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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. I suggest observe and report approach.


    Personally, I have not seen anybody raining vehicles yet but if the trend becomes a problem, then we should act on it. With smart pilots around, I am sure Blackfish will be of more use.

  2. 8 hours ago, [DZC] Siggi94 said:

    Hello fir_nev. Umm i can promise you that i won't say anything bad about TheScar, If i don't have a valid reason but i hope that won't happen. I hope to make alot of new friends and pals to play arma with. XD


    Keep playing in EU 1 or 2 and U will get to know the regular players and their playing styles. Have fun and do not worry about your English.

  3. 10 hours ago, Gamerbug said:

    Different kind of 1.5k away hilltop marksman there.


    Honestly couldn't be bothered to do that loading and driving to sit on a hill killing everythign in site with no chance of retaliation, but a good lesson in how to be Rambo should you want to go down that route.


    Did like the editing, nicely done.


    It is tiring to be honest but since I can only play for 1.5hrs, I cannot afford to die in helicopter crashes. @PiranhA does complain that I am a lazy Asian. :lol:

  4. 7 hours ago, Cryo said:

    Simple answer to this topic, either:


    A: Bring a s***load of rockets


    As U can see, he brings mostly ATs and still able to load AA to assist pilots who are being chased by enemy CAS. His choice of Hunter HMG is a good one too.


    I follow his model just that I pack 20+ APs and a slower Medical HEMTT. My KDr is slowly increasing too B)

  5. 9 hours ago, Copey said:

    I'm not sure who kicked you but man I was really hollering at you! I could hear you replying as well so it's definitely something your end :/



    You could be right, I will need to take a look at my headset after its firmware update. I am gonna set everything to high for in-game audio settings and see how it goes.

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