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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. 2 hours ago, Chutnut said:

    Maybe a vehicle claiming system could be added


    Like Altis Life? This is all about respect. If a player goes around nicking rides closest to him, then he is not that mature in real life. I am tempted to Titan 1 or 2 guys who jumped into my HEMTT. Maybe U will see my name in the Ban Appeal someday.

  2. 5 hours ago, Chutnut said:

    Bring back the old billboards 


    So in old I&A 2 we had some billboards that were very good at explaining what to do in situations and also to advertise more of the community. I mean who doesn't like big teddy bears with a shovel


    5 hours ago, Chutnut said:



    Nothing big, But let the community express our countries, In I&A 2 we had some flag poles, Add em back, Lets see who comes from where.


    So far, we are in the early phases of 'invasion'. These are just aesthetics.


    5 hours ago, Chutnut said:



    Now to be fair I actually cannot remember this but in the map I saw it there, I suppose if it did work, but if not do tell me, we should add it back, Im sure it would make pilots have a reason to get risky and fly into AO's


    Derp revive makes it impossible for such script. I&A 2.8x also has HEMTT Medical ability to revive players.


    5 hours ago, Chutnut said:



    The UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) was available for use in I&A 2 maybe bring it back as a Base, FOB or Reward Asset, I have never seen it been used once before since I&A 3.


    Buggy. Will attack friendlies for no reason. Slow and chances of rolling without wheels is high.


    5 hours ago, Chutnut said:

    Minefield around Radio Tower


    Back when radio towers spawned a minefield around them would also spawn, This is no longer a thing and since I have never seen the EOD Specialist actually do the role of mine clearing since most of the time there are no mines.


    Bring this back! Love seeing the stup-, I mean, ignorant pubs running blindly into them!


    5 hours ago, Chutnut said:



    Anyway I hope this gives people some ideas of stuff to get back, I'm sure a few of you remember more than me and might suggest some other things, We will just see how this topic works. Also hope you enjoyed the photos


    Personally, I feel I&A 2.8x is the most complete and almost all coop servers still use it.

  3. 3 hours ago, Pedro C said:

    I tried again with no mods and with sthud only, still got the problem. Meanwhile played on other servers and got no problem at all, so I'd say it's something on the server side...


    STHUD is still a mod. I was telling you to run purely vanilla to eliminate the issue. We suspect the ShackTac is causing the issue.



  4. 12 minutes ago, Gamerbug said:


    I just tried looking and goddammit it was one of 4 vids I had that were corrupted, it was about 12 months or even more ago, back when we had EU1 and EU2 on Altis.


    Do a channel for Side B rolls if U are able to upload it, ya?


    16 minutes ago, Gamerbug said:

    As much as I pretty much never interact with Scar, that was a rare moment, and showed his awareness of a situation.


    Typical of my mentor. I asked for one good fire position near Oraokastro and he gave me eight! EIGHT!

  5. 1 hour ago, Gamerbug said:

    In one of my videos Scar pulls into a side where I was pinned down, located the objective, offered me the opportunity to blow it, then blew it when I couldn't. That was helpful as hell.


    Personally that's a better view of a good player than being mentioned once in a popular youtubers video. But that's just my opinion. 


    Time for @Gamerbug's YT video marathon to find such event. What year was it?

  6. Hi Guys,


    Is there a standard AW intro video that we can use for our personal YouTube video uploads? The reason I ask is because our videos might not get featured by AW media team but at least viewers can see that our adventures in the vanilla servers come from Ahoy World. We can also use the intro for AWE clips.


    Appreciate it we are given a 3-second clip for our future uploads. Think of it as free advertising on our behalf...


    Thank You.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Eagle-Eye said:

    I already tried researching what the cause for reduced interest in Tanoa was. It used to be almost as popular as Altis (often 40-50 players online) but for some reason that all changed when I&A3 launched. It took some time, but it got better in the past few months, reaching 30+ players again. Now that we finally do (semi-regularly), they do this... 


    As I said in the other topic, without any presumption or allegation of intent, I fear this change to EU4, even if temporary, will be the blow that kills Tanoa on AW...


    Simple. Remember how far flung I&A 3.1.0 base was? My first impression on Tanoa I&A 3.1.2 proved that location on the main island is the game-changer! My first login few hours ago and it was well done! I love the base at La Rochelle Aerodrome! With my newly-acquired skill as a pilot, I will be visiting EU4 more frequently.

  8. HEMTT Medical because it used to be able to revive downed players (*coughs* staff to take note of hints *coughs*)

    People hate driving it because its top speed is up to 82km/hr only. U can flip and tumble with it and still not take damage. (Do not tell them what happened recently, @Mark T!)


    I have been practising the Wipeout and I have to say it is my new favourite. Hellcat is nice too.

  9. 4 hours ago, Gamerbug said:

    In comparison

    MX SW has a mass of 120 (100 round mag mass 25)

    MK200 has a mass of 220 (200 round box mag mass 50)

    Zafir has a mass of 320 (150 Round box mag mass 50)

    SPMG has a mass of 340 (130 round belt mass 60)

    Navid has a mass of 380 (150 round belt mass 70)


    So unless you are being supported or have a vehicle, you're better of with the MX SW all day long (of course you already knew this due to your videos), and ironically the Zafir and its ammo is comparable to the MMGs in weight.


    I did have an L/MMG guy with a harness rather than a vest so he could be more mobile and carry a few box/belts, but you're losing a lot of protection.


    TL;DR MX SW FTW, dont use the MK200 (though it does look cool).


    I am thinking of running with harness to accommodate extra belts but will only do that when I try Tanoa. I used to run around with MX SW during the VAS days.

  10. 10 hours ago, Gamerbug said:

     That's the problem with the SPMG and the Navid, I think you can safely carry 2 or 3 belts before you are crawling around like an old man.


    I guess that's why MMGs are 2 to 3 man units (or 1 man and a car ;))


    Those two on their own are already heavy. U can add one more belt to Ur pack and that is it. Not good for Tanoa setup. I struggle with Zafir too. Strange thing is, I have never run around with Mk200. Maybe I should if I were to jump in as one because of their caseless rounds.

  11. 2 hours ago, THE PUNISHER said:

    Autorifleman SPMG .338 FTW!!!It takes only two shoots to take a enemy target and the medium armor cars as well.


    I too run with an SPMG if I go autorifleman but I can only load my ammunition into a vehicle due to short stamina...

  12. 20 hours ago, Jason. said:

    It's a high price for DLC but it should be worth it, I'll hold off buying it until the jets DLC is closer to release, in case any cheaper options pop-up.

    Although I wouldn't expect to get much use of the new jets in I&A as they seem very powerful.

    It is quite steep for a potentially 3 jets and 3 tanks but think about the mods that people will work on these.



    20 hours ago, Amentes said:

    With over 3000 hours in ArmA 3 alone, it's only fair that I support the dev by buying the DLCs.

    Nice one!

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