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Lost Bullet

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Posts posted by Lost Bullet

  1. 19 minutes ago, Kullmann said:

    Hi guys,


    I am new into the topic of UAV operation. Everything works fine so far but if it comes to landing i pretty much fuck up all UAV's. So basically atm I am crashing them on the airstrip to let them respawn :-)


    Can anybody here help me out and can give me an instruction on what to do to land a Greyhawk safely?


    Thanks and see you on EU#4!

    What I advise you to do is to go into the editor and spawn a few and try to land them until you master that.
    crashing the UAV its not a solution :(


    38 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    Come to think of it, this kind of thing might be better as a modifier on existing missions.

    That was exactly my intention, not to change the mission itself but in a given % it would twist the events with added things-to-do


    40 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    I'd probably change the need to arrest to a need to keep them a specific distance away. Would mean it'd be accomplish-able without zip ties, but easier with.


    The problem there is ordering the civs to move away, it can still be done and I will check into that :)

  3. I've set up a small code that will interact with some missions (e.g. Get codes) and will give it a small twist.

    complete gauntlet mission file in attach set to spawn 2 Get codes missions for demo of it is someone wants to try it out.


    this is what will happen in addition to the mission:




  4. 44 minutes ago, Noah_Hero said:



    Map: Abramia

    Mission: Free 4 hostages and bring them to the medical station

    Bug: 3 of the 4 hostages were killed by an explosion wich wouldn´t make the mission failing. The one alive was then stiched by the medic and we were able to bring at least that one to the medical station. After we did that the mission still wouldn´t finish/fail. @Nicolai checked with Zeus if maybe one of the other 3 hostages were alive but they were definitly dead. When the mission was skipped by @Origins the one rescued hostage just died without any injuries (don´t know if this is intended to happen).

    From what I can see in the mission script, even the bodies have to be returned to the medical facility and someone needs to write a letter apologizing to the dead men's family (last part kidding).
    So next time:

    • Don't kill the hostages
    • Bring body bags so you can load them inside the transport vehicle.

    And by the way, at least one of them has to survive so no one gets a dishonorable discharge hehe

  5. My PC is relatively new and usually I run at around 50fps in 64bits, BUT I also have some freezes when entering helicopters or vehicles and also getting kicked and auto rejoin in the TS channel (my freezes last around 1-2s).
    I didn't had any issue of this kind in 32bits, I guess the 64bits still needs some (alot) polishing from Bohemia...

  6. I assume you tried connecting to AWE and failed, have you tried connecting to the vanilla server (without mods)?

    Where exactly do you get session lost? after or before lobby? after spawning in?
    Enable logging and post the error here, with only that description is hard for us to help you out as it is the first report with that problem...

  7. 10 hours ago, Noah_Hero said:



    It seems like the mission "Black Anvil" on Zargabad is bugged. It is about destroying some radar-installation but for us it was impossible to destroy it. We tried it with launchers, demo charges and even Tow but nothing did any damage as it seemed.


    As Ryko said, radar (include also radio tower and weapons depo) need to be destroyed with explosives with M183 (satchel) or M112 (simple charge it will take more charges).


    The only ocasion where 3 M112 weren't enough to blow a radar was one occasion that we basically "wasted" a full explosives crate on it and it was still standing, and before someone says that I (and the people there) don't know how to place the explosives correctly...you are wrong.

    In that particular ocasion somehow the radar was bugged in the connection to the ground, and since you cant really place the charges on the object (they wont stick and fall to the ground), it took ALOT to take it out (it was like 1-2 satchels + 3-4 charges all blown at once).


    But hey, if 3 M112 doesn't cut it (as it should), drop a crate on it and watch the fireworks.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Ryko said:

    I think part of the problem is that the last training session we ran was not well-attended by new players, and existing players who elected to participate didn't take it seriously enough that we could even archive the session and use the video for training purposes.  It was a bit demoralizing. Perhaps new players need to make their voices heard so that we can get at least a fire team (4-5 new players) online at the same time to make it worthwhile?


    - R


    There's not much we can do about new players attendance aside from what we are doing (promoting the training session in forum and in game), on the other hand we can do much about what went wrong with people online:

    • All players spawn in a a closed area
    • Only after verbal confirmation that they are there to shut up and listen, they are teleported to the designated area
    • On transgression, teleported back to the closed/spawn area
  9. As we discovered this week there are some Arma3Sync setups that are conflicting with mods downloaded from other sources (e.g. Steam Workshop).

    To address this issue we decided to rename our modset and include a prefix ("AW_") to all the mods available to clearly identify them and in the process making A3S identify them as unique mods.


    The repo has already changed and to minimize downloads we recommend manually renaming all AWE mods by adding the prefix "AW_" to all of them (help instructions below).




    1. Open Arma3Sync and go to Addons Tab

    and open your mod folder with the windows file explorer

    (e.g. normally C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3)

    2 - Rename AW mods.PNG

    1. Now rename all the folders matching the AhoyWorld Enhanced modset to include a “AW_” prefix, as example:
      “@ace” rename to “@AW_ace”
      The mod version should also be removed from the version (e.g. “@spec4gear.v4.6” renamed to “@AW_spec4gear”


    NOTE: In the end of these instructions there’s a optional setup that can
    change all the folders at once.


    1. Synchronize the modset and make sure nothing is left to update (Total files to update:0)
      6 - Update until all mods are synced.PNG

    2. Go to Addons and press “Refresh” followed by update the Modset by pressing in the Modsets option and selecting “Ahoyworld Enhanced”.

    3. “Ahoyworld Enhanced” folder should now list all the mods starting with “@AW_” as in the picture below:
      3 - mods updated.PNG


    1. All the duplicate warnings should be gone and if all is synced correctly, launch arma and Join us at AWE!






    Optional instructions to change all the folder names at once




    a) in the mod folder create a new file called “modify_aw_mods.bat”

    B) right click on that file and select “edit”

    c) copy paste the following commands to the file editor:


    MOVE @3CB_BAF_Equipment @AW_3CB_BAF_Equipment

    MOVE @3CB_BAF_Units @AW_3CB_BAF_Units

    MOVE @3CB_BAF_vehicles @AW_3CB_BAF_vehicles

    MOVE @3CB_BAF_Weapons @AW_3CB_BAF_Weapons

    MOVE @abramia @AW_abramia

    MOVE @ace @AW_ace

    MOVE @acex @AW_acex

    MOVE @Burnes_AAV @AW_Burnes_AAV


    MOVE @Cha_AV8B @AW_Cha_AV8B

    MOVE @cTab @AW_cTab

    MOVE @CUP_Terrains_Core-1.3.0 @AW_CUP_Terrains_Core

    MOVE @CUP_Terrains_Maps-1.3.0 @AW_CUP_Terrains_Maps

    MOVE @Fallujah @AW_Fallujah

    MOVE @fhq_accessories @AW_fhq_accessories

    MOVE @Gorgona @AW_Gorgona

    MOVE @isladuala_a3 @AW_isladuala_a3


    MOVE @lingor_a3 @AW_lingor_a3

    MOVE @Mine_Detector @AW_Mine_Detector

    MOVE @Project_OPFOR @AW_Project_OPFOR




    MOVE @ShackTac_User_Interface @AW_ShackTac_User_Interface

    MOVE @spec4gear.v4.6 @AW_spec4gear

    MOVE @SpecialSaus @AW_SpecialSaus

    MOVE @task_force_radio @AW_task_force_radio

    MOVE @tf47_launchers @AW_tf47_launchers

    MOVE @tf47_launchers_rhs @AW_tf47_launchers_rhs

    MOVE @XLA_FixedArsenal_v3.1.1 @AW_XLA_FixedArsenal


    d) Save the file and execute it ONCE. After the execution you can delete the file.

    This is basically a command that executes a renaming of all the folders following the logic “MOVE folder_name new_folder_name”



  10. So, after testing some stuff with Loggieman in a test server we managed to identify his "kicked by battleye" problem, he has subscribed items in the workshop that where conflicting with AWE mods (check attached screenshot).


    The easy way to fix this is to unsubscribe the duplicate items from the workshop.

    If you don't want to do that, find me on TS and I will guide you step-by-step.





  11. 2 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    A sniper and a spotter can do some effective teamwork.  Add an exception for sniper and spotters?

    True, same for FSG probably...


    3 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    Problem with this is that medics will now join a squad and not for example take a hunter to the AO and drive around like crazy to revive everyone.  Same goes for engineers if he had to chose between a squadmates hunter having one less wheel or a heli that is losing fuel fast would he not chose the thing that gives him the most points?

    As I recall AW1 and AW2 slots, there's a medic + repair per squad, if people played their roles and played as a team there should be enough medics to go around for everyone.
    Anyway, medics/repair can still go around doing their thing, more actions=more points after all.
    In case of the repair, different points for vic repaired could be a good thing.


    6 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    If crashing a heli doesn't count as a mass TK but as 1 crash for which points also get taken, sure.  I sure hope you can't go negative.

    1second=1 kill; different seconds=more kills? everyone in the chopper dies at the same time, award the pilot with *one* negative TK.
    If pilots get penalties for assuming unnecessary risks they will start to be more (extra) careful?


  12. Important note: just a clarification, my comment should be seen just as a simple member and not as a AW staff.


    - Remove non-standard vehicles from all default spawns (including FOB's and any other old spawning methods)

    Comment: I would keep all vics that spawn when the server starts, but the vics with guns (except support vics) didn't respawn. As a example, you would have the slammer in the beginning but if got destroyed someone had to buy it by spending points.


    - Add a point-based system for the purchase of non-standard vehicles, points will be awarded for...

    C: Points for team-based play should be increased, as a example: revive player: x points; revive squad player: x + y points


    Reward squad-based play without penalizing solo play, for example, players complete a mission:

    C: only consider "squad" 3 or more players squads, team work remember? ;)


    - Reduce player point gain in non-standard vehicles to encourage their use as a support rather than a *Lets Complete the AO* (This also promotes a fairer distribution of assets amongst players).

    C: by limiting the points of players with active rewards (e.g. player already has a wipeout) it stops a bit the abuse of wiping AO's with a powerfull gunship just to win more points. You have a wipeout? you don't receive points while you have it.
    This is a good way of limiting a player/squad from always having points to buy the powerfull stuff, this way everyone has a fair chance of getting the "big guns".
    Good call this one!


    - Limit the number of extreme assets (i.e. the Slammer) to prevent overuse. E.G.

    C: completely agree, with great power comes great responsibility, having too much power at the same time also limits the fun of the other players that are just running with a gun in the hands...

    Maybe award zeus the capability of spawning rewards and remove points from players (e.g. zeus creats a super mission for a tank platoon) and then more players can enjoy that at the same time


    Again: my personal opinions.

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