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Lost Bullet

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Posts posted by Lost Bullet

  1. Reporting bugs in a forum is easy (post a new thread, post in a ongoing thread = done) but for tracking purposes, not that easy, even for the one reporting the problem.

    Finding out if someone else as already reported the problem that you just found is even worst.


    So...has ever been discussed the possibility of introducing a bug tracker? there are several open source solutions that just need a few tweaking (enable/disable features) and are ready to integrate and are easy to manage.


    in a quick google search I got this: https://opensource.com/business/16/2/top-issue-support-and-bug-tracking-tools 

  2. 1 hour ago, Colsta said:

    Ghost is absolutely right. It however, requires two things to work smoothly and to setup in a rather speedy fashion - teamleaders experienced with this. It's not hard to explain and execute, but it can take a couple minutes. It took me a couple minutes the first time I was learning how to do it.


    That's where the preset radios come into the equation and only need TL to know what button to push :)

  3. [just posting as a new topic by ryko sugestion]


    In busy hours what usually happens is Alpha is full + 1 support (MAT usually) + 1 Vortex, but during the mission Bravo starts to fill up + another Vortex + others and its not ease to be under fire and keep alpha moving on the ground and re-plan what the other squad/teams will do.


    And that's where the additional channel radios come handy (if everything is already preset) and since we can have preset radio channels, why not have:

    Default Alpha: 50

    Default Alpha adicional: 50.1 (ASL + team leaders will have that preset in their 152's), even with only Alpha team full this can get handy.

    When things get messy in the radios, ASL can simply order TL to start using the adicional 51 freq and ASL will switch to another channel (e.g. command)


    That way if TL are out of contact, ASL can switch back to 50 and still be able to command the squad.

  4. More off-topic, but the ASL vs radio chatter really interests me.


    In busy hours what usually happens is Alpha is full + 1 support (MAT usually) + 1 Vortex, but during the mission Bravo starts to fill up + another Vortex + others and its not ease to be under fire and keep alpha moving on the ground and re-plan what the other squad/teams will do.


    And that's where the additional channel radios come handy (if everything is already preset) and since we can have preset radio channels, why not have:

    Default Alpha: 50

    Default Alpha adicional: 51 (ASL + team leaders will have that preset in their 152's), even with only Alpha team full this can get handy.

    When things get messy in the radios, ASL can simply order TL to start using the adicional 51 freq and ASL will switch to another channel (e.g. command)


    That way if TL are out of contact, ASL can switch back to 50 and still be able to command the squad.


  5. Maybe instead of that, if someone is doing something inappropriate or simply doing whatever they want, I guess you can spawn an enemy in his face and punish him on the spot with a following warning that if he was behaving correctly that wouldn't happen.


    I left when the running event started so I wasn't there after it, but did the running resulted in good behavior? My guess would be that it didn't.

  6. This is indeed a rant and also a critic.

    I agree with the rules of the server and always try to enforce them in the chain of command when leading any kind of team or reporting bad behaviors as necessary.


    But this post is not about that but regarding a specific situation that I'm not even aware of the reasons that cause it. Logging in the server and having the admins online forcing people to run down the air field to prove that the chain of command must be respected is not the way to go.


    If people don't respect rules/gameplay in server:

    1) warn them

    2) kick them

    3) ban maybe?

    Admin abuse is never the answer.


    If I wanted to have punishments I would have joined the real army or just go into another type of server.

    I respect the work of the people that make EU3 work and I enjoy (very much) playing there. But I can't support these kind of atitudes and these were exactly the same reasons that made me take a break from Ahoy around 2 years ago, so basically I feel that nothing has changed, only the "faces".

  7. Well, I like to play in EU3.
    Most of the times I don't like to play in EU3 when the server is kind of full (Alpha full + almost full Bravo + command, etc) because it really sucks for several reasons.


    Trying to show people that by following command you will have more fun and trying to prove that by forcing people running down the airfield its not a way to prove a point Origins.

    I usually play daily in EU3 and most of time is fun. Logging in to that is not fun. Ever.


    Good luck bringing people to EU3 with that kind of routine.

  8. Someone call me stupid plz.

    so...my problem was that I reinstalled windows and never ever ever started arma since install.

    When running arma for the first time a bunch of stuff is installed (direct x, some .NET framework stuff), and since some addons depend on .NET imagine what is fixed?


    Stupid here is going to play on EU3 once more! hurray!

  9. i am using all amd hardware and the latest drivers and i have not had any issues with ACRE or anything arma wise :/ 

    maybe use DDU and upgrade your amd drivers?


    Already did that yesterday, didn't fix it :/

    I'm going to take a step back, relax, and try to look at this in another perspective and find the solution to it

  10. Did some more exploring and in TS3 the error that's displayed is "LoadLibrary error: 126".

    Googling it, it seems related with AMD and their shit drivers :/


    Again followed some tips in how to fix it but nothing good came out of that.

    Maybe someone in the past came across this and fixed it, for me its probably a cease and desist.

  11. Okay, in the end this will probably be a simple thing but my head already hurts from trying.

    I can't enable ACRE2 plugin in TS3. Installed all the things following the tutorial (pinned thread), all running as Administrator, directories seem fine (acre2_win64.dll is copied to plugin directory of ts3), but in the end even the plugin is shown in ts3 as "acre2_win64.dll" instead of "Acre2 plugin" (or the normal name it should show) and I can't enabled it (it displays a error "failed to load plugin").


    What I've tried so far:
    - deleting @acre2 plugin directory in arma3 and re-sync and reinstall plugin after sync

    - removing ts3 64bits and installing 32bits

    - getting @acre2 directly from armaholic

    - Installing a older version of TS3 (recommended version in armaholic)


    my machine runs win10 x64 if that info can help.


    It's been a few months since I played here, last time it was still TFAR, but even then with all the tricks that sometimes we had to do to install it, not even then I had to open a thread to setup a plugin :/
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