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Everything posted by Rave

  1. Alpha Lead Debrief: Overall debrief: Well lads it was a long one but we got there in the end and secured the HVT intact too. I would like everyone to remember to thank Vortex our eternal over watch as they sat around not doing much looking out for us, cheers guys. Moving: The movement by the whole element was great you guys were on brilliant formations when we were dismounted and assaulting. The benefit of this is it gave us a chance to return any incoming and as a bonus looked great. Assaulting: The assaulting was also brilliant and I was able to able to point the Fire Team Leads (FTLs) in a direction or objective and just let you guys crack on which was brilliant with the comms that was coming through. On that note FTLs Duffy and Christiansen you guys did a brilliant job and got shit done. - Man of the OP: Johnson – captured the HVT well done and I got a nice shiny shooter out of it too. - FT of the OP: Christiansens’s Alpha 1. Just all round good play, and you didn’t get wiped...twice. Huzzah! Guys any feedback positive or negative is greatly appreciated, about how the mission was or maybe you have some constructive criticism to the people you were with, if someone can improve why not help them by telling them? Cheers, Rave
  2. Can't get enough Ainsley with your pictures on the interwebs?!? Then get on this vote and make sure that soon you and everyone in the United Kingdom will be carrying him in your Wallet/Purse/Sock/back pocket etc. https://www.change.org/p/bank-of-england-ainsley-harriot-for-the-new-face-of-the-20-note?recruiter=99887435&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_page&utm_term=des-lg-share_petition-no_msg&fb_ref=Default
  3. Reminds me of postal
  4. Hopefully there will be setting for this.
  5. Looks good already, cant wait to what it looks like with the textures on it.
  6. Pre-load is available tomorrow folks.
  7. That was a hilarious 30 second gunfight in the middle though.
  8. Been called in for training please remove me from the list Edit:Strike that im back early
  9. Please strike me from the application list, unfortunately I double booked with a shift so I will not be able to come. Hope everyone has a fun time Q_Q. Anyways we can always play it again.
  10. I wonder how many it would take without AGM - I wonder how many it would take and if that would be counted as too much. I might have time to check this in editor later.
  11. You may recognise the artist's style his songs have been used for the assassin's creed franchise. Run Boy Run - Artist Woodkid (Album: The golden age)
  12. Forever to be held on the internet. If you're on TS and need more people wrangle me in if you need more help - or mssg me on the forums.
  13. I know I had fun - shame 2 stranded gunmen died. 1 in the AO and 1 got ran over as we got into the FOB, as he jumped out early - no one will be named COUGHBACON COUGH. I had fun though, could have done with more enemies, maybe some more enemy vehicles.
  14. I support their hardware but anything else is out of the window in my opinion - this advert just shows it lol.
  15. `Looks like it's a tie between Bacon and Josh - hopefully the big announcement of the Godfather will be soon!
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