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Posts posted by ShadowAce11

  1. FEATURE REQUEST: New mission - ambush.




    A friendly convoy carrying a journalist/VIP/other non-combatant has been attacked and completely immobilized. Players are tasked with getting the remaining wounded friendlies back to base, and ensuring the non-combatant gets to his designated location.


    This could be expanded upon to create an extended or two-part mission, where upon getting the wounded healed, they need to be dropped back off to the VIP to continue to ensure his safety. Afterwards, there could be another attack in which players and the few AI forces would have to defend the VIP. In other words, this is a pretty open-ended mission that could have multiple paths to go down. 


    Unedited screenshots of what this mission would probably look like (staged a mock mission in the editor to convey the idea better):





    This is being proposed to increase mission diversity. I have been trying to think up some other scenarios recently to go along with this, that wouldn't be too stressful on the server; in time, I'm sure I will think of more.

  2. After some brief testing:

    • Kill HVT mission does not spawn the option to confirm the HVT. As such, mission cannot be completed. The designated target still actively runs away from players, though. Video:
      • Spoiler



    • Capture HVT mission gives the option for the HVT to be restrained, but does not work when completed. If captured and brought back to base, though, the mission now completes. Video:

      • Spoiler



    • Intel appears to work beautifully now; no issues to report.

    • Rescue pilots/Crash site mission now works properly. Previously, the mission would not complete upon the pilots being returned to main base. Video of the full mission just for log purposes:

      • Spoiler



    • Peace talks mission now works properly. Previously, there would be a chance the hostile presence would spawn as hostile, rather than neutral and instantly attack players as though it were a regular mission. Video of the full mission just for log purposes:

      • Spoiler



    • Recover cache mission now works properly. Previously, the mission would not complete upon bringing the cache back to main base and would have to be destroyed. Note added in the POW mission video about the ending of this, recommend you watch that as well. Video of the full mission just for log purposes:

      • Spoiler



    • Rescue POWs mission now works properly. Previously, the mission would not complete upon the POWs being returned to main base. Video of the full mission just for log purposes:

      • Spoiler



  3. Sorry for the late response on this; I think I might have answered this before via TS while we were both on the server Palm, though informally.


    Both historically and currently the high population times are around 8 PM GMT (20:00) on weekdays (mainly Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) and any time during the afternoons (GMT again) on weekends. Sometimes it can be a gamble, as a server's middle-term (month-by-month, week-by-week) population can fluctuate. Play it by ear; don't conform your schedule to the server's population heights. 


    Friday nights get the most attention, obviously; and so we've usually reserved that night for weekly gamenights. For example, our last major gamenight, Nightfall, got up to 23 people at max I believe. Monday nights tend to draw in an average of 10-12 people. Weekends tend to hover at around 10-15 people during the afternoons. 

  4. Here's a full list of bugs/changes I've found/can confirm in 057. I'll keep updating it as I find things. Red is high priority, orange is low priority, green is fixed/has no issues.



    • Counterattack mission, which was unable to be spawned in 056, now works.
    • Kill/Capture HVT missions do not work. This was true in 056 as well.
      • Persistent with every map and location.
      • Not affected by any other mission spawns. 
      • Both types of missions spawn without issue, but designated HVT does not spawn with the option to confirm him.
        • Per Zeus, the HVT spawns correctly (in his own group).
      • For capture missions, HVT does not surrender.
        • I can make him surrender forcibly through Zeus, but bringing him back to base does not complete the mission due to the previous point.
      • In my recent playtime, the auto-end timer has not worked. I am unsure if this is because the timer starts when friendlies approach the AO (we can usually clear missions like that within 20 minutes, so we probably don't hit the timer limit), or if it genuinely does not work. 


    • No whitelisting issues to report.


    • There is still about a 50/50 chance of intel working. This was true in 056 as well.
      • For the times intel can be sent for review:
        • About a 30% chance it will review the intel for an already completed/canceled mission.
          • This also includes AOs that can't be narrowed down.
        • About a 20% chance it will work correctly.
          • This includes intel returning as garbage.
        • About a 10% chance it will get stuck on the brownish hash pattern as though it's narrowing down intel.
        • About a 20% chance it will move the red AO proximity box to 0,0,0, and will fail to correct itself upon more intel reviewing.
        • About a 20% chance it will remove the red AO proximity box entirely, leaving us with only the task marker.
      • For the times intel can't be sent for review:
        • 100% chance the first piece of intel on a new map will get stuck in review, preventing more to be sent.
          • This also blocks all others on the server from sending intel for the rest of the map duration.
      • Persistent with every map and location.
      • Not affected by certain missions.
    • Once-in-a-blue-moon chance that intel will return as any. This was true in 056 as well.
      • Tends to break reviewing intel.
      • Very rare occurrence, not worth devoting a lot of effort towards.
        • Due to its rarity, can't say if this is any particular piece of intel. Shouldn't be map-related.
    • In civilian trading, sometimes you will get a "Bad vehicle type" error popup followed by a message in the top right saying that the player did not have enough inventory space, so the civilian dropped the item at your feet. He fails to actually do so and you must trade for it again. This was true in 056 as well.
      • In short, it seems like the intel is being treated as an actual item.
      • Due to its rarity, can't say if this is any particular piece of intel. It is not map-related.

    Vehicle Spawning

    • MQ-12 Falcon drone spawns uncrewed; it is unable to be used by UAV operators. This has always been true.
    • LAVs are available in the vehicle spawn menu, but do not spawn when selected. This was true in 056 as well.
      • Everybody gets this error upon logging in: Cannot load texture cup\wheeledvehicles\cup_wheeledvehicles_lav25\data\ui\picture_lav25\ca.paa.
  5. ASL team seems to be bugged in 51; if you join a slot in that team after joining the server, your character will still be stuck walking as though you're unassigned.


    Additionally, unassigned units can place rally points and use artillery. 


    As ASL, I could put down a rally point, but it did not spawn. I assume this has a connection to the issue above.

  6. Putting this in the general discussion area rather than submitting a feature request as this is a topic that deserves discussion and input from the community. 


    Firstly, a little transparency. Before I was a moderator, along with now, I've heard a large amount of in-game discussion about things that players think should be added (or re-added); but these features are often ones that would mean massive repo change, such as the CUP collection. While the general consensus I'm getting from the community is that people want CUP, it has been met with hard resistance when presented to staff. This is for two reasons:


    1. Adding CUP would likely mean adding it in its entirety. Not including the map pack, that's 8.8 GB. That's a massive amount to download (and update) for a repo, and when we did have these mods (I had just joined the community at this point), the staff were getting constant complaints from the community about huge updates that take a horrid amount of time to download. So, CUP was removed in the sake of minimizing the repo size, including everything that required it (i.e. Fallujah, Lingor, Isla Duala). 
    2. There is a max limit to the repo size due to our current server hosts. I think all of us would love to see CUP added back on top of everything we already have, but it just is not possible. If we were to add it back, we would likely have to get rid of all our current maps (minus Altis, Stratis, Malden since they're part of Arma 3 itself) and a few weapon/outfit packs. After seeing the public outcry for Lythium to be kept, I don't see any proposal for its replacement with CUP to be successful any time soon.





    With the above being said, I am going to suggest some things here. Again, I'm suggesting these things here because this is too big a topic to squeeze into a single mod request. Here are my recommended repo changes, leading with a - or a + to be removed or added respectively:


     - Gorgona (100 MB)


    From my discussions with the community, Gorgona seems to be a universally-disliked map. Its small size often leads to overlapping missions, and huge mission area markers. Due to a lack of diverse mission locations and generally no need for Vortex or waterborne assets, it quickly leads to boredom among the players; and when the server population gets to the point of, for example, a full Alpha, things get cluttered. 


     - LAV25 (100 MB)


    Introduces effective, but incredibly weak and unreliable LAVs. Hardly ever used for that reason.


     - StrykerPack (174 MB)


    Introduces generally ineffective and weak Strykers based off of Arma 2. Horrible steering. Rarely used, if ever.


     - JS_JC_FA18 (191 MB)


    Personal preference on this one. I see absolutely no reason to have 191 MB dedicated to a single aircraft. There are plenty of other jets Vortex can take, even though it's already a rarity that Vortex takes a jet in the first place.


     + Civilian Occupation System (1 MB) [possible code streamlining @Ryko?]


    Possible tool for civilian presence within Stiletto. Seems to make everything largely automatic and allows for custom scripting to be applied, so it shouldn't take away from intel gathering and such. This suggestion is mainly for Ryko.


    Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25194

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSqvIavO8BA



    + TPW Mods


    Ambient enhancement for all aspects of gameplay. Too much to describe here, check out the Armaholic page. Everyone, PLEASE check this out.


    + Advanced Sling Loading, Towing, and Rappelling (.67 MB)


    Most are familiar with these mods, and the names are self-explanatory.





    Total Repo Size Change: -474.33 MB


    This leaves some moderate space for future feature suggestions.



    [Side note] In my personal opinion, I'd really look into adding CUP Core back. That's 3.6 GB right there, but hear me out; there are a plethora of maps that require -only- CUP Core. There's still some massive issues with this suggestion, such as the maximum repo size that our server can currently handle. For this reason, I'll propose this: if at some point we should add CUP Core, we remove all community maps and replace them with new ones that require the core. But, this discussion is likely a long way away.


    Now, in regards to the repo, I'd like to use this thread to allow people to discuss and propose repo changes in the above manner; go through a number of suggestions (not just one, use the regular feature request for that), but have both additions and subtractions and have a solid argument for each. Do not just suggest things at random because they look neat or because you think the server would be better with/without them; be constructive and thorough with your thoughts.




  7. I can confirm, but it's absolutely nothing worth punishing. I've spent 1200 hours on Enhanced, and you can definitely be sure I've accidentally mass-TK'd a loaded Humvee or knocked out the rotors of a heli with a tall vehicle causing a chain reaction before.


    The most I took away from the incident today was that yes, you should wait to blow vehicles until people (and especially other vehicles) are at a safe distance, and that it looked hilarious for me to take a grenade to the back of my neck and ragdoll into the interior of the helicopter before everything blew up.


    I appreciate your honesty. Most players either go radio silent when they know they're going to get called out (I've had people go silent, completely, for over 15 minutes to avoid taking responsibility for their actions), or just try to go under "uh... must've been a hostile rocket." Props for being responsible.


    On another note, if I remember right, the mission didn't fail, so that might be something to note in the Stiletto feedback thread.

  8. Now that I'm back from my week hiatus I can respond to this. 


    @Johnson, @Noah_Hero, I'm not sure if I was the ASL, but thanks for the shout-out. I try to get everyone ready and out in 10 minutes or less, because I get just as fed up with the arsenal dress-up and other BS as much as everyone else. Keeping the server moving is the best way to keep it alive.


    I have been trying to ASL more often. I feel it's appropriate as a moderator, and I also feel obligated after logging over 1,000 hours on Enhanced alone. I've experienced my fair share of problems with how heavy the task of team management gets with the role. I can't just give some advice and fix this, but I can at least describe my ASL playstyle and hope people take something from it. 


    Personally, I can't stand any support team in general because it takes away from my ability to command my squad. So, I generally trust peoples' ability to be autonomous and send them about their business. Should I have a Vortex, I will simply tell him to do recon, or engage at will, or be ready for transports. What he does between orders I couldn't care less about. I apply the same to other support squads, especially logistics.


    Last time I was leading, it was Malden. I told Logi "pick any place you want a FOB to be at and just go and build it." Additionally, I make it clear that I expect the individuals within that squad to rejoin Alpha after the FOB is built. If they give me attitude for that call, I just revoke my approval for a FOB at all. If they disconnect because of that, obviously I'm a little regretful that we just lost a player, but I'm not going to let them just build bases all over the place while the undermanned Alpha gets massacred.


    (I don't see a need for the FOB most of the time in the first place, because that nullifies nearly all the other support roles - especially Vortex. For example, as ASL I could actually put Vortex to use transporting vehicles, or doing MEDEVAC. Then a FOB comes along with a vehicle spawnpoint and a medical building, and all that's left for Vortex is CAS. But infantry often worry about having too little to do, so I avoid calling in Vortex, which means he's just sitting at base or hovering around the AO watching the ground troops clear an objective at 1/10th the rate he could. But I digress...)


    My primary duty as ASL is to lead Alpha, not coordinate support teams. So, I don't; I give broad orders and expect those teams to know what to do. The time I spend dealing with support's problems is valuable time I'm losing with my squad, and it distracts from my ability to respond adequately to threats and events. 


    I allow people to take slots like Vortex and Logi while I'm leading because I know that's the role they want. I will not deny them their desired role because I want Alpha to be full; but I wholeheartedly expect them to either contribute, or have their hour of fun and join those who are actually working towards something. If I'm going to allow a full team to build a FOB, then screw around at it for the rest of the map duration, I'd rather not have those people on at all. You will help us move forward in some way if I am ASL, that's guaranteed.


    I will always prioritize enjoyment over slotting rules. If you want to do something like Hammer or Angel for example, I will find a way to incorporate you into our missions without distracting from the infantry's experience. I just ask that you commit to your role, and that you can be autonomous with it. 

  9. Below is the concept I had put some thought into November 2nd. Given the five-man team thing seems to be staying, I'm still undecided about what to put in each Alpha team to compensate. First thoughts would be to add an ammo bearer, but given that was essentially the AR assistant role months ago and nobody wanted to take it, it makes no sense to add it back. 


    Second idea would be the generic rifleman, whose role would be as described. But generic, boring roles mixed in with a plethora of specialized ones will result in most people hopping on only for those premier special roles, or not joining at all. It's becoming more common that people just log off when they don't see the role they want; and time has shown that very few people ever want a basic, non-specialized character.


    I looked up realistic job options within the US military and mostly found things that were either impossible to implement into the server, or stuff that would take away from things like Command's FAC or logistics; so I'm at odds with myself as to the fifth role.



  10. Okay. Okay. I think some points were missed here.

    11 hours ago, Ryko said:

    Finally, adding an AI LAV sounds like a great idea, until you have to rely on them to drive anywhere meaningful.  And then they demonstrate just how awful the AI can be.

    Yep, and that would be the main problem: the AI's pathfinding capabilities. However, in my experience as Zeus so far, a basic move order works perfectly fine. If the AI gets stuck on a wall, yes, they'll dismount then, but that's usually a rarity. Just to ensure the AI gets to their destination, I might recommend them spawning in as careless and upon reaching their marker, shifting into aware or combat mode.


    @Stanhope, you're an exception to this chat, because you're one of the few who willingly takes the leader roles. What I'm bringing this up for is more for those who don't mind leading, but just need that little extra bit of incentive to be persuaded to take the slot. (btw thanks for leading <3)


    6 hours ago, GhostDragon said:

    They are not a squad level leading element and as such do not need one. If asl is lost in the field then the teamlead has a 152 radio that is perfectly capable alongside messaging using ctab to get hold of vortex and or organise with the other squads on the field.

    I mentioned that these LR radios would be optional. They don't need to take them, and I don't expect a lot of people to do so since they are a lot of unnecessary weight. Communicating with Vortex via the 152 is fine, but still very limited in range. If you have to send Vortex back to base for reinserts, there's a good to fair chance you won't be able to contact him until he gets back to you; on maps like Lythium and Bozcaada, that's a long outage time. On cTab, I side with @Amentes on his previous comments about the use of cTab in general; it bypasses a lot of things that could improve gameplay and the challenge that the server tries to present (apologies if this wasn't Amentes that brought this up). That's just a debate about preferences at that point, and I doubt we'll get anywhere with that.


    Half of the appeal of taking a long range as TL is for the support options I brought up. One might not be necessary for communicating with Vortex, but it is for calling in support. If you get a TL who wants that option, they can take it. If you get a TL who doesn't, they don't have to take it. It's all about being optional


    6 hours ago, GhostDragon said:

    Artillery: it will give too many people access to it and it's hard enough to follow when asl calls it in (often we are not told) so adding more people to this is a bad idea.

    For the first part, I think the spoiler with additional comments deals with this problem pretty well. For the second part, good critique. The importance of communication while using support will be absolutely crucial; perhaps bring the Shelldrake communication from the command channel to the side channel so everybody can see what's going on as a quickfix while something more stable is being worked out? <-- I also understand that might lead to breakdown in side channel silence, so maybe not the best idea, but it's what I've got off the top of my head right now.


    5 hours ago, RoyalSertr said:

    Picking LR from KIA mid AO is allowed.

    There are times where SL is separated from the rest of the team and they cannot reach his body to get the LR. I'm trying to just account for that fact, not for the times you can do such a thing.

  11. Hey guys,


    Throughout my ~1000 hours on Enhanced, one problem has remained consistent: There exists absolutely no desire to become a team leader. Nearly every other role, including squad lead, is more desirable than TL because of the specific outstanding perks you gain. TL has had the same abilities and responsibilities since I began playing, which, to my knowledge, are the following:


    • Responsibility: Coordinating a team.
    • Responsibility: If SL is not present, BLUFOR lead defaults to you, but cannot grab a LR radio if needed. This can include:
      • Specialty team coordination
      • Vortex coordination
      • Requiring full commanding attention while managing a full team
    • Ability: Underbarrel GLs are permitted.


    Since many people refuse to take a squad lead position, the responsibility of BLUFOR coordination falls onto the most relevant TL much more than it should; and continuing on that, the responsibility sometimes falls onto the most relevant AR since nobody wants TL either. 


    This. Needs. To. Change. I've gotten used to the SL responsibilities being passed onto the TL after so long, but it is completely unacceptable to pass on this sort of responsibility to an AR or other role; they have their own roles to fulfill which keep them occupied.


    My highest recommendation to solve this is to make TLs more useful. I wouldn't go as far as adding SL artillery support or something like that, but make it so that the role becomes appealing again; after a year of observing, it's very clear that grenade launchers aren't enough. (Especially since grenadiers are a thing now.)


    I understand there's a larger underlying issue to this, and it's that people simply don't want to lead. And I get that, as I'm sure anybody else would. Leaders are definitely a minority in both this community and in real life. I'll lead if I have to, but I would much rather take a medic or engineer slot and follow, as well as knowing my role will have some applicable purpose in the field. This is not an issue that will be solved by a simple buff in the TL slot, but it might encourage those who are willing to step up more than they usually do. 


    At this point in time I've only one idea for resolving this, and it's to change the TL role to something more specialized. What that specialization might be I'm not sure, since in a single squad we have ARs, engineers, medics, grenadiers, marksmen, LATs, riflemen, and intel ops. This is why this topic is going into this subforum - I'd love some player input on this. If we come up with a consensus, perfect. If we don't, we'll still get a good list going of TL role revisions.


    Things I highly recommend against when it comes to suggestions:


    • Do not make TL an ammo bearer. The AR assistant role (for the new guys around here, that role was specifically for ammo bearing) was removed previously because nobody wanted to just lug around ammo for others. This would make TL even more undesirable.
    • Do not give TL abilities like those of SL, i.e. artillery support. That is part of the appeal of taking SL, and should stay there.
      • Additional comments about this in the spoiler below.
    • Do not give TL a role already assigned to a specialty group, such as carrying a more powerful weapon or incredibly heavy MAT/HAT-like AT. 


    Things I might recommend off the top of my head:


    • Make the TL LAT-capable. Yes, we already have two LATs in each squad, but in the case of certain factions (especially the PLA), some light launchers such as the AT-4 have proven to be necessary. 
      • Rebuttal: The Rifleman LAT can just grab one from the arsenal and drop it to the TL already. Why should we whitelist the AT for the TL?
        • For the sake of simplicity. It's much better if someone can have direct access to something rather than having to ask another player for a launcher, over and over again with every map change and such.
    • Give TLs optional LR radios again. This way, should there not be a squad lead, the TL can simply go into the arsenal and grab one instead of having to knick one off of Vortex or stay near a long range-equipped vehicle. 
      • Once again, this is for the sake of simplicity.



    Additional comments about the second non-recommendation:



    Perhaps giving TLs artillery support (I assume this would also mean giving them optional LR radios to communicate with the artillery) wouldn't be such a bad idea. But then overkill becomes a problem, because you would have 1TL and 2TL and SL (and CMD) all artillery-capable. Here's my thoughts on that, though:


    • The ability to radio in artillery should be (if not already) dependent on long range capability. If a TL chooses not to take a LR, he won't be able to use artillery. Since ideally, only one TL should ever need a long range at one given moment, and everybody's doing the same AO, there shouldn't be any clutter on people trying to call in strikes.
      • This takes care of TLs, but what about SL?
    • To SL: Completely redo the support options. Remove artillery support, add the ability to call in AI support. For example:
      • The SL can now call in a support LAV. This LAV would be spawned from a support area at the main base, with an AI crew, and it would arrive at the location ASL was at when he called it in (or ideally it would follow him throughout the AO and he could issue a "Disband support" command via ACE once it was no longer needed). 
      • The SL would still be limited in supports he could call in. It would be mainly APCs and medium vehicles; heavy things like tanks and airstrikes would be reserved for PlatCo.
        • How land vehicle support would work on Bozcaada and Malden is beyond me; perhaps just have a secret support spawn location somewhere on the main island. For the other maps, though, this might work nicely.


    TL;DR: Read the post. 


    An open discussion on this would be great. Whether you're an experienced player, an admin, a veteran, or just getting acquainted with Enhanced, feedback and your personal suggestions about improving this role would be incredibly helpful. 

  12. Putting this out on the page as a notice.


    Attempted joining Enhanced multiple times tonight, kicked off every time for the consistent reason of unaccepted keys. The repo says the files are necessary.


    Here's a list of all keys that were unacceptable, along with their accompanying (also unacceptable) .cfg files in parentheses:


    1. FIR_A10A.pbo (FIR_A10A.Cfg.pbo)
    2. FIR_A10C.pbo (FIR_A10C.Cfg.pbo)
    3. FIR_F2A.pbo (FIR_F2A.Cfg.pbo)
    4. FIR_F15.pbo (FIR_F15.Cfg.pbo)
    5. FIR_F16.pbo (FIR_F16.Cfg.pbo)
    6. FIR_F16D.pbo (FIR_F16D.Cfg.pbo)
    7. FIR_F22.pbo (FIR_F22.Cfg.pbo)


    Obviously this is just an easy fix of deleting them, but I wanted to let people know about this should they get worried that Sync says things are alright but the server calls it a fake repo.

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