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Everything posted by Lindi

  1. @Obvious It seems to me that you interfered with a situation between an admin and another player. You did so in a way that can very much be seen as trolling and cannot be considered a mistake in anyway because you had to change your player name and reconnect while doing so. For this reason I am going to let the ban stand for the 7 day period. BAN APPEAL UNSUCCESSFUL
  2. @SCHUBZ, please take a moment to read this forum post. Thank you.
  3. Well that being all sorted; Welcome to the forums and back to TS as well!
  4. Lindi

    Community Update #8

    Sounds like we are ready for 2020! (stealth bump!)
  5. First the disclamer: I'm bound to forget someone and forget people and happenings... but my memory is what it is... you know the deal. Anyway here goes: AW’s MVP 2019: I'm not gona give this to one specific person. This is for all you peeps that participated in the awesome game nights, they have really provided me with hours of fun! AW’s Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2019: @MidnightRunner AW’s Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2019: @GhostDragon (Helps us all keeping the data hamsters alive!) AW’s most Active Staff Member 2019: @LH5 AW’s Most Helpful User *Non-Staff* 2019: @Stanhope AW’s Most Friendliest User *Non-Staff* 2019: @Whigital with a lot of very close runners up! AW’s Strictest Admin/Moderator 2019: @Admiralbumfluff AW’s Most Tacti-Cool ARMA player 2019: @Richard AW’s Best Teamplayer 2019: All of the guys doing platco and tl in the game nights. You know who you are! AW’s Most Underrated User 2019: @GhostDragon for doing all the server stuff and putting up with our shite (Thanks Admiral!) AW’s Most Incoherent ARMA Player 2019: @itsmemario AW’s Best ARMA pilot 2019: @Gambit AW’s Worst ARMA pilot 2019: @Toasted_Bread_Slice seeing improvement though! AW’s Funniest Person On Teamspeak 2019: You all fun! That's why I stick around! AW’s Best Voice 2019: Batman I mean @Murph AW’s Best Drunk Member 2019: @itsmemario AW’s Worst Joke 2019: I've been working hard on my dad jokes, but "Hi back" is a winner @LH5 AW’s Best Moment 2019 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): There's been so many, hard pressed to select one! AW’s Best Forum Post 2019: (please put url in): This one is what we are here for in a nutshell, it's not just kicks and bans! AW’s Best Driver 2019: @Xwatt (driver very well) AW’s Worst Driver 2019: @Xwatt (...but there was that one...) AW’s Best Fail 2019: The end of the first Vietnam op https://youtu.be/3TcfbvD87F0 AW’s Best Banned Member 2019: No comments! AW’s best TeamSpeak Channel of 2019: EU2 Zeus Operations
  6. Lindi


    Hi Neonz! You were banned by Chuck on the 22nd of November by Chuck for team killing and trolling based on a player report made about you. I have reviewed both the ban report and the player report. I believe the punishment was just and I also believe you have served your time. I recommend you take the time to read the rules of AhoyWorld and EU1. Ban appeal successful, ban has been removed!
  7. Lindi

    "Davey L."

    Hi DaveyNL, I believe that this was an honest mistake. I do want to remind you to familiarize yourself with the AhoyWorld rules. You have now been unbanned on our TS server.
  8. Thank you for your suggestion @PiNKMiST Enhanced movement was discussed with members of corestaff and we came to the conclusion that it will introduce game play/graphics issues on the server for players that do not have it installed and potentially create an uneven playing field, thus the mod will not be deployed on EU1.
  9. Yeah, read those as well, apparently strange teleportation issues an such? @Kacper
  10. I'm not very familiar with this mod, but from what I can gather this is a server side mod? As with so many great mods this creates a problem for EU1, where we keep the mods allowed client side only. This is done to ensure that joining the server for new players is as effortless as possible to keep the player numbers up. AWE our enhanced server used to cater to the player base that liked a more heavily modified and structured experience, unfortunately AWE is on hold until I&A4 is released hopefully in the near future. Our game nights also feature custom mods, like for example the Unsung campaign running on Fridays currently. Where suggestions and/or contributions can be made by basically anyone participating.
  11. Lindi

    Community Update #7

    It's been a pleasure Mark, thank you for everything.
  12. Hello, The server logs show that you are breaking general rule 1.1.7 of AhoyWorld which states "1.1.7. Recruiting, or activity deemed to be considered recruiting is not permitted regardless of community size or membership status.", by vigorously spamming a discord link while on our server. We take any and all recruitment attempts very seriously and thus your ban will remain. You are welcome to re-appeal your ban in 3 to 6 months time.
  13. Lindi


    Hello Clannish, after reviewing your ban appeal and the evidence available to me at this time, I have decided that you have served your time and your ban will be lifted. I strongly recommend you read the rules of Ahoyworld and play within the rules while on our servers. Ban appeal successful
  14. @WinterMute I've only really got experience in Zeusing while online, but Xwatt, Midnight and Stanhope are some of the guys who can give you more info on how to make a mission, how to apply to run it and so forth. Hop on to TS and have a chat for starters!
  15. The missions so far have been great, I've enjoyed them immensely! I feel they have given a lot to the community and they have most certainly been the highlight of the week for me! Thank you for that to everyone who participated. I do however also very much understand the feeling of being burned out by doing them weekly, it is a lot of hard work and as always sometimes a mission or parts of them stir up some drama, which can be tiring. I also understand the time constraints and the toll doing these missions place on RL and vice versa. I myself rarely get anything done uninterrupted between working and the kid growing up. However I would like to keep things open by suggesting we take a little break and see what the situation is in a few weeks. I'd also like to remind everybody that if anybody has any mission suggestions, ideas for single or multiple game nights don't be afraid to share them, together we can make these missions come true as and for the community!
  16. Lindi


    Ace on EU1 is a little problematic, the mod set has been kept to client side only mods because we want to keep the server as accessible to new players as possible! That means you are not required to download any mods to be able to play. This will hopefully keep the threshold for joining our EU1 server as low as possible. We also arrange weekly game nights on EU2, where we run TFAR beta on top of the default EU1 mods. This is to ensure better communication and better quality of play and immersion as well. These game nights employ or more coordinated squad and command structure and a specific mission to complete as a team. ACE among others used to be an essential part of the Enhanced Server (AWE). The Enhanced server has been inactive for a while but the plan is to restart the AWE server once I&A4 is out of beta. As far as I'm aware I&A4 is pretty much feature complete, but we are still ironing out performance issues and the occasional bug.
  17. Close quarters fire fights, ambushes in the jungle and all the tunes of the era! Looking forward to it already!
  18. Lindi


    Welcome to the forums and the community Jamie! Nice to see you on the forums and TS as well!
  19. Lindi

    Admin at work!

    Just the usuall, nothing to see here!
  20. Lindi

    Chairs Are Overrated

    ...and then you get stuck!
  21. I find myself playing more and more as an autorifle. The LIM is just so sublime, what it lacks in punch it more than makes up for in accuracy! Ammo is also quite light so you can pack around 1000 rounds if need be. Very nice albeit does lack the kick of the heavier rifles. The rpk is a very strong contender these days, but the LIM is love! Translated pretty well into modded as well the M249 is so nice.
  22. @Tactical You are in a good position, the only way is up! Just take a moment to listen and try to apply the stuff that works on our server. You will soon win the hearts of your passengers while providing reliable and continuous transport to the team.
  23. A good point indeed. I saw this brewing a few days ago on the server. Heated discussion for sure, but I thought this would have been squared away by now.
  24. Why are we talking KOTH here at all? I think we all agreed a few posts ago KOTH and I&A is worlds apart?
  25. Lindi

    Malden Reprisal - Week One

    Join us! TheScar for Platco!
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