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  1. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to RiverWolf in Introduction of Regular Community Meetings   
    Thank you again for the community meeting I felt it was welcoming and had quite a chill feeling to it but most importantly it was good to share ideas as one whole. Here's to many more productive meetings 👍
  2. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from MidnightRunner in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Lovely there are a lot of nice tweaks and additions in this one, thanks guys.  I like the medical ones especially.
  3. Thanks
    OcUK-Timo reacted to MidnightRunner in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Changelog for 3.4.07
    - [Added] Disclaimer message when opening UAV Terminal
    - [Added] Chance for ATGMs on UAVs
    - [Added] Next AO hint and spawn delay
    - [Added] Revive actions for medical vehicles
    - [Added] Backend Discord functionality
    - [Added][Altis] Mainbase teleporter to docks
    - [Added][Altis] Main AO SubObj Mortar Team
    - [Added][Altis] Main AO SubObj AA Fortification
    - [Added][Altis] Main AO SubObj AAA Fortification
    - [Fixed] Sidemission Destroyer not despawning
    - [Fixed] Downed player medical icon Z position
    - [Tweaked] Sidemission SecureAsset holdaction range
    - [Tweaked] Enemy CAS jet type probability
    - [Tweaked] Abandoned vehicles moved to spawnpoint get health and fuel
    - [Tweaked] Repair/Refuel actions
    - [Tweaked] Supplycrate contents and drop actions
    - [Tweaked][Altis] Main AO garrisoned building set to indestructible
    - [Tweaked][Altis] Helicopter respawn delay increased (2 -> 5 min.)
    - [Tweaked][Altis] Main AO SubObj Comms nearObjects range
    - [Removed] Deprecated defines
  4. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from RiverWolf in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Happy to see my first requested tweak is happening, thanks for that. 😃
  5. Thanks
    OcUK-Timo reacted to MidnightRunner in Servers after the CBA update.   
    Was a key issue, sorted now 
  6. Sad
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from RiverWolf in [AWE] Operation Teakettle 20/06/2021 @ 1800 UTC   
    I have to work for 2-3 hours every evening from about right now.  I'll be joining in with game nights later in the year when the days are much shorter and I get finished much earlier.
  7. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from JJ Cakes in Mike Force - SOG Prairie Fire.   
    Yes great I found this last night, I got on EU2 no problem and thought maybe I'd do a little familiarising. Unlucky for me it was night time in game as well I like the persistance of the mode from the little I've seen of it so far.  Hopefully catch some of you in there soon.
  8. Sad
    OcUK-Timo reacted to MidnightRunner in Statement relating to Loss of Public Staff members   
    Note to all members from the Core Staff team:
    As several of you have already noted the public staff team has been reduced in number, I will detail here what information I can while respecting the privacy and confidence of those involved.
    On May 20th Core staff received an admin report (Note 1) against 2 members of staff. Within 3 hours a member of Core Staff concluded in favour of the report and took action against one of the reported parties, removing them from a staff role they held, this is not in line with the standard practice for admin reports (Note 2). 
    In the days that followed Core Staff followed the procedure noted below in Note 2. 
    We believe that our ability to investigate the situation in the manner described in Note 2 was harmed by the way the report was handled initially. This fostered an "Us V Them" mentality and likely led to the reactions explained in the next paragraph.
    During this time following the demotion of a staff member, several members of staff aware of the demotion and of the admin report (aware of its existence but with no access to its content) came to the conclusion that the reported persons were guilty and should be banned. 
    Some even stated that they would resign should Core Staff not find in their favour.
    Core Staff asked for calm while they completed a proper investigation into the matter.
    Following the several day investigation Core Staff met and reviewed all the gathered and available information and found that there was no clear evidence that a rule had been broken. There was what could be called circumstantial evidence but nothing more. 
    A number of members of staff unhappy with decision resigned, including the member of Core Staff who had acted in error in the first instance.
    Core staff believe that they acted with fairness to all parties in mind.
    We would be setting a worrying precedent if staff members were allowed to dictate who was guilty without reviewing the evidence first, especially in the case of an admin report. (Note 3) 
    I would like to stress that other than the person described above no members were removed from a staff role.
    The nature of these events is unfortunate and regrettable.  Many of the staff members who resigned were members whom I call my friends, and I along with the rest of the Core Staff team would like to thank them for all they have done for Ahoyworld during their tenure and wish them the best in the future. 
    If anyone has any questions relating to this please direct them to me and I will be happy to share any information I can while respecting the privacy of those involved.
    Note 1
    An Admin report is the tool available for members to submit a report relating to a member of staff. It is similar to that of the "Player Report" function except an Admin Report is visible to Core Staff only. Both can be found along the top bar of the forum under the report heading.
    Note 2
    The normal procedure when Core Staff receive an admin report is to spend a number of days speaking to those involved and collating all available information on the matter before meeting as a team and reviewing the information gathered and making a decision on the matter.
    This allows Core Staff to  investigate a situation thoroughly, with discretion taking our time to come to a fair conclusion on the issues reported.
    Note 3
    Staff members are routinely included and their conclusions used in respect of player reports but not Admin reports as it would not be appropriate. 
  9. Sad
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from SiegeSix in [AWE] Operation Teakettle 20/06/2021 @ 1800 UTC   
    I have to work for 2-3 hours every evening from about right now.  I'll be joining in with game nights later in the year when the days are much shorter and I get finished much earlier.
  10. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to Whigital in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Done ....
  11. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from pmcrugby in Hello there   
    Haha yeah I've been playing Mike Force a lot this week on EU2, that is changing to I&A Prairie Fire for tomorrow.  I'll probably be on there a fair bit once that is live, though I noticed you have the DLC as well so come join us trying that out.  For tonight I'm about to join a busy looking EU1.  See you soon 😄
  12. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from pmcrugby in Hello there   
    Hello PewPew,
    Good to see another familiar name joining us.
    Our run in the ambulance some days ago was really good fun, I hope we get to do it again sometime.
  13. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from MrPewPewLaser in Hello there   
    Haha yeah I've been playing Mike Force a lot this week on EU2, that is changing to I&A Prairie Fire for tomorrow.  I'll probably be on there a fair bit once that is live, though I noticed you have the DLC as well so come join us trying that out.  For tonight I'm about to join a busy looking EU1.  See you soon 😄
  14. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to MrPewPewLaser in Hello there   
    I really hope so!
    I've been checking to see if you're on once I join the server but no luck yet.
  15. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from MrPewPewLaser in Hello there   
    Hello PewPew,
    Good to see another familiar name joining us.
    Our run in the ambulance some days ago was really good fun, I hope we get to do it again sometime.
  16. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to MrPewPewLaser in Hello there   
    Been playing for a while and finally decided to join the forum and give some support to the creators.
    I hope to see you all out there! 😄
  17. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to Murph in Stargate Arma Gamenight 25/05/2021 @18:00UTC SG-Ahoy   
    Mission Name:
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mod Preset:
    TS. Ahoyworld.net
    Mission brief 18:00 UTC.  Additional items in brief will be new weapons available.
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (including brief).
    Player Slots:
    18 + 3 Zeus
    For those of you not familiar with Stargate I’ll crash course the lore below.
    P3X-996 is a world specialising in naquada mining.  Its gate is located in a temple complex in the equatorial desert. The inhabitants would be classed as nomadic living in tribal, pre feudal, society and are considered friendly.
    SG 24 was to facilitate trade with locals in exchange for small quantities of naqaudah.  Their cultural specialist Dr Adams, reported the temple complex containing the gate contained multiple references to Anat.  Specifically to her ‘sanctuary’.
    Anat was the Semitic Cultures' (those from Syria to Egypt and as far south as Yemen) Goddess of War and fertility.  She’s the older sister and consort of Baal who would regularly slaughter those who opposed him.  In myth when Baal died, she killed his murderer and later resurrected him.  Dr Adams hypothesised that Anat was a Goa’uld queen, her current whereabouts, unknown.
    SG 24 have missed their assigned check in and are unresponsive.
    As the MALP cannot leave the complex, SG teams 21, 22, and 23 will travel to P3X-996 and establish the reason for communications blackout.
    Support will be what you carry through the gate.  Some supplies from SG 24 may be in situ.
    SG teams will move to the local village nearby the gate and establish what has happened to the team.
    Civilians are expected in the area so check your targets and if using explosives make sure civilians are not caught in the blast radius.
    Upon making contact with SG 24 a new respawn will be placed, logistics will be what you can carry through the gate.
    Command and Control:
    Operational command will be with one of the Team Leaders.
    Symptoms of Goa’uld possession include, but are not limited to, skimpy fashion sense, superiority complex, deep voice, glowing eyes, and inexplicable outbursts of “I am a god!”, homicidal rage, paranoia, and, irrational fear of O’Neill spelt with 2 ‘L’s.
    Depending on feedback will determine a continuation and the illustrious acting of the one and only Xwatt and his understudy Jenkins…
    Lore Dump:

    Goa’uld Symbiotes:


    Goa'uld Society:
  18. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from SenileDysfunction in Tada!   
    Hey there Senile, welcome and good to see you here.
  19. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to Norris in Invade & Annex 3 Prairie Fire 23/05/2021.   
    Launching: Sunday 23rd May @ 04:00 UTC on EU 2
    Server Details:
    Port: 2602
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net or join here
    Discord: Join here
    Server Slots: 61
    Allowed Mods:  click here
    Slots & Assets
    Server Rules 
    AhoyWorld General + I&A Ruleset applies

  20. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to SenileDysfunction in Tada!   
    Senile here, been playing in EU1 for some time and I just decided to join the forums and check it out 😆
  21. Like
    OcUK-Timo got a reaction from RiverWolf in Enhanced Map   
    Another vote for this, would be good to see it on EU1, I've always thought the standard map is rather plain.
  22. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to TacticalError in More Ambulance Spawns and Better Ambulances.   
    I get the point of them being really annoying if constantly unnecessarily spamming them, but I have a few reasons why they are good to have.
    1. using them to alert players to not walk infront of the ambulance when there is an "emergency" (driving to a dead player at AO). Much like in real life.
    In this situation toggleable sirens would allow the driver to focus on driving and communicating.
    2. Some downed players might not hit the "force respawn" button if they hear from the sirens that a ambulance is on the way.
    3. The LMB sirens work as a horn to alert vehicles blocking or players walking in the middle of the road, since the ambulance doesn't have a horn.
    In my experience playing on the server (over a year or so, playing here and there), I've seen the ambulance be used by someone other than me twice. And in my time playing the ambulance, I have not heard anyone complain about my use of the sirens, most people have embraiced it. I get that not all people use the sirens like me and might over use them. Maybe making it clear that unnecessary use of sirens is not allowed, maybe with a punishment as a pop up notification when entering the ambulance could be enough.
    But if the sirens are too much, at least give it the pretty light, otherwise it's just a van with some paint on it...
    In the end sirens aren't the biggest issue of playing the ambulance at the moment it's the far away spawnpoint. 
  23. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to Whigital in Permanent siren off on vehicle exit   
    Addressed in I&A 3.3.73, which should go live any day. This (should) apply to all vehicles with beacons/sirens that are available as rewards:
  24. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to Norris in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Below is the change log for 3.3.73. It will go live after the restart on 05/10/2021.
    - [Added] Discord rich presence
    - [Added] Transport heli to FOB Guardian
    - [Added] Vanbulance to FOB Guardian
    - [Added] FOB vehicle randomization
    - [Added] Main AO garrison building blacklist
    - [Added] Allow storing weapon in backpack
    - [Added] Enhancements based on Main AO type
    - [Added] Drone despawn action for UAV Op
    - [Added] Homebase to vehicle respawn timer list
    - [Fixed] Ghosthawk turret action
    - [Fixed] Main AO Tank SubObj cleanup
    - [Tweaked] Randomization of OPFOR vehicle appearances
    - [Tweaked] Pylon loadout function
    - [Tweaked] OPFOR unit definitions for Main AO, Side and Priority 
    - [Tweaked] Vehicle beacon/sirens
    - [Tweaked] Vehicle respawn/despawn
    - [Tweaked] Reward vehicle pool
    - [Tweaked] Main AO selection
    - [Tweaked] Allow AT to pick up enemy LAT launchers
    - [Removed] Twin 20mm cannon from Orca CAS
  25. Like
    OcUK-Timo reacted to pmcrugby in a very belated Hello !   
    A few of you may know who I am ;). I go by PMCRUGBY in-game but you can call me 'PMC' or 'RUGBY' or 'That Guy' I don't really mind what I'm called. I'm 16 almost 17, live in the south of the UK. I tend to play EU3 and the game nights. Discord is the best place to reach me (as you can see, despite playing on Ahoyworld since January I am only saying Hi now.) I'm down as PMCRUGBY on Ahoyworld's discord or my unique ID is Pat Riss#6969. Hope to see anyone I haven't already met ingame!!
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