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Everything posted by Lindi

  1. The "save gear" option at the Arsenal has been removed and is now done automatically, you spawn with the gear you left base with without a separate interaction.
  2. The thrustmaster T16000M has the rudder flap thing and yes it works, but the pedals do feel a lot more comfortable and do give a better accuracy IMHO.
  3. I went for the Thrustmaster T16000M Hotas system and the CH Pro pedals. I have nothing bad to say about either, I'd say price/quality vise they are quite good, although quite a bit above the price range you've set.
  4. Hey Nutlit, Accidents happen and as long as you learn it's not a total loss! If you need any help or advice just ask!
  5. Lindi

    Parking normally is boring

    Any landing you can crawl/walk/jump away from, right?!
  6. Oh is there going to be something that prevents "lobby idling"?
  7. Lindi

    chuggin along.JPG

    Haha I'm stuck with a 4G network myself, so I feel your pain!
  8. Not entirely sure it's a bad thing? I mean technically not being able to type while injured means you cannot ask for help. (Also I&A3 you can still type when down if you first open the score board! )
  9. The squad selection menu is known to bug out from time to time, but the fix is to respawn or exit to the lobby. That usually fixes the bug.
  10. Lindi

    Its happening!!

    I think we will beat the release date of Half-Life 3!
  11. Lindi

    Just another day at EU1

    Now that you mentioned it, the landing initially!
  12. Lindi

    Just another day at EU1

    Technically you'd need to jump!
  13. Lindi

    Just another day at EU1

    I guess that's a landing?
  14. Lindi


    #rewiveAWE #wetried
  15. Afaik the key error is a symptom of having a different version of CBA to the one that is on the server. So lauch the game with nomods and you should be able to connect to the AW server without a problem. That being said, I run the version that is on the steam workshop and it worked fine this morning.
  16. To get your quick "fix" run the game without mods.
  17. Well again messing with the number of squads and roles would again require large scale testing versus the system that worked before is already tested imho.
  18. That would also be a way to do it, I do however think that the balance was good before the restriction, so that would mean less balancing since we already know what works!
  19. I find that completing AOs now take longer than before mainly because armour and vehicles don't get taken out. I am aware that the number of AT slots should be enough but the realities of EU1 often get in the way of the ideal situation. A light AT class or just whitelisting the non-lockable launchers would seem like a viable solution to me.
  20. Lindi

    Hi AW!

    Welcome to the community and the forums, feel free to ask any questions either here or on the server. There are quite a few skilled an helpful guys around!
  21. I for one try to maintain at least some sort of order with the pilots when I'm online. Sometimes it feels like it's all I do. I've also tried to keep an eye out for the guys that show potential and the will to do a good job at it and give them what knowledge I have. That however does require pilots that are willing to listen and are able to communicate.
  22. A shame to see a good guy like you go, but as always IRL comes first!
  23. A shame to see an awesome guy like you move on, I wish you the very best of luck and stay safe on your future deployment!
  24. Lindi

    HMDs mod

    Looks like a nice mod, shame about the Licence.
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