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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. 9 hours ago, BlackCactus said:


    Yup, thats correct. 


    We might have, but I am on irregularly at odd times.


    Is yours the same in game too? Will look out for you.


    Mine is the same, yes. I mostly drive... in a Med HEMTT.


    8 hours ago, Cebi said:

    Ahoy @BlackCactus


    Odds are that you are more likely to cross path with Fir_nev at some odd time as he is based in Singapore which is +6hours from us.


    We could have, @Cebi. I am pretty sure I saw the name with 'Cactus' last week.

  2. 1 hour ago, PERO said:

    APCs and tanks, they will come as an "option" to buy, similar to CAS/arty strikes, but the vehicles will be expensive (you will buy them via kill points).


    What are the chances of grand theft auto once our purchased armour spawns? I might throw into a bitch fit if somebody just steals my ride. :wacko:


    1 hour ago, PERO said:

    Arsenal is being looked at, the Ghillies have been fixed, but spotters wont be able to take marksman rifles anymore. Their job is to stick with the sniper, call out targets to him and defend both of them in close range combat (so 6.5mm rifles are enough).


    Spotter-sniper team is already hard to find. People still have this idea that spotter is the backup sniper. Like @PERO said, they provide protection with semi-automatic weapons. At least give them access to more powerful optics so that the role does not become obsolete?





    Best example I could think of is from the opening scene of 'Shooter'.


  3. Feedback and Suggestion for EU1 - v1.02


    As mentioned, we need the following proven scripts:

    1. Drag and carry script for all players
    2. Clear vehicle inventory
    3. Lock turrets on helicopters
    4. Asset cleanup to follow the older one (500m from the last player) - @Liru the Lcpl. and I had some fun with Teddy's fraction of ZEUS with a bunch of guys when, suddenly, the Medical HEMTT that we alighted to engage enemies just despawned. We were barely 50m - 75m away from the vehicle

    Additional Arsenal

    Can we have additional Arsenal at the back of Vehicle Depot? Sometimes when our characters are walking from the VAS officer to the vehicle parked at the quad-bikes' spawn due the the weight, some idiots just drove off seeing no pilots to ferry them to missions.


    Kill Log

    This needs to come back as we do not want any innocent players nearby a troll or teamkiller getting wrongly kicked since U have to zoom into the map for player's identification. If a player wants to make a Player Report but has no video recording software (I know there is OBS and ShadowPlay but let us assume the complainant is a kid playing on a laptop), the log will serve a good alternative for proof.



    Maybe add an Off-Road (Services) and we cut down on the armed Hunters?


    Mission Markers

    If they always get 'Unassigned' every minute after acitvating. Only Squad Leaders will not have such issue?


    New Side Missions Initiative

    I have not tried them but they do feel like a breath of fresh air.


    Constant Spawning of Priority Target: Artillery

    I understand that this is to prevent players from camping but when I play with few people, it can get frustrating as we need to divert our attention away from the AO. I think I am going to have a love-hate relationship with this one.


    Sorcher and CAS Activation

    This looks good. So far, do we have any complaints of TKing with this? If so, can the culprit be identified for doing such calls on friendlies?


    Medic's Role Needs A Rethink

    I personally think insta-kill physics will make future Combat Life Savers not bother saving incapacitated players. I could be wrong as we are in the early stages of I&A3


    Despite the teething issues, this is a good build. We hope that this can attract more (mature and cooperative) players.

  4. 1 hour ago, Grezvany13 said:

    - If you see a huge group of players camping at a hill, create a secondary objective at the AO, where they have to destroy a mortar pit


    With I&A3, it will not be possible. I always see myself bouncing between AO and Priority Target: Artillery.


    I need to make my short sessions in AW worthwhile. I sometimes have to leave AO mid-way for work and it can take a long time with the new missions.


    So, the last thing I want, while having to endure idiotic players who steal Ur ride which U painstakingly took the time to load and drive, is to have Zeus controlling AIs. I like IWasOnceATeddy's style in a way of estimating if I have enough ATs and APs to throw armours my way while rocket sniping...

  5. 26 minutes ago, Dann Selmo said:

    I go by 'Dann Selmo' in Ts and my callsign in game is 'Bloated Viking'


    I think I have seen these names once or twice.


    Welcome! Do seek help from the seasoned players or AW admins as they are helpful lads.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gamerbug said:


    I could drag casualties, didn't try carrying and only dragged because the revive seems so buggy.


    Speaking of which with the new revive mechanic, everytime I held the middle mouse button it would just stop and go to the downed guys inventory. When I finally got the meter to fill, the guy just lay there, no idea if it worked or if he had respawned. I've added a key press to actions/middle wheel again, will see if that helps.


    The handy distance meter for downed comrades is gone, and I couldn't discern on a map quite who was downed, so you are left with a marker and no idea how far away they are.


    Floating dead soldiers were abundant.


    I like the fact it now only shows weapons you can equip on the arsenal.


    Still its a nice start lets see how it evolves.


    1. I spent a minute looking at the body hoping that the drag or carry actions appear in the menu
    2. I have not played as a medic but when a medic revived me, I just lay on the ground unable to move
    3. I think it is realistic for medics not able to see casualties unless they are issued goggles with HUD. Chances of players holding the spacebar is far greater
    4. Haven't come across a floating soldier
    5. I agree with the class-matching weapons selection

    I was not around when AhoyWorld was on Stratis so I shall not criticise on the development of I&A3.

  7. Cons

    1. Trolls are taking advantage of the no-Teamkill feed
    2. Players stuck at death screen even after revive
    3. Could not carry or drag casualties


    1. I understand that I&A3 is to push players to a more infantry-base gameplay

    I will copy and paste these points in the feedback thread (if there is any)

  8. 5 hours ago, Eagle-Eye said:


    I can imagine that quite a lot of people will want to try this at event start (maybe even more than the 120 that EU1/2 combined can gather?), so when all try to connect simultaneously when you say 'server is up', I'm pretty sure things could go (very) wrong with or on the server. As such, how will access to the server be regulated? Is there a special picking order, other than the normal AW hierarchy, or will it be first-come first-served?


    He has a point. The connection needs to be regulated or the server will crash SHOULD more than expected players connect at the same time. Unless redundancy has been put in place.


    I might be connecting in the last hours of the event since it will be morning here.

  9. So... the recent bombardment on friendlies at AO and at spawn on Thursday (20161020; around 0900hrs +8 GMT), that was the work of a friendly artillery tank?! If so, it totally killed my mood cos I have limited time on AW daily. Like @Winter, I was there and nobody had a clue. The most unfair part is the message showing innocent party 'teamkilling' me and the squad near me. @Auntystatic was the affected party.


    Do's and don'ts is not enough. They need on-job-training that requires guidance as suggested by @TheScar.

  10. 23 hours ago, Auntystatic said:

    I had that cba_a3 warning too, but I was told to unsubscribe from the steam workshop and delete the @cba_a3 shortcut from the !workshop folder, that did work but to me that's messing with the way the game works, so I wonder why its not working as it was designed.  I was discussing it on eu1 last night with Teddy and Armentes no one can shed light on why some of the weapons have gone, I'm begining to think it might be due to the recent updates, I had to play as medic last night (out of my warm blanket comfort zone of marksman) so created a new loadout for it, I might go looking for the loadout file and remove anything that's stopping it from working as its a real pain in the ass and I don't want Lostbullet shouting "hurry up Aunty" as I'm stuck in the arsenal making up new loadouts lol :D


    I received that bright orange warning too but I loaded my AT gear and ran off without any issues. Is it because we are 'subscribed' to Steam Workshop? I have never subscribed to anything cos I have been updating using ARMA3Sync.


    U can always go on a roadtrip with me in my trusty Med HEMTT if U do not want anybody to pressure U.

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