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Looking for travel partner to Chernobyl/Kiev


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Im keeping it short for now and will provide additional information later. Im looking for somebody to travel with me (from schiphol-amsterdam) to Kiev, Ukraine as im planning to visit chernobyl/prypjat. I have no date set yet, but it will be in february/march or maybe beginning of april. You can join me on my visit into the redzone or stay in kiev and have a look around there. Im going in with a personal guide, if you decide to join we will be with the 2 of us. Price (ticket/hotel/transport) will be around 300 euro but i can help out a bit if needed. The guide  (english speaking) itself costs around 1000 euro for 2 days, payd by me. The trip will last 4 days and ill spend 1 night in the redzone (you can sleep in kiev if you want). This offer is not exclusive for ahoy, im asking on other places (travel-sites) aswell as i expect nobody here will have the -whatever- to join me (prove me wrong)!

More info: https://chernobyl-tour.com/english/




1) There can be some changes due to weather conditions.
2) You can see location of the objects/sites at the map of the Chernobyl Zone.
Day 1:
- field camp of the 25th brigade of radiation, chemical and bacteriological protection;
- the Zone checkpoint "Dytyatki";
- abandoned village of Zalissja;
- bypass road to the NPP around the town of Chernobyl, built during the first month after the accident;
- eliminated village of Kopachi;
- decontaminated Red Forest, located on the trace of the worst, first release of the radiation directly after the explosion;
- town of Pripyat, which had population of 50 thousand before the evacuation:
the building of fire station, which crews arrived the second to extinguish fire at the NPP on the night of explosion on April 26, 1986 
building of the townhouse - the first headquarters for mitigation of the accident's consequences
hotel "Polissya" which was an observation point for correcting helicopter operations over the ruin of the 4th reactor
a hospital, which accommodated the firemen and NPP workers, badly affected by the accident 
- Chernobyl NPP:
the Sarcophagus and New Safe Confinement ("Arch”) – observation lot
fire station at the NPP; its crews arrived the first to extinguish fire at the NPP after explosion
memorial park and monument near the administrative building, where used to be an enormous parking lot in 1986
feeding giant catfish in the NPP cooling pond (depending on the season)
- town of Chernobyl:
helicopter pad
place of a former parking lot for armored vehicles of radiation reconnaissance
exhibition of vehicles which participated in mitigation of the accident
fire station of Chernobyl-town: its crews arrived the third to extinguish fire at the NPP after the explosion
monument to Chernobyl heroes: a floral tribute
- settling in a hotel;
dinner in Chernobyl-town

Day 2:
breakfast in Chernobyl-town;
- town of Pripyat, extended acquaintance;
- the cooling towers of the third stage of the Chernobyl NPP;
- abandoned experimental station of radiation biology of animal subjects;
- the railway station "Yanov"
the secret soviet object Chernobyl-2 (radar "DUGA-1");
- left bank of Pripyat river, acquaintance with nature of the river flood plain;
- Paryshev village, meeting with selfsettlers-samosely.



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"Get out of here,Stalker !"


at least someone doesnt do boring vacations,right

And who would miss out on hotels with no guaranteed hot water supply,eh?

I´m quite sure i cant make that timeline,but i m reconsidering it.


Also,starting from NLD equals to having a mediocre stash of weeds to begin with ?️‍♂️



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I guarantee you're gonna love it, and not having to drag along a bunch of other tourists is gonna be great :)


You might see some armed uniforms around, after Crimea, so be prepared for that.


If you find an apple on a tree, chances are you can eat it with no ill effects.


Don't put anything on the ground. Anywhere. Ever.


On 1/10/2019 at 9:39 AM, GamerbugUK said:

Day 3 Mutate.

There are actual mutant fish in the outdoor pool previously used for the reactor cooling systems.


Beg anyone you can to be allowed into one of the reactor buildings. No, it's not dangerous, but it's mostly students and others with professional interests who get allowed in.


Have a good trip :)


Oh, and I'll leave this link here for anyone who wants more Zone:


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Hey @Michal


Yeah, its alot of money, the private guide is what it makes so expensive, but theres a few thing i want to do/see that does not include in normal tours. I would like to stand on masha (the roof next to the reactor) and see inside the dome. Im even trying te get close to the elephants foot.


Would like to have a chat with you on teamspeak, might do it when ur back so i can learn from your experiences. In advance: have a good trip, i hope youll learn alot and remember the sacrifice those people made, especially the liquidators and firefighters.

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How close?

That thing is still pretty radioactive (elephant's foot). Funf act: picture of it was taken from behind a bend in the corridor, using two mirrors. Trying to get a direct picture resulted in camera being fried by radiation.

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