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Everything posted by Stuffedsheep

  1. Which games are you looking forward to in the remaining quarter of 2014 and in 2015? And why? Myself, I'm Interested in three games right now; 1. GTA 5 why? well because GTA 5. 2. Rainbow six Siege Finally a game that focuses of CQB and has a cops and crooks setup. And don't forget the destruction 3. Tom Clancy's The Division Because the graphics look awesome and so does the gameplay. My only worries are that it is being produced for console, seen the let down watchdogs produced. I'm just hoping it will be a great game.
  2. but have you ever heard a door make a sound in that time up until a month ago?
  3. well the CH products padles are a bit cheaper, and I have read some really good reviews about them. And from what I've read, I would buy the CH paddles. but thats my opinion. and the x55 had some negative reviews in may, I dont know if saitek addressed some of those issues, but its worth finding out.
  4. 200 pounds for both HOTAS and padles? or just for the HOTAS? And are you planning on buying them in sweden, or from amazon or somewhere else? this may affect the price a lot. There are not that many rudder padles out there, Saitek has 2 types(normal and combat), CH products have one and then there are the MFG Crosswind padles (cost like 300 pounds) There is not much more choice with a decent HOTAS. like Cain mentioned the Trustmaster HOTAS X, then there are the Saitek X52(and the pro version) and X55(on the price limit). I believe Hoax uses a CH products flightstick pro, which he finds really nice. though its not much for looks, he saids its a really good and responsive flightstick. Also I found that CH products are generally hard to find.
  5. Dave, you should clean you car, there is grass hanging from you bumper.
  6. Well, the problem here seems to be that it spawns one complete AA tank platoon(2x t100, 2x tigres). The infantry groups that spawn varies from 0 to 2, so it can be either 0,1 or 2 groups if I'm not mistaken. what you could to is something like this: _x = 0; for "_x" from 0 to 2 do { _randomPos = [_flatPos, 50,6] call aw_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "O_MBT_02_base_F")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroup, _flatPos, 100] call aw_fnc_spawn2_randomPatrol; [(units _spawnGroup)] call aw_setGroupSkill; _unitsArray = _unitsArray + [_spawnGroup]; }; _x = 0; for "_x" from 0 to 2 do { _randomPos = [_flatPos, 50,6] call aw_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroup, _flatPos, 100] call aw_fnc_spawn2_randomPatrol; [(units _spawnGroup)] call aw_setGroupSkill; _unitsArray = _unitsArray + [_spawnGroup]; };
  7. Okay, So the reason why you where banned states: Killed over 12 people at base using an AT launcher and a LMG. Now you state that your ban should be lifted because one of your friends went on a teamkilling spree and not yourself. I will not lift the ban for this reason, as there is no way for me to verify the legitimacy of this reason. You also stated that you played with Leutin09 on a weekly basis. Not only does this put Leutin in bad spotlight, it also makes me doubt that you play with him on a weekly basis, because this ban went in effect over 2 months ago and if you did play with him that often I would have expected a ban appeal a lot sooner. Now I am willing to consider lifting the ban if I get some confirmation from Leutin himself about you playing with him and you being a decent player in general. I would also like to know to which admin you spoke with about your ban.
  8. I doubt it. and even if we could, this is more likely to happen.... we all know ArmA to well...
  9. Hey H3rm1t, I'm going to assume you are using 2.77L_C, if not it will be similar in other versions. 1. Open this .sqf: co45_AW_Invade_Annex_2_77L_C.Altis\scripts\=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf 2. With in the "=BTC=_revive_init.sqf" go to line 21. it should say: BTC_who_can_revive = ["B_medic_F","B_recon_medic_F"]; 3. Replace the: "B_medic_F","B_recon_medic_F" part with "man" 4. Save it and you're set.
  10. I changed the password on the server. The reason the channel is password protected is that we don't want people to Join mid game and start talking in the channel without TFAR. There is also a "Setup Room" just below it that clearly states "READ THE DESCRIPTION"(which was not in capslock but now it is), and in the description it explains step by step what to do to join the channel. So if you want to join the TFAR channel, just follow the steps that are explained in the "Setup room - READ THE DESCRIPTION" channel description and you will be fine.
  11. or....... two littlebirds with flares
  12. so I found this on the steam workshop. I know most of the mission makers here hate to change all the units to "playable" because it's such a drag. This is basicly a pbo that allows you to hold the "Alt" key and dubble click on a unit to set him as playable. here is a dropbox download link
  13. the thing I like the most about this video is that half of it is in Chernarus.
  14. also some points: maybe a mag repack script would be nice now that we use AGM. Also ArmA's own respawn system that we had before, where you can select the respawn points so we can have FOB's. and create new points create the new deployment base, and some FOB's.
  15. its like ETS2 in mud on steroids, with actual physics. I like it
  16. Hoax, If CoD players would switch to this, they would go insane. I mean, most CoD players do not understand the word "Destruction" because they've never seen it.They are It is as simple as that. and other than that, the release date was 2015. So they have at least 6 more months to make something of it.
  17. and?? is it just BF4 with new weapons vehicles and gamemodes?
  18. there was also a RS game called patriots to be released in 2013, but that never happened because they scratched it. the website still exists though and it still has a pre-order button.... and then there is the RS Siege website which has even less info than the patriots website.....
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