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Everything posted by Rave

  1. Rave


    IT's good to see you do an intro Ret! Good to welcome ya here.
  2. Welcome Meche, I look forward to seeing you on our servers and Joining us on our teamspeak if you have not already! (ts.ahoyworld.co.uk) Also here is soemthing for you to consider - If you want to play a bit more tactically then join us on EU#3 Its a seriously modded server and IMO give some really cool game play, look forward to seeing you on the servers! Here are some threads to help you joining EU#3 - IF you decide to! http://www.ahoyworld...-modded-addons/ - How to download the mods required http://www.ahoyworld...e-basic-guides/ - The basics of EU3 Gameplay
  3. Welcome! Hope you enjoy this great community!
  4. Welcome Gabriel, as Toxic has posted above if you like to play a bit more tactically then join us on EU#3 Its a seriously modded server and IMO give some really cool game play, look forward to seeing you on the servers!
  5. Welcome to Ahoy world, hope you enjoy the community!
  6. You turned this around super fast, Cheers and well doen mate.
  7. Rave


    squaddies in snowsuits conduct lightning bolts, especially on EU3.
  8. Rave

    Squad key giveaway!

    As somene who has been playing for a while it's an awesome game, Good luck to all who enter.
  9. Apologies if my post was misunderstood I meant fallen by the wayside server population wise.
  10. It was also put up to see what the community reaction would be and for how long it would be populated for (Sustained server pop over several weeks) It didn't really take off and has fallen by the wayside.
  11. Case by case basis - and EU#3 mods and AND admins are on most of the time.
  12. What Ryoko says - but if they are off lone wolfing and not listening to the chain of command let us know! Or else how do we stop that behavior?
  13. We ran it on Wednesdays for a bit but it dropped off due mainly to no influx in new maps or poor attendance. The maps and the guys who made them were good but the lack of variety and playing the same maps over and over killed it (Not the fault of the map creators). We need more community support to either create maps or to find and play test maps that out in the A3 online community. Everyone is keen to play the maps but sometimes little/no help is given to finding/creating good maps/situations to play. They just want to play and complain all the time. As for the problem is the locking part due to people complaining and poking the whole time while its locked that goes to admins/mods/corestaff whilst the server is locked. I propose a lock 5 mins before as above but after 1,2 or 3 rounds depending on players who want in to the server it is unlocked. IF we go ahead with this as a regular occurrence i propose that a waiting room be created when PVP maps are active. Add streamers links in description. Admin would have to be present to put map on anyway and to lock/unlock the server. And if stream sniping/conferring occurs robust punishments. In the end i would love to see the return of PVP as a regular break to the norm, and my points above may be a bit cynical (but i have witnessed behavior like the above mentioned again and again) but i think they are fair points.
  14. Everyone is friendly just ask and you'll get help. Hope you have fun!
  15. I used to be part of a canadian run milsim community called JTF2, we did some joint operations gamenights with them and i started playing EU1 and they used our server and i made some friends. Sadly management went to hell and i wasnt in the best place to make a difference - the community fell through and after floating around for a bit i decided to coe to Ahoy. Don't regret the decision yet....but not if Raz has anything to do about it though.
  16. Fly from A-B and blow shit up at B? Also i wont be able to make it
  17. Oh jeez not this guy - damn your shipmates for sending you back early
  18. Since when did it move back? sad i would have attended?
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