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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. 14 hours ago, Eagle-Eye said:

    So as I suspected, transport and accessibility are the main problems then? Though I have no say in the matter, I like the idea of paradropping in (more realistic than teleporting poles, which I thought about too as a temporary solution) but wouldn't that require that everyone takes a chute instead of a backpack? If there aren't any pilots to bring in supplies or take you back to base, you'll run out of bullets pretty quickly and you'll have to respawn just to get rearmed. Doesn't seem very fun either...


    If U want, I can send U the link of the video via PM. It is possible to retain Ur backpack after a HALO jump. Sometimes, 1 of 10 times Ur backpack does not appear on Ur backpack and U have to scavenge.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    Bulb told me you disconnected about 5 minutes before i joined.  We had the same problem but we did get a pilot about 10-15 minutes after i joined.


    When i joined yesterday I thought of something.  At the moment the base is at the south-center Island.  It's a fairly large base compared to EU1 with a decent runway and stuff like that.  Now what i thought might be a solution is to move the base to the south-eastern Island to the airfield there (I believe its name is St-gorge or something like that?)  I haven't checked it out in the editor (lot's of real life stuff going on) but if i remember correctly it only is a tad bigger then the one we are using now so it will still fit in the invade context (imo). 


    Now if staff thinks this is a good idea i am willing to make the template for the base.  It might take me a while because i don't know when i'll get a bit more time to game but i can probably get it done made in a week or 2.


    Ah! Wasted. I had to go off at 2300hrs. Sleeping time for an old man. Was the base getting bombarded by Sochors still?


    We just need some inputs from the staff or development team of what they think of our thoughts. I have not seen any response from them for the past week or so.

  3. 10 hours ago, TheScar said:

    No,just no!

    I dont feel the need to express myself without using words like "nubcake" / "catering to lazyness"  or way worse.

    I+A isnt about going the easy way 99,5% of time.

    inb4 "how do i open my parachute"




    I tried playing on EU2 last night and I had to go as pilot before another person comes in 30mins later... Luckily, Bulb of Saur is a better pilot than I am. Then, he had to constantly switch roles from medic to UAV operator cos there were only 2 of us...


    We also realised the following:

    1. Artillery shells the spawn base (prowler area is main target)
    2. FPS drops to 20+ when U look at AO's direction and came back at 40+ when U turn to look away
    3. Cleanup script badly needed for boats
    4. Boats need rearm and repair if that is possible (we rode on one attack boat with 40% fuel and 0 rounds in GMG)

    Pictures will be posted soon.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Gamerbug said:

    Well I'm willing to move ship to EU2 when possible, and I am happy to give piloting a shot, but don't expect miracles, just getting from A to B.


    I wonder if EU2 had stayed I&A 2, while EU1 trialed I&A 3 that would have had any impact


    That is a good point but now that it will look idiotic to roll back, what we, regulars, can do is damage control...

  5. Hi guys,


    I have been observing EU 2's player count and it has been kinda worrying. It seems that nobody (including myself who cannot fly) wants to be the first guy to join the server as pilot. Since our base is on one of the smaller islands, why not we introduce HALO jump script through a flagpole so that people can do insertions anywhere on the map?




    • No need for pilot
    • Might reignite interest of former players of Tanoa
    • Since stamina is still in place, pilots can still do rounds of evacuation and resupplies



    • Travelling with a chopper will be considered obsolete
    • It is not realistic and does not make any sense


    We have to do something to make EU 2 full again... If FOBs are in place on the main island, then we can scrap this idea.



  6. 18 hours ago, TheScar said:



    You really hit a spot here and i will very well consider option 1.

    After all,i lived before I+A and i will after.

    Be assured.


    SENPAI, NO!!!!




    1. go away

    2. stop whining

    3. something else (dunno yet)?


    On a serious note, I am deeply affected by the tone, "U dun like it here? Leave!"

    AW is an organisation that thrives on the unity of the community. We cannot have any hostile mindset just because we do not like a member's no-nonsense words. We should have an open mind knowing that many stuff still need to be tweaked as AW believes I&A3 is the way forward.

    I do not want to see AW dissolve in the near future because of in-fighting and complacency. We have to remember: our loss could be other's gain.

  7. After a long break from I&A3, I tried playing on EU2. I thought that it was ok from a fresh perspective. My only concern is that AI attacks anybody perceived as enemy because of his/her (un)intended teamkills thus innocent players get killed as part of collateral damage.


    • Is there any way to include a script to prevent the AI from attacking such players; especially pilots?
    • The remote island could be a turn off for players as they cannot use land vehicles to travel to AOs
      • Pilots are always needed for this map
      • We need an effective cleanup script so that abandoned speedboats are constantly available as an alternative means of travel (if not yet implemented)

    Tanoa (EU2) version 1.0.0

  8. When I&A3 was released, I was thinking of a more central base capture. Looking at the map, AAC Airfield caught my eyes but @BACONMOP beat me to it with FOB Martian (never got the chance to visit it yet). I would like to suggest that, over time, we convert FOB Martian to our more advanced base. I have tried creating the base in 3D Editor. Do point out my suggestion's flaws. I think AAC Airfield is more centralised and players can move easily. Also, the airstrip is good for UAV Greyhawk. PBO download link (Updated: 20161102)


    Day/Nighttime views (Warning: Big images)


    Respawn Base + Helipad + Vehicles Area










    Water Vehicles Area




    Heli Repair Pad





    Roadblock (Just for decoration)





    Player's POV to Helipad (Night)




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