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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. With decent headphones, I found the audible feedback fairly accurate. With speakers, not so much, though. Arma is one of the games which, I think, benefit the most from a good sound setup.


    If you don't already, try sticking to cover like rocks and burned-out vehicles, then take a moment to look around and plot your approach. This is especially effective with a couple mates, and is then called bounding overwatch when one unit moves, while the other covers.


    With an educated guess, consider the most likely enemy position and keep a solid object between you and there, like a rock formation, a house block or even a moving vehicle on an advance. Like PiranhA said, your best bet is to spot them before they spot you, but if they use their AI magic to get their bearing first, you'll be thankful for any centimetre of concrete or steel you can find.


    I concur the fire and movement in a squad.


    1) I have lot of trouble locating enemy infantry shooting at/close to me even when they seem to be in very close vicinity. I "think" I know the direction of the shooter by the sound, but I almost never find the shooter before I get shot.

    In your experience, how accurate is the shooting sound in telling the direction ? Is there anything in setting or whatnot to improve it ?

    I think part of the problem might be that AI sees throug the trees/grass so they can see me althou I cannot see them. I've seen some Youtube videos from Ahoyworld modded ops, where Zeus operator commented on AI often engaging in situations, where people did not have any chance of seeing them (He even godfinger-killed some of those AI to balance).



    Welcome to the forums.


    Having a good headset will allow U to zero in on the direction of the shots.


    • The sound of shots fired is somewhat accurate
    • Before entering the hotzone, use laser designator's thermal imaging to scan the horizon. Do not rush in immediately especially when AO just spawned. Bring multiple batteries as you will lose one everytime U get revived/respawned


    Hope this helps.

  2. Not sure if this topic is the correct one to ask the following question but here goes...


    How do you make your descent before landing? I always get stuck at autohover in the DLC tutorial practice. Also, any peripherals that will make the piloting experience better?


    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hey guy,


    I've been playing on EU#3 recently, and I've noticed something;

    the admins and moderators seem to be intent of waving their dicks about


    It seems that people believe Religiously in the rules. Now, i get that the rules are there to make sure everyone has fun, and they do that. But when they are upheld above all else, then its not fun. Having to re slot to another role that you don't like isn't fun. And if its no longer fun, allot of people will stop playing.


    I know why the rules are there, but its fun to have a mess about online with the mods every once in awhile. If some people desperately want a serious server, re-purpose EU#4. its that simple. 


    EU#3 is big now. That can't be changed, but that can be adapted for. 

    When servers get big, they get more casual. Tightening the rules doesn't help that, it only makes people get a bad impression.


    As a very good game once said;

                                  -Survive, Adapt, Win-


    I choked on my saliva reading this.


    I am all for adapting but we do not tell the host to adapt to us, visitors. We, visitors, must adapt to the rules of the host. That is why our home countries have law-enforcers...


    How do you react when e.g. refugees or tourists misbehave in your country? I am sure we shouted for our government to repatriate them. Besides calls for death sentence and all... *Coughs*

  4. I understand Ur frustration having to load the HEMTT. I am also getting interested in driving them to AOs recently and loading via VAS at the hangar cuts short the loading time.

  5. As many people of our community i am well please that most members rather take a bullet in the head themselves rather than to help new players members and i think that as a good community, this is one of the most important reasons our community keeps expanding (correct me if i'm wrong ;) )


    I think U meant "I am pleased that most members would rather help new players than take a bullet to the head".


    I was lucky to be guided by nice players during my first few outings.


    Hopefully, we get admins from the US to control TKers and trolls but the Player Report form has been a very useful tool as a workaround.

  6. It probably would, but I would assume that some people would still use the name "Someone" even if a nickname was added ;)

    I will most likely change the name completly, as the original intention of the names were to cause disorientation and confusion along the corrupt police we constantly had to deal with while playing altis life.

    Random guy - "Officer, someone shot me"

    Someone - "No I didn't.. anyone could have done it"

    Anyone - "It wasn't me, Everyone is a suspect"

    Everyone - "What? Noone shot you, don't blame it on me.."

    Noone - "Telltale..."

    To be honest, the name is incredibly stupid. It's so stupid that I'm amazed on how we even managed to come up with it. I've accually had admins come and try to tell me off on other servers because some idiot yelled "someone shot me", "someone is hacking/cheating/spawnkilling" or similar, even thoguh I tend to play the game 100% as it's intended to be played, lol..

    Still, it's a name which is difficult to leave behind.



    Still remember when U were on Ur way for my squad's evacuation.


    Me - "No pilots getting us?"

    Cpt_Cluck - "Someone is on the way here..."


    I laughed when I saw Ur Ghosthawk coming for us.

  7. How does direct chat work if you're not using push to talk for TeamSpeak?

    Will it send on voice activation, or will I need to assign a push to talk key to be able to talk at all?

    I still havn't tried to play on EU3, but I've downloaded the mods which are needed and probably intend to give it a try this weekend :)


    The direct chat? On Voice activation. It's like having a normal conversation.


    Scat, SHIFT+` (tilde key beside 1) for pointing general direction. Para taught me that once on a gamenight.

  8. Great work for getting this made, this is exactly what we needed.

    Is it weird that I'm excited about this?


    Could you give some info on what sort of screenshots would be best in the case of a TKer.

    Example screenshots:

    TKs in chat:   This is the easiest evidence to provide since anyone can get those even if you're not able to see the killings in person.

    TKs in action: Potentially very good evidence, however this can be quite difficult depending on how he's killing people.

    Votekicks:       If you (the reporter) gets screenshots of different players using the "votekick" functionality already ingame, as that could serve as lots of mini-reports. 


    No doubt the best way would be for all the players on at the time to submit their own reports, however I don't think most people would actually be bothered to do it.


    Also a mini-suggestion, if possible make it so that votekick cannot be spammed, e.g. put it on a 10 second timer or something so that players can't spam it.


    Made my first official report. Very easy and straight forward.


    I like the idea of the votekick comedown timer by Jason!

  9. Perhaps some sort of form could be made where players can submit things like: TKer name, rough time of TK, screenshots, and maybe some comments on the incident.

    That way players can report it at the time of it happening, rather than waiting for an admin and having to explain it to them hours later through TS, which I have done before and it isn't exactly smooth.


    I think this is the simplest way to report. Nowadays, we do have players who shouted on TS but immediate actions were taken.

  10. The satisfaction I get when people thank me is the biggest reward. I do not expect to get points for reviving players or repairing vehicles because, when I choose that certain class, I know at the back of my head to perform my duties on the field.


    In my opinion, the need to be rewarded like Battlefield series dilutes the cohesion of the community.



    • Server will constantly be filled



    • Players do not play with the right mindset anymore
    • Competitive race to accumulate the points sets in


    Who I think should be generously rewarded? Pilots who ferry players back and forth to main AOs and side missions.

  11. Well, we can clearly see that the buildings weren't very well constructed so I can't be blamed if my rounds made them go "wonky".


    And I love it when everybody (myself included) were jumpy with the thought when ours gonna tilt next!

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