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Lost Bullet

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Posts posted by Lost Bullet

  1. I dislike playing as Russian because:


    • there's mainly AK's and AK's variants, where's the NATO awesome lists? Yes, I always play with the same gun in NATO but that's because that one is my favorite after trying the others
    • When there's just A1 and ~A2 that's fine, but when server numbers start to increase you are going to depend 100% on vortex in fixed wings, in NATO you can always have MAT for kind-of-close targets or HAT for longer distance support
    • In NATO there's already a absurd dress up time when connecting (and sometimes respawning) and playing as Russian that is just amplified 2 to 4x as much


  2. @Ryko we played yesterday in Zarg as Russians (against US) and 2 missions were bugged:

    • recover intel from downed heli: The crate was on the corner of the map, no heli on the AO or near the crate
    • tank convoy: mission completed immediately when started

    And not sure sure if related with OPFOR faction or not but the missions that we played only had 1 armed Humvee, the rest was unarmed and didn't really pose a real danger (there were around 6-8 players online at the time)

  3. 38 minutes ago, nathanniles said:

    just Join the sever everything was working fine untill i got the new pc i will make sure all my mods are synced

    This only happens when the server is in fallujah or in other maps too? If only in this map, maybe deleting the map from your PC and re-download it could help

  4. As a medic I have access to the android ctab.

    I make a loadout and quick save it; everything is restored upon respawn except for the ctab, it gives me the default shitty one even when android version is still available in arsenal when I go there and check it.

    For a medic a android is very important, being able to see where the team's are located is very important :)

  5. 4 hours ago, KPSradical said:

    Hello guys, here is my input. I like Kieran's idea and I will tell you why. Right now I have come to the conclusion that If I am alpha team lead I will most likely be the squad lead at some point. Now squad leading comes easy to me but, If I am a team lead and I head out into the field without a Longrange radio and then SL disconnects. Now I have to either A push on with no comms and let everything fall apart, or B, waste time finding SL's body to take his LR. As of lately I have just said fuck it and snuck a LR as Alpha 1 TL because I know the inevitable will happen. Simple fix is to use Kieran's new Squad organization.


    Interesting that I see a lot of TL's carrying LR radios without ASL asking it and even using it when there's a functional chain of command online :/

    When I'm in TL all I want to do is not to have a LR to focus on my job: get my team safe through the mission without chatter in 2 radios getting in the way, usually I even lower the volume on the short range and ask my team to use ingame voice in shouting so we can focus in the enemies instead of nonsense radio messages.


    If ASL disconnects during a mission, tough luck, I still have a 152 radio and with a quick numpad press in "8" I'm in vortex short range with a good 2km reach and can call him in if necessary. If the distance is bigger than what the SR can get to, then use the android and send him a message :)

  6. 2 hours ago, Kieran Collier said:

    TL;DR How can we realistically reduce the workload of ASL and therefore make it a more appealing role?


    I think this is the big question that needs a answer.
    Rearranging the squads, removing/adding roles or rules won't change much of the question above: Why don't people take the leading role?


    Even when there's less than 10 players on, TL is most of the times the last role to be filled.

    I include myself in the "group of people" (no list available) that no longer chooses the leading role and my personal reason is mainly because people don't like others to tell them what to do and do whatever they want and its frustrating to try to lead or choosing the leading role having those past experiences. 

    I've seen other people go past the same experiences while I was taking a lower role and I think there's mainly 2 problems with ASL role:

    • People that appear that can't control the squads they have under them
    • People that take ASL role as a Autorifleman and just get things done "alone" instead of giving commands to the TL's and so on

    Is I said in my personal reasons, I fit in the first option and simply choose not to take it anymore.

    I would like to hear other's opinions on this matter too.

  7. I too agree that the current role structure could be improved (seen to many _recent_ occasions where the SL disconnects (no matter the reason) or simply wasn't filled at all and the organization of the teams was close to negative.


    But... that proposed structure simply would only change to the same as A1 TL would be called ASL and A2 TL would be called BSL.

    I have another idea: Why not increase the size of the A1 team and eliminate the A TL roles? like:

    Alpha Squad Lead
    Alpha Medic

    Alpha AR 1

    Alpha AR 2

    Alpha AR Assistant (yes, 1 assistant for both AR's)

    Alpha Rifleman AT

    Alpha Rifleman AT

    Alpha Marksman

    Alpha Engineer


    In the latest server numbers usually A1 and A2 ins't filled totally so only in special ocasions Alpha would be full being a 8 + leader team.

    That is much more manageable giving the option for ASL to internally promote AR's in the battle (same as the TL roles) but limiting the choice of lead roles to 1 role instead of 3 (ASL, TL A1, TL A2). 



  8. AW MVP 2016: Ryko for all the work in EU3

    AW most friendly admin/staff member 2016: Nicolai

    AW most helpful admin/staff member 2016: Tough pick but I will go with GhostDragon

    AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2016: Almost all EU3 regulars deserve their name here

    AW friendliest user 2016: Scarface

    AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2016: Ren (green uniform everywhere), Amentes when SL

    AW best ARMA pilot 2016: loads of them, Martin KK to nominate one.

    AW best Teamspeak singer 2016: Lone, just check it out: 

    AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2016: Copey

    AW best moment 2016 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): Some moments in EU3 are pure gold, the funny ones most of the times had Minipily in the middle of it

    AW best forum post 2016 (please put url in): idk

    AW best drunk member 2016: idk

    AW best driver 2016: Duffyman

    AW worst driver 2016: Also Duffyman

    AW best baby 2016: idk

    AW most absent staff member 2016: Danne, Young Wolf

    AW best fail 2016: Gamenight from Baconmop where people started in a plane with automatic exit and parachute kick in but 90% fell flat on the ground because they spawned without one :D

    AW best banned member 2016: Reese

  9. 4 hours ago, Slugg087 said:

    #Bug I´ve played the get the radio codes on fallujah but when i got to the radio station i couldnt get any popup for getting the codes so i had to abort it. I used the vanilla arma scrolling.


    #Bug Just played lingor and the eliminate HVT mission autocompleted and then the radio tower was next and it autocompleted aswell


    #Suggested improvement. This is on every map: You can spawn a MAT crate but its only for the SMMAW. I would love a MAT crate for the MAAWS

    Radio_codes: It had happened to me too but in the last few days (weekend maybe?) I played the same mission in Fallujah as well and it worked fine...

    MAAWS crate: +1 to that too!

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