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  1. Like
    David got a reaction from PiranhA in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).
    In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.

  2. Like
    David got a reaction from mechE in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).
    In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.

  3. Like
    David got a reaction from PERO in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).
    In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.

  4. Like
    David reacted to Reidy in CUP - Is it an Upgrade   
    So tonight the repository finally did the update of which we all knew was coming, entering a transition period between the now and then the end goal of the mods they wish to use. They main mod to leave our collection at this moment is the TRYK pack, with the new appearance of CUP Units, Weapons and Vehicles with their ACE compatibility mods also.
    I haven't really extensively looked into the CUP mods, exception of the terrains, until tonight where I spent a good amount of time until a point where I can truly say I've gathered an opinion of the mod. Personally I really don't like the weapons, and this is a huge down flaw to me as we will be using them quite often, we have SMA also however this pack mainly only contains assault rifles. The other weapons e.g. the SAW or other squad support weapons will be down to the CUP pack once we finally remove the RHS pack which used to provide our M249s and M240s for the MMG squad. The scopes and models for the gun, I can truly say are horrific after using SMA and RHS equivalents. The sounds also are unappetizing however this is a down to preference whereas the textures and overall quality of the weapons can be clearly seen and agreed.
    The clothing also shares this bad quality as well, and after speaking to many others about this they agree with the fact that the CUP uniforms are a bad quality from the modeling of how it fits onto the players body, all the way down to the textures used. Vests and Helmets likewise with a noticeable lack of helmets. This however is an issue that can be avoided with the confirmed fact of an Ahoy World Uniforms mod to release shortly to add back the advantages of TRYK, without the issues it brought with it. However this doesn't apply to the units that we will be pitched against. This I personally will view as a huge flaw within the Mod pack as such vast difference in the quality of the units.

    I personally don't like the CUP mod however this is a matter of opinion due to I don't believe in the re-occurrence of the ArmA 2 items into the ArmA 3 Game is a good idea, more of a "been there done that" as I've accumulated more hours on ArmA 2 than ArmA 3 so far. Along with my personal preferance of the A2 textures and quality of models doesn't fit into the Arma 3 environment as anyone whose played both the games can tell you, one of the huge differences between the two games is the Graphics within them.
    Whats the rest of the communities thoughts on the CUP mod now that most of us have had a hands-on experience with it? 
  5. Like
    David reacted to kartikmathur123 in Hello let's be friends   
    I am new to ARMA, I've spent more time watching videos of ARMA than playing it. 
    I like James Brown, and the colour brown. Yes, I am brown and no you cannot make fun of my accent because I don't think it's that bad.
    You can find me in game as Goliath. It took me 15 mins to decided a name because I think it makes a good impression on your peers if you are new. 
    I drink lots of coffee and my doctor says I'm slightly overweight but I'm working on it. I do like some broccoli once in a while.
    I live on a small island called Bahrain (but my nationality is a secret). We have lots of Banks here, host the Formula 1 every year and have a bunch of protests against the ruling family once in a while. 
    In ARMA I enjoy flying helicopters and planes but I'm terrible at flying them. I also enjoy sniping but I had no clue how to zero my weapon until a week back (after some 120+ hours of game time).
    Sometimes I kill things, it makes me very happy. I frequently check the scoreboard to see if I'm doing better than my peers so that we can brag about it later. Also I despise casual gamers because I think it's cool to hate console scrubs. 
    I've been a console scrub for about 8 years, it feels good to ascend to the master race. I'm thinking of getting a golden colour bath robe.
    Jokes aside, really looking forward to spending time on EU3#. I haven't played a lot of tactical shooters, it's liberating.
    I've played EVE Online for about 3 years and I'm aware of comms discipline and precise communication. I think I'll be a good fit. 
    Basically what I said was I know when to shut up and take orders. 
    So see you guys out there. 
    Let's be friends

  6. Like
    David got a reaction from lexota in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).
    In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.

  7. Like
    David got a reaction from Iranzan in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  8. Like
    David got a reaction from Titangames98 in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  9. Like
    David got a reaction from Louis in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  10. Like
    David got a reaction from mechE in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  11. Like
    David got a reaction from aalp234_Game in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  12. Like
    David got a reaction from Max in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  13. Like
    David got a reaction from TheToxicPixels in Good Bye Everybody   
    It was clearly explained last night to you that if you were to get banned again it would be a permanent one. I entered the EU1 channel to start playing to find you and two others being disruptive by playing wasteland, crossed comms is no fun for anyone & instructed you to make your own channel in the other games (this is exactly what it's for) and you did. Then you came back and started again, I told you not to do it up in the EU1 channel to which you said words to the effect of "Well I am and you can't ban me for it". Guess what, I can & did. I decided to be generous and give you only a week instead of a permanent one that you were due.
  14. Like
    David got a reaction from TheToxicPixels in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  15. Like
    David got a reaction from Plant1ing in Player report form   
    It was recently suggested that a player report form be added to report players when admins aren't around. It can be found at the top of the site under "player tools" (which is also new and has quite a few useful links) and clicking "report player". You can also find it at www.ahoyworld.co.uk/pr and when I&A is updated you can find it by QR code at the base so you can do it on mobile without even tabbing out!
    You don't need to provide evidence but reports without evidence can be open to doubt so if you can, please do!
  16. Like
    David got a reaction from TheToxicPixels in Thanks Razgriz33   
  17. Like
    David got a reaction from PiranhA in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  18. Like
    David got a reaction from Origins in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  19. Like
    David got a reaction from PERO in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  20. Like
    David got a reaction from lexota in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  21. Like
    David got a reaction from GhostDragon in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  22. Like
    David got a reaction from ifnt05 in Player report form   
    It was recently suggested that a player report form be added to report players when admins aren't around. It can be found at the top of the site under "player tools" (which is also new and has quite a few useful links) and clicking "report player". You can also find it at www.ahoyworld.co.uk/pr and when I&A is updated you can find it by QR code at the base so you can do it on mobile without even tabbing out!
    You don't need to provide evidence but reports without evidence can be open to doubt so if you can, please do!
  23. Like
    David got a reaction from Archon in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  24. Like
    David got a reaction from Mark T in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  25. Like
    David got a reaction from razgriz33 in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

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