW best baby 2018: There's babies on Ahoy? AW best fail 2018: I play public AW best banned member 2018: @TheScar AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2018: Away from Keyboard AW best game of 2018: Arma 3 AW best official server of 2018: EU1
  5. Don't become a complete stranger man, make sure to pop in every now and then! I mean whos gona remind me of how old I am unless it's you? I'll just have to put extra pineapple on my pizza today, I'm that sad! ...but in all seriousness, I'm no stranger to real life getting in the way of gaming! Have fun and all the best!
  6. Lindi

    Squad menu bug

    You are making me hungry and it's only 0710! @PiranhA
  7. Game nights on AWE have allways been fun! Shame it's been so long ago!
  8. Lindi

    Community Update#3

    The hoodie looks good too, but a coffee mug I use daily... a lot.
  9. I think I've seen something similar elsewhere!
  10. Nice playing with you this morning, welcome to the community!
  11. Lindi

    Community Update#3

    Can we get AhoyWorld coffee mugs? @Mark T
  12. Lindi

    Community Update#3

    I agree with the AT part. Unguided launchers maybe with the exception of the MAAWS should be more widely available for use across classes and the ability to pickup weapons in the field would keep things running more smoothly! Helmets and camo not so much because it will result in too many tks! ...but I guess I should take this to the suggestions thread instead.
  13. Lindi

    Ahoy Everyone

    Oh that takes me back to way back when! I just have to ask, what were they thinking with the rubber keys on the zx spectrum?
  14. I on the otherhand could not see this low res guy. Nor could I see/find him in the Zeus interface.
  15. I was able to load loud outs I saved previously, despite not having bought items in it.
  16. So as an autorifleman I cannot pick up a Zafir in the field, not because the gun is black listed, but because the enemies use a different color belt which is.
  17. What I would like to know is who gets credited for the kills!
  18. Had a similar issue yesterday after a Windows update was applied. Both my sound source and recording device settings were changed to some odd defaults.
  19. I find the blackfish to be easier to land in 1st person, mainly due to the indicator ball that tells me where I'm going.
  20. I'm mean I sometimes do hear myself on peoples recording and first I start thinking "whos voice is that?". Then realise it is mine!
  21. Got to 1 minute and 25 seconds, clicked like allready! [EDIT1] Worth mentioning that the supply crate can be loaded into any chopper and it will drift with wind when dropped, unlike dropped vehicles which will go pretty much straight down even if dropped from a speed of 600 km/h. [EDIT2] 11/10 would fly with Andy any day despite the occasional explosion!
  22. Aren't the missions where the AI is on the offencive problematic in that the AI can get stuck and if the players can't find the and deal with the stuck enemy the mission will go on forever basically? I'm sure something could be done by making sure the AI spawns close enough to the mission in an effort to minimise the risk of not finding the attackers.
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