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    Jocky reacted to P057code in Lirus ban appeal discussion   
    However, now is not the time or place for us to be discussing the ban, the reasons behind it, or what exactly has occurred that has led to this stage.
    I get on well with Liru (and a lot of the other guys complaining about his ban), and can understand their frustrations about everything thats gone on tonight, even if I don't entirely agree with the way in which they've voiced this.
    I'm sure that whoever looks into the ban appeal will look at it with an open mind on everything, and doesn't let what has occurred cloud their judgement, then I hope a decision will be made to everyones satisfaction. However, I make this appeal to anyone involved.
    Whatever your thoughts on what has happened, don't turn this into a flame war. We're all apparently adults, and know the way that we should behave.
  2. Like
    Jocky reacted to Liru the Lcpl. in [UNOFFICIAL] Operation Redguard: July 24th (Sunday) 4:00pm EST/20:00 GMT   
    Ok guys, so I've refined everything slightly for the sake of artistic appeal, and am working on putting an arsenal in the main base, so CONSIDER THIS A BREIFING

    -You'll spawn in the north west corner of the island you are defending. This is where your ground vehicles, such as HEMMT based vehicles, cars, Marshall, and Pawnee spawn. Timers for vehicles will be set to 5 minutes, and player respawn timers will be set to a minute.

    Command squad's goals: pick a spot for your defensive artillery and a place that overlooks most of the island. Battle "Command" Tower 3, a tower that is at the center of the island on a large hill, is a good place to achieve this, and even has a good clearing right next to it for the Mortar to set up. The tower also has a .50 mounted towards the bridge, a titan AT pointed in the same direction, and AA pointed in the cardinal directions. Use them at your discretion, and make sure you let your forces know where the enemy is coming from. It could be from anywhere!
    Squad 1: You are the main defensive line on the bridge. Expect the unexpected, as to the enemy will throw all they have at you. Stick in cover and on high ground: the enemy will have mortars that you might consider coordinating with squad 2 on how to deal with them. You'll have static AT and .50 in place, as well as allied Tanoan police forces to assist you. They aren't trained for this style of operation, but they'll help where they can.
    Squad 2: Your placement is dictated by your commander because you are the Quick Response Force. If your commander wants you to reinforce the bridge, do so. If the Marshall needs ammo, get the HEMMT ammo and assist them. If a plane is heard overhead and you see parachutes, ask your commander if you are to go mow them down. If boats are sited, you're the force that is to move out and take care of them. There are two other smaller bases on the east and west sides of the map that have a .50, so use them wisely.
    Marshall Crew: The commander dictates what you do, but the command squad can override and give you a new directive. There's a firing position on overwatch on the bridge that could be quite useful, however expect the same rules as the QRF.
    CAS: You're only allowed to fire if the commander tells you to. No Lone Wolfing, no going rogue, only do what the commander asks of you. If the rules are broken, I will add AA assets and you're going to have a bad time.

    CSAT Sniper team: You know what to do...
    -After the mission "officially" begins, you'll have roughly 10 minutes to explore your island and set up a defensive protocol. If you join the server early, you're allowed to freely explore the island until first contact, but NOT step foot on the larger island (Put simply, if you do, you're guaranteed to encounter bandits) After first contact, you MUST report to your squad leader ASAP.

    -Remember the side objective is risk vs. reward, and only will become available to do roughly 10 minutes into the mission after the first wave of mortar strikes. 
    -Brandenburg is the only one (other than some AI) that is allowed to wear a black beret. No one else may wear one, and Branden MUST wear one.
    Finish the job, and have fun!
  3. Like
    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in Operation Baywatch: July 18th (monday) 4:30pm EST/20:30 GMT   
    Cebi, I respect you and enjoy playing with you, but THIS is something that should be left out of such feedback and dealt with more privately.

    There were reasons that I was more critical of Brandenburg at the beginning of this Mission. These reasons are ones that we have discussed with him during previous conversations via Teamspeak when he has asked for feedback on why we are sometimes so harsh towards him.

    I will say no more on the subject in an open forum such as this, but am happy to explain it to you in private should you wish to understand.
  4. Like
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    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in CQB Event EU5 Sunday 24/7/16 17:00 GMT   
    Want us to put the word out when we see people on TS that might not spend much time in the forums?

    Well, i'm going to anyway... but yeah..
  6. Like
    Jocky reacted to Shadow in CQB Event EU5 Sunday 24/7/16 17:00 GMT   
    yeah same for me don't wanna miss out on the other fun. 
  7. Like
    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in CQB Event EU5 Sunday 24/7/16 17:00 GMT   
    Seems interesting - will this be finished before Liru's (Unofficial) Event as I don't want to miss that one.
  8. Like
    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in CQB Event EU5 Sunday 24/7/16 17:00 GMT   
    I thought Liru's was on the Sunday night...
    I'll definitely keep this in mind, will have to see how my FPS holds up.
  9. Like
    Jocky reacted to Colsta in Need Help Finding Arma 3 User ID   
    Just answer him.
    Go to your profile, default it's on Avatar. Click Unit, it's right there.
  10. Like
    Jocky reacted to Ezlann in Operation Cross Comms: 10/7/2016 (Sunday) 5:00 pm EST (21:00 GMT)   
    Gun for hire over here
  11. Like
    Jocky got a reaction from Yarys in Hello to all you Ahoyers   
    Welcome aboard Jimbo  Glad to see you on the forums 
  12. Like
    Jocky reacted to JimboSpike in Hello to all you Ahoyers   
    Hello everybody. Some of you may know me from playing on EU4, for those of you who don't I look forward to getting to know you in the future. I was debating for a long time if I should get Arma 3 and still couldn't decide until I saw one of Luetins streams. That was the deciding thing for me, as soon as I watched I knew I had to be a part of the action. Luckily for me the next day Arma was on sale at 75% off. Almost like it was meant to be. 
    Anyway I've been Playing for about 4 months now and play on Luetins games as often as I can but I am looking to play some more Arma with a group of people instead of random people on different servers not knowing anybody. Ahoyworld is perfect for this as I feel like i've already gotten to know several of the members/regular players. 
    I could rattle on and create a wall of text but I think i'll save that for another time.  Needless to say I'm glad to be here and looking forward to a future as part of this community. 
    I'll see you on the battlefield. JimboSpike
  13. Like
    Jocky reacted to Cebi in Air to Ground Cheese please!   
    Thanks you guys for liking this idea! It really shows how sick you all are .
    To  my knowladge, there is curently no offroad on Tanoa and Altis I&A bases suitable to be converted into FOOD. Luckily unarmed version of Prowler (and Qilin) have gunner seat where you can equip your launchers and fire away. These seats worked better for me as i could switch weapons freely, while in offroad i could not.
  14. Like
    Jocky reacted to Liru the Lcpl. in Air to Ground Cheese please!   
  15. Like
    Jocky reacted to Cebi in Air to Ground Cheese please!   
    I had used my sleepy brain and came up with idea which i would like to share with you all. You know that feeling, that after each side mission is complete you are hoping for some serious CAS vehicle to spawn? Well, you can stop hoping now becouse i have some Do It Yourself solution always available to you!

    I present you my genious invention which i call Flying Offroad Ordonance Dispenser (FOOD for shorts ).
    Step1: Get on teamspeak or form a squad to facilitate communications.
    Step2: Increase your view distance in vehicle (so you can engage and lock far targets).
    Step3: Take two (crazy) AT guys and loads of AT and AA missiles, which you shove in the trunk of an offroad.
    Step4: Soar in the sky and rain down AT missiles from safe distance.
    To be able to stand in the back with launcher ready to shoot i need to uneguip all weapons exept T-launcher, select turn out from action menu and then press "3".
  16. Like
    Jocky reacted to PiranhA in Air to Ground Cheese please!   
    Im not sure what stuff you'd took but it seems to have a good effect on ur brain. Can you tell me what stuff you smoked/injected/sniffed/smelled/ate? I want it too... 
  17. Like
    Jocky got a reaction from Drakoy in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    Yup,totally fixed.
    This one is just 0 gear (No gps,map,compass,radio,watch)

    This one is just a Lynx (No rounds in it)

    Just a M320 (No rounds in it)

    This is the best possible loadout for a sniper that you can have. (While still having some stamina)

    And i don't even want to start testing other classes (Marksman,AT,Autorifleman)
  18. Like
    Jocky reacted to fir_nev in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    Hoho! Am I reading this correctly?! U know our aircraft vehicles are grounded once there is AA Priority Target on the southern island(s), right? If the server is lightly populated, the AT guys definitely are the ones to try take out the aircraft.
    I wonder what is your username in-game... Wanna observe if U are a NATO (NO ACTION, TALK ONLY) guy.
  19. Like
    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    I'm not even going to bother responding to you after this because you seem to be either, attempting to troll, or just purposely NOT reading and understanding.
    The point of posting this stuff in this thread (so that it gets a constructive discussion going with good ideas for balancing) is being derailed, and as such after this post,
    I am not going to continue this discussion with you any longer.


    How else are you supposed to take down an Air threat in EU#2 right now if not with Titan Launchers?
    THERE ARE NO AA JETS or Helos...
    It was also on an island so we couldn't drive a vehicle to attack it...


    Taking out a VTOL takes 4 missles...
    One AT guy can carry 2 missles if they want to stay mobile...
    (Luckily I was able to bait it back to base, which was not my intention, and one of the guys in TS with me activated the Base AA)

    @Amentes brings up a GREAT point that if 2 guys work together you can bring down an Air Target,
    but it requires twce as many missles.

    That means, to bring down a VTOL you will need 2 AT guys and 2 guys with spare missles...
    Late at night/Early morning when there are so few people on, that is HALF the server population,
    just to ATTEMPT to take down a single VTOL.
    AND - they must be communicating with each other effectively...
    A very difficult and usually impossible task in the early hours of the morning with brand new public players who don't use TS and aren't paying attention to, or are unable to understand, the messages you send via the in-game chat.


    Again, going to point this out ONE LAST TIME....

    This isn't about a full/half full server with groups of players.
    This is about a low population server with at most 10 people.
  20. Like
    Jocky reacted to Amentes in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    Recommend two AA gunners, one firing two seconds after the first. 2nd missile will likely not be flared in this case
  21. Like
    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    You shouldn't going making assumptinons about other people JuX...
    Especially ones you've never played with.

    I use the ASP on Tanoa, not the Lynx.
    I have multiple loadouts for Tanoa (with the Stamina system)
    We've been testing different loadouts for quite some time now, as we tend to stick to minimal equipment and work as a team.

    FYI, the ASP Kir, is a Specialist Weapon for Close-Medium range combat 200-400m... not for a Sniping role.

    Not many people tend to run as Spotters, they all want to be Snipers, and therefore, Snipers do have to take things that they wouldn't usually need to... like Rangefinder/more Ammunition.
    IT IS A PUBLIC SERVER and therefore people can't always rely on others, ESPECIALLY when the server is less populated.

    PLEASE READ FULLY before responding also - I was talking about the ARTILLERY/MORTAR LoS, not the Infantry.. I clearly stated that in my post.

    I suggest from this point on you don't act all high-and-mighty with your replies, and instead read, digest, take the information provided into account, if you don't know someone elses play style, do not make assumptions and talk down to them, because guess what... THEIR opinion is just as valid as yours.

    Final note.
    Not everyone coming to AW servers is going to have a group of people they know and trust well enough to rely on, and will therefore play the game until they get to grips with it, and make new friends within the community.
    Making it difficult for those NEW players is going to impact how things run.

    These are just the views of some players, myself and others, on things that should be looked at in order to keep AW as a 'go-to' place for players wanting a fun and inclusive experience from ARMA.

    Trying to belittle such opinions and invalidate their information and suggestions only leads to a more exclusive and restrictive community, which is not the aim of the staff here at AW.
  22. Like
    Jocky reacted to Liru the Lcpl. in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    I agree completely with you, but again, I have to throw this in here: "this is EU2" 
    Its a public vanilla server with some allowed mods and plugins. If you heavilly restrict it too much to promote realistic gameplay, you're ALSO going to have negative externalities, such as a lessened playerbase. Too short of a playerbase and, as I said and showed before, some operations within the server become borderline impossible.
    Not everyone joins I o a server with friends. Some people join into a server to do their own thing, supporting others, some join to find friends, etc. It's a range. 
    Also, not everyone's going to want to be a "support role" ESPECIALLY on EU 1 or 2 (go look at the chopper repair thread if you don't kown what I mean). It's already hard to have a pub take a repair specialist role, so imagine how freaking hard it will be to ask someone: "hey, can you outfit your auto rifleman role or squad leader role to be me assistant AT Specialist or assistant autorifleman role? There's no way in heck a pub would do that: they're just there for the action themselves.
    ON TOP OF THAT you're going to have to be WITHIN THEIR ROLE TO TAKE AMMO FOR THEM because of how the new gun system works. You have to take the weapon to then bring ammo for it but if it's not in your class it will be removed. Imagine asking an AT Specialist to just bring missiles for you because if they brought a launcher themselves you'd lose out on an extra 2 missiles to bring. Have that go for you.
    Gotta think long term and all of the issue lay. I'm curious to see how these changes will affect new people coming to play on EU 2. Only time will tell
    Sent from my phone with a beach side view.
  23. Like
    Jocky reacted to Liru the Lcpl. in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    Screw it, I gotta call it as I see it. No more jokes.
    What you're describing is a perfect scenario of a spotter and sniper coordinating properly. In that same scenario, AT gunners also have assistant AT specialists that carry the missiles that the specialists can carry to even out the weight load. On a millsim or EU 3 server, I would completely agree this. HOWEVER...

    This is EU 2! A server where your enemy is extremely mobile and will immediately start pressing onto your position at a quick rate! you NEED to be at least somewhat mobile to evade your enemy, and GOD HELP YOU if the enemy has artillery!
    Seriously, If artillery comes up now, the server becomes UNPLAYABLE unless you have a massive fource to counter them. That force also must be mobile to evade artillery and still have enough firepower to completely take them out. I mean, watch this:

    HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: 2:15-2:45, 8:00-8:30, and 15:10-15:35

    Look @Jocky and his pics, especially with his "best load out for the weight" one. O_O is all I have to give to that. Before I made the video linked above there was this other guy, this pub who was probably in the server for the first time, who kept having to go back and fourth from the arsenal and 10 feet away because he either lost an item from the class system of he couldn't do anything past walking, and he wasn't in a ghillie suit and had a Bergen backpack. Nope, he just had a standard class load out on and a field pack, and he could not, for the life of him, figure out a loud out that could suit him. So what did he do? he left. left and most likely will never come back because he'll find somewhere else.


    This needs to be kept in mind here if these changes are going to be permanent in the public servers. EU 2 is a public server for the casuals, as I have said, and Ahoyworld is supposed to be a community that welcomes all playstyles, right? How are you going to grow a playerbase for casual arma 3 players with such tight restrictions?


    I'm with @xSniper1982 on this one. This is a step in the right direction, but it still requires some heavy tweaking, such as taking base equipment like cloths, vests, helmets,  and all of your other base gear and editing their default weight. Something like a 50% off their base weight so you can at least HAVE a standard military grade load out and be able to at least sprint around in dashes when you need them the most.
    Just my two cents. Feel free to try to counter but before you do I'll ask two questions from you...
    1. Have you played on EU 2 before these new changes and with these new changes?
    2. Did you play with a large group of players during server "prime time" or with a small fireteam or even squad sized element?

    Seriously, your argument for or against the new changes will solely depend on your answer for those two questions. I guarantee it.
  24. Like
    Jocky reacted to xSniper1982 in Reinstate Weight/Fatigue on EU1-2 and 4   
    Ideally yes, this would be true.

    However, this is ARMA, the Artillery/Mortars etc. DO NOT take line of sight/cover into consideration, they just auto select a target and begin to fire. This means, even a Sniper who hasn't been spotted can become the target of an Arty strike...

    A Snipers Rifle alone takes around 40-50% of his max Stamina.
    Add to that a Uniform/Ammo and you have used approx 60-70% of your Max Stamina.
    Taking a vest/backpack to HOLD that ammo etc takes another 10-15% Max stamina.
    (Note... This loadout does not include FAKs, Sidearm, Smokes, Rangefinder, Headgear, NVGs, Second Optic etc)

    If you get targeted by AI Arty you can't just move a few meters and hide behind a wall etc... the shells will follow your path. I have tried it, A few months back in EU#2 on Altis, I ran when the warning of Arty fire was given and did not stop moving for 20secs... Even then the Arty fire tracked the route I had taken and still killed me.

    AGAIN I will reiterate this is WITHOUT them having line-of-sight etc. So you cannot just move to nearest cover, you have to KEEP MOVING until the barrage has ended, which with only 10-20% Stamina is extremely difficult.

    As I also stated before, I am not saying it should be removed, but there needs to be some adjustments in one place or another (equipment weight/AI Arty tracking etc) to allow for those on the ground that ARE carrying such heavy gear to be able to run when needed.
  25. Like
    Jocky got a reaction from Yarys in AHOY to all   
    Welcome to the community Yarys   
    Hope to save your life a couple of times more  
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