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Everything posted by Lindi

  1. I like the lightning one!
  2. Lindi

    When it all becomes a bit too much!

    Oh dang, didn't even notice that!
  3. When it all becomes a bit too much!
  4. Yes it is, the player was ignoring hes role. In my view transporting people to the action is the most important thing on a pilots todo-list.
  5. At the moment I see the rewards causing a lot of grief when someone camps the reward. Problems also arise when a reward vehicle is lost, some player have a tendency to instantly blame an admin / zeus, because naturally mere AI could not kill such a skilled player! Amentes is right, we had an instance of a squad camping base until side mission the other day. Which I could have lived with but the squad had a dedicated CAS pilot. That just sat at base in the Orca and later in the rewarded Blackfish gunship untill the next side mission spawned. This went on for a long time despite me repeatedly explaining the importance of providing transport services for the team in the mean time. I also agree that laying it all on an admin to take care off with our common sense isn't possible or even fair to the admins. I mean even with the Zeus interface you cannot keep an eye on everyone all of the time. The only down side to removing these rewards is the loss of variety and fun in operating something that is a little uncommon. At the present tho the pros of removing the rewards out weight the cons quite a lot in my mind.
  6. I have had this happen to me in the past. For the longest time I thought it was just me being blind, but then once I literally almost stepped on an enemy. I had squad mates screaming over the radio that he was right next to me prone on the ground. but I still could not see the enemy. This happened to me on AWE. I can't quite remember how I solved it, but I think I had to reinstall the whole thing to get it sorted. So group up with someone confirm that you in fact cannot see the enemies 100%. If you end up doing a reinstall then back up your profile first, will make the reinstall that much easier.
  7. I wouldn't mind at all!
  8. @Matteo Why thank you my good man!
  9. Lindi

    Return of Tanoa

    Oh to get back on topic could we maybe consider rotating the map on EU2 say on a 24 hour cycle?
  10. Lindi

    Return of Tanoa

    You are right something similar happens on EU1 from time to time, but it's still a tad different to AWE.
  11. Lindi

    Return of Tanoa

    Packing and quick clot! The rest is for the medics! Some of the best team play efforts you see are when some one has been shot, you've got people dragging you to safety, a medic coming in to administer first aid, the medivac is called in and you are transported to safety. Yes, the downed player is down and incapacitated, but it just gives so many people the chance to shine! I love the team play aspect even though I'm the one in need of aid.
  12. It was a pleasure to be ferried around the map by such a skilled pilot as yourself! Welcome to the community!
  13. Lindi


    I'm going to assume you are connecting to EU1 Invade and annex server. The server does not require any mods, but does allow a handful. See the guides section: https://forums.ahoyworld.net/forum/141-guides-how-to/ I would suggest connecting to EU1 first, get your feet wet once you got into it maybe venture into the Enhanced server that indeed requires mods. Also welcome to the community!
  14. Sort of a shame, I almost think we need a practice range for this. A missed AT4 can be a disaster and trust me I've missed a "few"!
  15. It has been a pleasure working with you, sad to see you off the team. Still hope to play with you on the servers!
  16. I always say over 50% of piloting skills is selecting the right LZ and approach. The controls and controlling the chopper are important, but only become critical to your survival if you messed up the planning or failed to execute according to plan!
  17. Lindi


    Just saw a Chikra take a hit and explode mid flight. Looked way better than with vanilla effects.
  18. Lindi

    Tall neck?!

    So that is what ctrl+w does?
  19. Lindi


    Awww the visuals are very nice, but I've gotten so used to the JSRS gun sounds that it's hard to live without!
  20. The perfect derp-mobiles!! I'm sure it's not gona be abused at all!
  21. Lindi


    Yay! Nice to have you back!
  22. What these guys said, see you on TS and let's have some fun on the servers!
  23. Very good, it's a bit chaotic at first but like you said a good place to learn game mechanics since the rules aren't that strict. Also check out the AWE server out, quite a different experience with all the mods and game play.
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