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Lost Bullet

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Posts posted by Lost Bullet

  1. I don't carry minimum ammunition or go full retard into AOs but more than once I've reached a point where I was down to the last magazine.

    As I usually use a weapon that doesn't take other's rounds (except for traditional 5.56 tracers) I've also ended in a situation where there wasn't extra ammo I could take from anyone. In those situations usually there are already friendlies down all around and I can take their ammo or standard 5.56 gun.

    If by a miracle there aren't 5.56 rounds anywhere or "spare" 5.56 guns I would probably wait for a ressuply rather than take a AK from a enemy, but let me be clear, I'm saying probably no, but every situation is different and in a kill or die situation that choice is easy.


    I understand why the change was made but sometimes its better to beat one than to punish everyone.

  2. Bad news for all the AT support guys, done some playing yesterday in AT slot and:

    • Shooting the Titan from the gunner seat in the prowler will explode your vehicle
    • The Titan now shoots "kind of" in top mode, meaning that the rocket will first go straight into the air instead of forward. In a quick test that I made its impossible to shoot targets closer than 150m with or without lock on the vehicle.
  3. I really like those ideas, specially the give ASL the control over when to paradrop, in Gauntlet that could be easily implemented with the control being given to the pilot of the aircraft and when the action was performed everyone except pilot and co-pilot would be ejected from the helicopter/plane. That could even give the cool effect of the sequencial paradrop by forcing the eject with a given interval (e.g. every 0.5s) and forcing the parachute to open after a certain time (I can already imagine the cinematics of that!).


    Excellent ideas @D34TH:)


  4. 2 hours ago, Miczils said:

    The problem is the clash of different beliefs and mentalities - and i think that should be adressed, instead of saying that "SLS are bad" or "Those people are bad at it". And at the same time, a little advice from the realism side of the wall, sometimes its a very good idea to listen to people on the other side of that conflict, and find a common ground, that's when everybody has the most fun, and that's what AWE stands for. 
    But hey, that is just my opinion.


    I didn't point any finger at anyone, I expressed my opinion of what I think is wrong.
    More on my personal opinions:
    Alpha has 10 slots (excluding ASL and Medic). If those 10 players go to a town to kill the remaining 10 guys its not really that fun. I rather die a few times or be pinned down by armor for several minutes (waiting for the support group(s) to get into position to take it down) than go into a mission and fire a single shot or don't shoot at all.


    I guess that any server can't make everyone happy, if that was the case than people wouldn't come to AWE from MilSIM or go from AWE to MilSIM servers, nevertheless AWE should in my opinion make the majority of players happy, and the majority is infantry units.

  5. SLs: most of them are bad at that job, period.

    Now to give some context.

    NOTE: If you are learning or inexperienced I will gladly help you at any role, including SL/PCO. /NOTE


    By bad I don't mean those that don't know how to do it, in those cases its just inexperience and that can be learned.

    What I'm talking about is bad SLs. The ones that decide to leave a mission to the support groups to take (e.g. call in vortex to take out a mission target when troops are at still at base or on route), the ones that give orders and no one understands why (take a convoy of 20km when vortex could safely drop troops in 5min), SLs that think that its a perfect idea to sit in a hilltop and snipe all targets.
    Those and other types, I don't like them as SLs/PCO. I don't have fun playing when they are leading and usually I rather go play something else or go into EU1, there at least I know exactly what to expect of the other players in the server.


    Again, I don't know much or what I know could possibly not be useful, but I will give all my knowledge away to anyone willing to learn it, just don't ask me to play when the command structure is like the examples above.

  6. 12 hours ago, GandalfTheCray said:

    Pvt. @BloodInTheSand survives three (3!) 82mm mortar strikes, cooks off a BTR with a frag grenade, and gets run over by a BMP. He made it out alive.


    Featuring @IOnceWasATeddy, @Arkod, @hobnob11 et al.


    Lots of explosions and girly screaming.



    I have to confess that I'm making this comment at the moment you started to patch yourself after the first mortar, and I'm doing that just to comment:
    TOURNIQUETS! Always apply Tourniquets to limbs and than start patching, as a Medic you should know that :)

    Now back to the rest of the movie...

  7. 18 minutes ago, THE PUNISHER said:

    Can you add in game lobby pilot slots for a gunship heli,Buzzard and Blackfish?Last night only two pilots are transported a troops to AO and side mission other two was in gunship heli.Only a few players was in the AO and others was in the main base and FOB-s.

    gunner doesn't need to be pilot as Sozio said, its even advised that the gunner is a repair specialist in case of the bird goes down and the pilot manages to land without exploding :)

  8. 2 hours ago, Jason. said:


    I don't think this would be too hard to fix since you could probably limit each player to only claim one or two vehicles. So claiming a new one would reset his previous claims


    18 minutes ago, GamerbugUK said:


    I assume it'd be more like the friendly fire protection, "you may not fire while at base"/"you may not lock a vehicle whilst at base". Once you get x meters outside you can lock the vehicle.


    Controlling if that unit is the "owner" of that vehicle is straightforward and would just be similar to the pilot lock of helicopters.

    The problem is prevent the player from locking several vehicles (1 or more), as from what I'm thinking, everytime the player tried to lock a vehicle a map wide call for all vehicles add to be made and check each one for the locking status. And THAT is a performance killer.

  9. 1) Troll goes in base, enters all vehicles and locks them all up to himself

    2) Watches the world burn


    The only situation where I would see this being useful is in the (future) reward system where the vehicle would be automatically locked for a few minutes to the person/group that spawn it.

  10. We have the pleasure of announcing the release of a new I&A 3 version, quick change-log:

    • Clear inventory of vehicles (only driver can do it)
    • New side mission  - rescue downed AI BLUFOR elements
    • Deadlock fix in AO rotation - Less mission restarts
    • Under the hood changes for Priority missions
    • Under the hood changes to both the main AOs and side missions
    • Fixed certain units spawning damaged
    • Tweaked zeus related things
    • Fixed (altis) frini woods AO


    Keep those suggestions coming, new versions are always in the pipeline for release!

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