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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Having played it multiple times, I'd recommend you get a full 4-man team together.
  2. It will be open to all, but might require a signup.
  3. Logos remind me a bit foo much of Anarchy?
  4. Thinking Saturday 6th of August is the earliest I can make this happen, does that work for you and you two guys, and if so, what time of day?
  5. I can try to set something up after the 3rd of August, I'm currently busy having some out-of-country friends and their kids around. Will get on it.
  6. Take out a few pilot slots if you do ;)
  7. Heh, reading the topic title I came in here thinking, "dear lord, Blackfish armed support, TKs galore," but I was pleasantly surprised. I support this idea
  8. There's just been a restructuring of the mods due to the Apex update and things being broken. Add to that people going off on vacation, may their heads be struck from their necks for such disloyalty. It'll get back to normal soon enough, at which point there'll usually be 10-25 people on at any given night, plus gamenights planned two weeks in advance that you can sign onto.
  9. I'll admit it actually took me a couple of weeks to find those buttons myself
  10. I'm not referring to him "stealing" missions, only that I personally believe ArmA is about teamwork, and he always seems to be alone on a hill somewhere. The fact that anyone would single him out, I don't think has anything to do with him being less interested in teamwork than the rest of all the guys, without communication there's no difference between Scar on a hilltop or the 30 people running around the AO like headless chickens. The fact that he'd be singled out, then, is more flattering than anything really. The fact that anyone would expect anything other than what everybody else does. So no, I don't believe there's any singling out of Scar in a negative way
  11. Scar's gonna Scar. I'll be blunt, to me ArmA is about working with the other players. Personally, I'm always up for running a squad; I used to do so in my #1 days, and have been doing it when not piloting lately on #2. That said, very few people choose to go down the Rambo path. It might even be interesting to lock out the Static Titan ATs. Overall, having the Fatigue system back is good. It promotes reasonable kits, which in turn have team-play potential.
  12. The Jungle areas of Tanoa are indeed batshit crazy, I've been seeing the same thing on EU#2 in that the jungle-heavy AOs take more time to complete and result in many more infantry reinsert flights. It turns into a real needle-in-a-jungle situation very quickly.
  13. Yeah, in my opinion, so many suppressors change the gameplay dramatically, and I'd personally prefer that suppressors be used sparingly; unless we're talking about an 8-player mission, it shouldn't be used on all units. The noise of gunfire really adds something to the feel of an Op, and at night it obviously becomes especially spectacular. It highlights even further any weaponry being employed such as LMGs or rockets, and it also opens up the option for a large-scale assault force acting as a diversion for a smaller infiltration unit to crawl up through the cracks in the rear. (hehe)
  14. Yeah, the strike was definitely more about the psychological side. Knowing about the AA threat, and not wanting to just destroy everything completely, I was really trying to keep it defensive. As you see, I only go for the tall buildings, as all of the approaches that would keep me hidden until the last minute would also result in being unable to nose down enough to get strikes on the low buildings, without exposing myself to the MANPAD threat I believe I was the target of small arms fire on the outgoing path of all the runs, but no rounds found their mark.
  15. Can't make it, having some folks up from the Netherlands starting 23rd. Good luck to all
  16. I didn't encounter any game-breaking bugs on the Dev Branch build, and it seems very replay-able. Smaller in scale than previous ArmA campaigns, but that probably also ties into why it's not buggy, as previous ArmA campaigns have usually been a major bug-fest in MP. All in all, a very enjoyable experience for four players, and I'd definitely recommend that you don't play it with less than 3 participants, as it's very much a Multiplayer campaign that can be played Single, and not the other way around.
  17. Check the News section, you'll find your answer there
  18. Welcome to the madhouse then, Clements. If you're feeling uneasy on server, talk to one of the guys with Veteran tags. They'll probably tell you to grab a slot with them as your Team Lead, that way then can keep an eye on you
  19. Said something stupid, I'll never tell Delete this entry if you wish
  20. I'd advise against doing the Offshore option. As you describe it, it's too complex for a Public session, and will most likely result in clusterfuck
  21. What you're describing is not "basic transport flying". If you're getting shot at, it's not "basic". Does that clear up any discrepancies? Also, I've gotta say I simply won't believe that you've transitioned a helicopter from normal flight into a survivable landing after a catastrophic main rotor loss. At that point, you're falling like a brick, and you will have zero translation control. If you wanna make that claim, back it up with a video so I can find out what glitch you were experiencing
  22. I'd argue that a good pilot can fly basic maneuvers in anything. I haven't flown the Blackfish that much yet, and I've still got a ways to go before mastering it, but even then doing basic transport flights isn't any kind of a challenge. I think most of the "good pilots" around would agree with me
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