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Everything posted by Stuffedsheep

  1. yes, i have a question; what mods will be running on the server? will it be the JTF2 addon pack?
  2. we all know there was a big Arma 3 update today, it included the first campaign episode, some new guns and items and a lot of bug fixes. one of those bug fixes is the server crashing when paragliding. Quote: ''Fixed: Crash related to paragliding in MP'' So I suggest we try this out this weekend to see if it is actually fixed and if it is fixed we could remove the parachute restrictions from I&A. We can also test the bullet penetration of some vehicles and weapons at the same time. so let me know what you think of this idea Arma 3 Spotrep 13
  3. I watched it and i thought I was tripping o,O
  4. i love them all, lets just put them all in!
  5. Some super cool new stuff has been added to payday 2 today! masks, patterns a new gun and more!! check out the webside here!
  6. some planned future map changes here, may be interesting for custom missions The new Compounds Stadium in real life Hotel in real life Source: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167668-Altis-map-planned-changes
  7. I signed up aswell 1. Marksman 2. Ammobearer (the mule ) 3. Auto rifleman and tomorrow the new dlc will be released so we can use the revolver, the new opfor marksman rifle and maybe even the new fixed wing aircraft
  8. this will change my gameplay style but anyone up for a field test?
  9. when in doubt find reddit it out also go to uk.pcpartpicker.com is really helpfull, once you pick a processor if will only show the mobo's with the socket that processor uses, and it has a lot more nice things. and 650Watt power supply it more then enough, you will probably use about 400-450
  10. As we all know the Hunter HMG is not the favorite vehicle of choice (for most), but what if we compare it to the real life version, the Oskkosh M-ATV? Will your opinion change? The Hunter HMG And then the Oskkosh M-ATV Did your opinion just change? just keep in mind the starting price is $470.000, so its a bargain Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshkosh_M-ATV
  11. This should help you get started, if you don't have it already
  12. Welcome back! It is always good to have a paper map! even pro's use them! and as the Frenchman said; the ''here'' link isn't working
  13. A DayZERO campfire with Poldi, Laforte and myself We ate some bacon drank some coke before heading out to search the local airfield for some valuables.
  14. hhmmm, interesting Never use Play With Six before, maybe this is the moment to start
  15. Well that happens when people finish the side/main AO's without killing all the AI, also I don't think the pawnee's dagr missiles do any damage against a T-100. I think this is an easy solution, but it should only kill infantry. The reason for this is that you could simply let the Mi-48 chase you to base and when it gets there it will be destroyed instantly.
  16. Only 17 more ''dayz'' until we have to ''survive'', I hope ill ''survive'' these next 17 ''dayz''
  17. ill keep the unrealistic 3d sights. 3d is 10 times better then 2d
  18. I do. The occurrence of enemy AI wondering into friendly base is very rare, in my opinion so rare not to be bothered with it. And if it happens you can use vehicle mounted weapons or player assembled weapons [HMG, GMG]to kill them. this is what most people do when the Mi-48 fly's over base, which happens a lot more.
  19. What happened after being afk on the server for some minutes Parallel Parking
  20. or pedals, mouse and keyboard, and maybe later a good and more expensive stick between you legs (you know what I mean )
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